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My Personal Inspirations

We all need inspiration from time to time... something that touches our heart,or that makes us proud to be us, or that makes sense of confusion. This page is dedicated to some of the authors(3), on-line sites, (and a few other things too) that have inspired me so far. I hope something here touches your heart too. (note: the following links can be irresistable side-trackers, so be sure to bookmark this

Inspirational Authors

portraitAhhhhh....Kahlil Gibran. My favorite philosopher who said "when love beckons to you follow him...when he speaks believe...though his voice may shatter your dreams...all these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of life's heart..."(-The Prophet). To see an excellent Gibran site full with "The Prophet" online book,his works,his art, biography, and moreclick here.

photoMaya Angelou is one of the phenomenal women in our country who has led an amazingly full life. She is full of strength,poetic poise, and makes me proud to spell my name w-o-m-a-n. She is insightful and outspoken on thousands of issues so it is hard for me to summarize her work, but here is a quote from an interview she gave back in the year I was born. "At 16 I desperately wanted to go to college. But at 16 I had a child. I wasn't married, and I had to take care of my baby...I read a lot, and watched people a lot,...I would compare one person with another and I'd think, I'd rather be like him. I'd like to be at ease and graceful and gracious. I'd like to be like that. My contention is that we are all teachers and students, and people taught me who never even knew my name, and never even realized they had the responsibility of teaching someone."(-Conversations With Maya Angelou)

photoDeepak Chopra is one of the leading doctor/scientists in the world. His focus is on healing the combined elements of the mind, body, and soul. This quote is a bit long, but has great meaning: "The universal mind choreographs everything that is happening in billions of galaxies with elegant precision and unfaltering intelligence. Its intelligence is ultimate and supreme, and it permeates every fiber of existence: ...from the atom to the cosmos. Everything that is alive is an expression of this intelligence...We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile."(-The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success)
I visit this site often. It is Deepak's homepage, and includes his bio, a forum, a quiz on love and here.

magazine coverThere are many great magazines out there. The one that manages to really make me feel inspired is Life. It's goal is not necessarily to inspire, but to take an honest look into the face of humanity.

Provoking Movies

Some are more into movies than books, so here are my picks on in-depth, thought-provoking, and inspiring movies(on video).

Inspiration at my feet

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This page is Copyright & copy; 1999, Jennifer Coole

Last revision: 2.7.99