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Pokémon Stadium Info

Here are some cool features of Pokémon Stadium

Pokémon Stadium is a game where up to 4 players can duke it out on the n64.Pokémon Stadium 1 will not be coming to North America.Instead Pokémon Stadium 2 will be.The game is more inproved.It allows you to play as any one of the 150 pokémon.You can also play as Mew.But what if you want to use your old pokémon from trhe Gameboy game?Well Stadium 2will allow you to download pokémon from the gameboy game onto the n64!There will also be mini games that you can play like the rattata race.Rumour has it that Pokémon Stadium 2 won't be here until March 2000.We can only hope this isn't true.Pokéon Stadium will be the very first 4-player RPG game.Some of the type's of games you can play on Stadim 2 are Tournament,minigames,and 1 on 1.There are more.I just don't know them.Well Dat's allThank You.