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This section is pictures,pictures,and more pictures. There's me, my family, scenery from my hometown and some of my artwork. To save time downloading the pics have been decreased in resolution, and are split into sections. (You can click "next" at the bottom of each page) Enjoy!

this is me- jen (alias raindancer)

a little jen trivia :)
*i love to read
*my hair reaches down to my butt
*i always wish i could be doing 20 more things in a day
*i can't remember the last time i had a full nights sleep
*i hit a parked car last year (dented the back door, and was very embarrassed)
*i found 12 lost relatives on the internet this year (2 uncles + families)
*it might sound funny, but if i were an animal i'd be a cross between a dolphin and a bumble bee.

my angel-babies

*baby trivia*

*Mayim (3)says "mucus" instead of "music".
*she started asking me if she could go to school at the age of 2 1/2.
*she also wants to go to the moon.
*she ran around the house trying to get me to chase her. i waited on the other side of the house to surprise her, but she never showed. after 10 minutes of calling out and looking, i found her inside of the neighbors dog house.

*Gabriel (10 months) was born within a half an hour after arriving at the hospital.
*he says da-da all day, but only says ma-ma when he is crying.
*he laughs when his sister puts food on his head.
*he seems to ignore other babies.

my other half -david (also known as jester)

*david trivia!!!!!!!* HA!

*if he was an animal, i think he would be a cross between a wolf and a hyena!
*he gave our daughter the middle name of "Cherub" after she was born.
*he usually chooses the path least travelled.
*he likes to help people.
*he owns a book titled "how to argue and win every time".
*he never wins arguments with me ...hehe.
*he wrestled down an armed robber at my workplace, and held him until the police arrived!
*people agree he is a skilled carpenter.
*he says he would volunteer to be cloned, but wouldn't volunteer to be the first man to have a baby.


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Last revision: 8.27.00

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