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annie christian
Equippe Ecosse

No, that woman from Channel 5 hasn't released an album. annie christian (note no capitals!) are in fact a male fronted, four-piece indie rock outfit, who must be rubbing their hands in anticipation as Twilight is let loose on the public. Just in case you were wondering.

For a debut, Twilight oozes confidence and swaggering charm. Imagine a young Marion with a brash, flare-wearing twist and you'd be close. But not close enough. This band clearly have many strings to their bow.

Opener Love This Life balloons from a crackly bass riff into a full-on, Crosstown Traffic stamped musical minefield that leaves most other bland indie combos standing; clearly, you're in for a treat with this album from the very start.

annie christian seem to have stumbled upon the secret of modern songwriting... just as a chorus or melody gets a teensy bit repetitive, the whole song flips as a huge 70's wig-out riff takes control and saves the day, new single Kiss The Day Goodbye being a prime example. This band are evidently not one to descend into the (asphalt) world of hugely self-indulgent ten minute noisathons with obscure samples laid over the top... keep it simple and keep it good.

Twilight could be one of the coolest albums you'll hear all year. It could herald the start of the end to wanky, boring songs by self-obsessed bands. Or it could end up largely ignored, along with so many new bands fighting to get noticed. But it's a damned good album and varied too, but most memorable for its majority of mostly anthemic and catchy songs that go at a ridiculously blistering pace.

I just feel sorry for the drummer.

9/10 Karl Cremin

Album Reviews
The Music Bar