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Tr Character Guide

Welcome to the TR character Guide!DON DON DON!These are the so called bad guys in the show."SO CALLED"Well enjoy.


Jessie is a member of Team Rocket.Duh!She has Arbok and Likitung with her.She rather battle then eat.(Unlike James and Meowth)She is probably the meanest member of Team Rocket.(That's a good thing)Some say she's 12 but she's really 17


James is pretty whiny and usually hungry but when he's not chowing down or complaining to Jessie he can be a pretty good member.He usually counts on other people to do his work.His dream is to catch 150 pokemon.His family is ich.James owns Weezing,Growlithe,and Victeebel.Does he still have Victreebel.James's worst nightmare has got to be Jessiebell.He is also 17.


Meowth seems to come up with most of the plans.He also likes to eat but not as much as James.Meowth learned to talk while trying to impress a lady Meowth.Meowth sometimes he forgets he's a pokemon.What doesn't make sence is Meowth's a cat.Pikachu's a mouse.Shouldn't Meowth be able to defeat pikachu.Cat vs. Mouse.Meowth's voice resembles a gang leader.His age is unkown.

The Boss

The Boss hasn't been revealed yet but is truly Giovanni.He is the Boss of Team Rocket.He replaced a Persian for Meowth.Awwww.He hasn't been seen much.He has a deep voice.This guy is defeintly filled with evil.


Jessie's first pokemon was Ekans.It has now evolved into Arbok.It usually loses.Ekans evolved into Arbok to help Jessie capture pokemon.Arbok is evil because Jessie is evil.Arbok seems to say Charbok when it talks


Koffing's owner is James.It was actually the 2nd pokémon James caught.He evolved at the exact same time as Arbok.Koffing/Weezing usually uses smoke attacks.Weezing sees to say Weweezing.