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Mona Lisa Overdrive

After spending over 20 years in the music industry in some form or other, this is the first proper "solo" album from Nick Claird-Lowe (aka Trashmonk), and upon listening to it it's not hard to see why.

Mona Lisa Overdrive is a mixed bag of samples, keyboards and scratchy vocals all huddling desperately under the "experimental" category, and sadly not doing any justice to it whatsoever.

Musically, Trashmonk are a poor man's Beta Band; there are none of those great hound dog choruses, and that unique crack-open-a-beer atmosphere is nowhere to be found, leaving the listener stranded in a bewildering world of boring songs that are badly produced. The only time when when this album shows a glint of potential is when the music reverts to the tried and tested "One man and his battered guitar" format; hardly "experimental".

This man sang backing vocals on the last T-Rex album and knew John Lennon, so it's a surprise that Mona Lisa Overdrive is such a letdown. Possibly an "Emperor's New Clothes" cult will arise, praising Trashmonk as the best thing since sliced bread, but don't believe it for a second.

You could find use for this CD as a door stop, but you probably wouldn't want to be seen with this album within a mile of your house.

Game of Frisbee, anyone?

3/10 Karl Cremin

Album Reviews
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