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The Roofdog Poll Frenzy

Make your opinions known!

Yup indeedy, it's time you sat up straight in your chair, put that cup of tea back on the doyley and swallowed that last bit of scone, 'cos now's your chance to get noisy, opinionated and damned passionate about music with the legendary roofdog polls page!! The polls are below... you know what you need to do. Good luck!!
Right, just say that there was just the one custard pie, and it's not big enough to catch the heads (and egos) of pop's finest (or worst, depending on your phrasing) who would you fling your flan at? 'King of Pop' Robbie Williams, Squeaky Clean crooners Westlife, the terminally talent-starved Mel C or the appallingly appalling Hear'say? Ladies and gents, the choice is yours. Fire away...
...Now it's the indiekids' turn to battle it out in the Roofdog Acropolis... Everyone owns at least one of these albums; don't try and deny it. But which one was the best, standing the test of time and now surviving as a funpark of talent amongst a wasteland of forgotten tripe? We can't fit all the best ones here, but we've tried to include as many as we can.

Which questions would you like to hold a vote on? Mail us with your ideas at

The Music Bar