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sewing scissors

Sewing scissors are synonymous with pinking shears which are designed to cut fabric. According to Jewish belief, women are considered to be dirty or flawed since they were tempted by the Devil and ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge and because they convinced Adam to do the same. So they are considered responsible for Original Sin and the "Expulsion from Paradise". As such during sexual intercourse the man is not allowed to have physical contact with the woman with the exception of genitalia which is obviously necessary to have sex. Sex in the Jewish faith is soley for procreation, and expressly not for enjoyment. So in order to maintain the no contact rule Jews have to place a sheet between them. In order to allow access for the man's penis, a hole is cut in the middle of the sheet. Thus the need for pinking shears or sewing scissors.

Historically speaking the jews of Europe and even in New York depended on crafts such tailory.because in Europe they where not allowed to own land


special thanks to mike and his friend cristopher Sikora for providing this piece of information