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I have been asked to maintain the Theory-of-God site, which is the site of the Cosmic Field Paradigm foundation. The C.F.P. site could be called the official Denaerde site. The site sells the Pyramid model CD-Rom, which contains very detailed technical information on this exciting new theory of physics.

The focus of this personal site is now mainly on the theory received by Denaerde. 
References to similar material can be found in the references link. Also I will add sections about consequences of the theory, as I see them. This will include sections on our possible future, based on Denaerde, but also based on the Bible, current channeled material, etc. There will be a section with some new ideas on old problems, like the workings of the brain, DNA, parapsychology, etc.

This site will try to explain a new physics based on different understanding of TIME.
Time is an illusion, as mystical sources have always said, but now I hope to show that this illusion is tightly coupled with matter and the universe as we know it.
Studying the available evidence I cannot but conclude that time is a 3 dimensional phenomena, with information flows forward, backward and sideward in 'time'.
