The following page is dedicated to my horse, Just Kate or "Katie". Katie is a seven year old Thoroughbred mare by Gentle King and out of Running Staff (daughter of Staff Writer).
![]() ![]() Above: Katie and I jumping (on left), Katie snoozing (on right). Far right: Bundled up.
![]() The Thoroughbred horse originated in England in the late 17th century. This breed is well known for it's speed and stamina and is now the most popular breed of race horse in the world. For well over a 150 years, the Thoroughbred has served primarily as a race horse in the United States, whether it be on dirt, grass or steeple chase. However, the agility and athletic prowess of this horse has allowed it to flourish in other sports as well. The Thoroughbred breed is not only popular for riding and showing, but it is all over the jumping and eventing scene too. Because these horses have a place outside of the race track, it should be easier to find them homes after their short racing careers have ended. However, many race horses end their careers with cripling injuries, because they were raced too young and for too long. Some owners make the mistake of racing a horse until they break down and then selling them to slaughter houses. If these horses were allowed to quit while they were ahead, they could have been sold as riding horses and given good homes. Fortunately, there are rescue leagues who's sole purpose is to save horses from the slaughter houses, rehabilitate them and find them loving owners. Many former race horses will make great riding horses and even injured ones could make nice pets and be able to do light riding after they are shown a lot of love by an experienced horse person!
Techable Devil "Dallas" was also a 5 year old TB off the track. She had a decent racing career until she flipped over in the starting gate and injured her hip. My parents bought her for me when I was only 10 years old, so I was not strong enough or experienced enough to show her. However, she was a gentle riding horse with lovely gates. In a few years, she was a wonderful mother! Had no one bought Dallas, she would have gone to slaughter. |