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<-- This is the most recent photo I have. The sun burnt but happy guy there is me. This was taken on my October 2005 trip to Virginia Beach, Virginia. I can't wait to go back, hopefully some time in 2006. I may even be interested in relocating to Virginia.

Welcome to my web site. This is just one of a few web sites I have on the net. This is my most personal site where I can relax and tell you who I really am. Here you can find pictures and some personal info about the guy behind these sites. I will try to keep it short and simple and hopefully without boring you to tears. I am hoping you might even want to email me when you are through looking at these pages. So please take some time to visit this site and some of the others that I have put together. It may help you to really get to know me a little better. Thanks for stopping by and don't be affraid to email me if you have questions or comments.

About Tim...

My name is Tim and I am now 47 years old, and I live in a small town in South-western New York state. If you didn't figure it out already, yes I am GAY. Actually I don't have any real big hang ups with being gay. I am out to many people, but there are some who have to just guess as to my sexuality. Especially some people at work. I just try to keep my sexuality "low key" at work.
I am single and I am kinda searching for my soulmate. It is not that I prefer to be single, it's just that cupid has played some mean tricks on me in the past. I maybe one of a very few out there in the gay world that really likes being in a real relationship. I like the sense of security a good relationship can provide. Oh, and I like to cuddle also.
Being single, I have grown tired of meeting jerks, dealing with game players, and putting up with all the gay drama and BS out there. In all honesty there are times I get very sick of the whole "gay thing". Because I don't live in a big city, finding a nice single gay man out here is difficult to say the least. In the past I thought a couple of times I had met Mr. right. It turned out to be so wrong.

Work, work, work!
It is possible that me being single is partially because I just work too damn much. Right now my life is mostly dedicated to my full time job as a lab tech in the food industry. I tend to put in quite a few hours a week. I also do some basic computer tutoring on the side. I am also a single homeowner and that can be a whole other job in itself. For those of you who own a home, I am sure you know exactly what I talking about.

A few years back I went back and took a couple of college courses. It was great, and I did very well in the computer classes. I finally went back again in the spring of 2002 and the spring of 2004 and took more computer courses. I am still interested in taking even more classes hopefully again this fall. Unfortunately time and money have come up short lately and I have not been taking any classes recently.

My Social life
Social life? What's that? My social life is basically just doing different things with my friends. Most of my friends are straight though. Not that there is a problem with that, sometimes I just think Gay friends tend to better understand the situation we are in and what we go through.
I am not into the gay lifestyle or the bar scene. Don't get me wrong, I do go out to a gay bar once in a while. However, I am not holding my breath that my prince charming will be waiting for me there. My personal opinion here is that gay bars sometimes carry a lot of "attitude" in them. I don't handle "attitude" well. So where is my knight in shining armour anyways?

Well what can I say? I have been in a couple of relationships and I have gotten hurt a couple of times. The last two were particularly hurtful. At this point I have built a few walls and I need "prince charming" to help me break them down. It will probably take me awhile to "trust" again.
I am also looking more for "Mr. Right" than I am "Mr. Right Now!" In all honesty I would like a relationship. My luck however hasn't been real good meeting that special someone. Don't get me wrong I do occasionally get horny and settle for "Mr. Right Now."

What am I looking for in a man?
My "prince charming" should be a guy who is in good shape and between the ages of 25-50 years old. Age is not the soul "factor" here. I need someone who is at least doing something with his life, either working or going to school. He must also enjoy a variety of different activities. My future "prince" must also have a great sense of humor and be a loving, caring individual. I like the quiet sensitive type. Also he must be single and willing to commit if things do work out.
I am not looking for game players, liars, or drunks. I have dealt with them before and don't have much patience for that shit. Grow Up! Also, I am not looking to be anyone's sugar daddy here either.

There you have it. Some of my honest true feelings about being gay, what I am looking for, and some of my life's experiences. If you like what you read, lets talk. Follow my email link located further into my web site.


AGE: 47 Yikes!

On the following pages I have a list of some of my intrest & favorite activities. Also posted are some links, cartoons, and more pictures. TO CONTINUE your tour just click the "Jumping Fishes" down below!