Results from Downers Grove North High School! (11/6/99)
The whole darn team placed: 4th!!!!
1st place
Novice: Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
Speech!Dramatic Duet Acting-- Elizabeth Dampf + Dan Garcia
2nd place
Novice: Verse Reading-- Elizabeth Dampf
Speech !Impromptu Speaking-- Kelly Smith
Speech !Radio Speaking-- Monica Walker
Speech !Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry
Varsity: Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
3rd place
Novice: Humorous Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Becky Ebeling
Speech!Impromptu Speaking-- Amy Jalouga
Speech!Special Occasion Speaking-- Morgan Beyer
Varsity: Special Occasion Speaking-- Joe DeVenuto
4th place
Varsity: Verse Reading-- Laura Louie
5th place
Novice: Humorous Interpretation-- Mike Piszynski
Varsity: Oratorical Declamation-- Amy Keele
Speech!Dramatic Interpretation-- Lauren Haselberger
Novice: Oratorical Declamation-- Nikki Lukes
Speech!Oratorical Declamation-- Sabe Sheikh
Speech!Radio Speaking-- Susan Davisson
Varsity: Humorous Interpretation-- Andrew Kudla
Results from Downers Grove South High School! (11/13/99) (Novice)
1st place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Elizabeth Dampf + Dan Halloway (Straight 1's!!!)
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler (Straight 1's!!!)
Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry (Straight 1's!!!)
2nd place
Prose Reading-- Tanya Miari
3rd place
Humorous Interpretation-- Mike Piszynski
Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
Dramatic Interpretation-- Suraj Madoori
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
Results from Wheaton North High School! (11/13/99)
The whole darn team placed: 6th !!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
4th place
Original Comedy-- Jean Ann Stanula
6th place
Verse Reading-- Laura Louie
Impromptu Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Results from (Turkey Tourney) Thornton High School! (11/20/99)
The whole darn team placed: 4th !!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Impromptu Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Prose Reading-- Gina Guarino
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
Dramatic Interpretation-- Anne Blankman
Humorous Interpretation-- Mike Piszynski
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Original Comedy-- Jean Stanula
Oratorical Declamation-- Amy Keele
Original Oratory-- Mark Perry
Prose Reading-- Mark Perry
Radio Speaking-- Monica Walker
Verse Reading-- Laura Louie
Results from SICA Novice! (Carl Sandburg High School) (11/23/99)
The whole darn team placed: 1st in SICA West and 2nd in Conference!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kelly Carden
Impromptu Speaking-- Kelly Smith
2th place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Elizabeth Dampf + Dan Halloway
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Chris Prokop
Humorous Duet Acting-- Jenni Lindberg + Kevin Basset
Humorous Interpretation-- Jackie Levine
Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry
Special Occasion Speaking-- Morgan Beyer
3rd place
Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Original Oratory-- Jenna Saric
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
4th place
Humorous Interpretation-- Mike Piszynski
Oratorical Declamation-- Nikki Lukes
Original Oratory-- Sami Ahmed
5th place
Oratorical Declamation-- Sabe Sheikh
Verse Reading-- Elizabeth Dampf
6th place
Prose Reading-- Tanya Miari
Results from Bradley University! (12/4/99- 12/5/99)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Impromptu Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
Original Comedy-- Jean Stanula
Special Occasion Speaking-- Joey DeVenuto
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Special Occasion Speaking-- Dan Swiatek
4th place
Original Comedy-- Ben Helton
5th place
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
6th place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Anne Blankman + Natalie Tinaglia
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Humorous Interpretation-- Joey DeVenuto
Original Oration- Amy Keele
Original Oration-- Mark Perry
Prose Reading-- Jessica Hiss
Verse Reading-- Laura Louie
Top Novices
Prose Reading-- Tanya Miari
Original Comedy-- Ben Helton
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
Individual Sweeps
2nd Place-- Joey DeVenuto
Results from (Santaburg-Oaklaus) Oak Lawn Community High School! (12/10/99)
The whole darn team placed: (Pseudo) 3rd!!!!
1st place
Impromptu Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
2nd place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Prose Reading-- Gina Guarino
Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry
Original Oratory-- M. Joseph Perry
3rd place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
4th place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Impromptu Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
6th place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Anne Blankman
Original Oratory-- Amy Keele
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kelly Carden
Impromptu Speaking-- Alisha Bhatia
Results from (Tree Tourney) Thornridge High School! (12/11/99)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd!!!!
1st place
Impromptu Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
2nd place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kate Rockwood
Prose Reading-- Gina Guarino
3rd place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Original Comedy-- Pat Carberry
Radio Speaking-- Alisha Bhatia
Humorous Duet Acting-- Leah Wessman + Joey DeVenuto
Special Occasion Speaking-- Joey DeVenuto
Verse Reading-- Laura Louie
Results from (T-Shirt Tourney) Thornwood High School! (1/15/00)
The whole darn team placed: 4th!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking- Kate Rockwood
2nd place
Dramatic Duet Acting- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Humorous Interpretation- Leah Wessman
Original Comedy- Lindsay Casper
3rd place
Impromptu Speaking- Kate Rockwood
4th place
Humorous Duet Acting- Joey DeVenuto + Leah Wessman
Radio Speaking- Alisha Bhatia
Original Comedy- Pat Carberry
5th place
Extemporaneous Speaking- Steve Ford
Humorous Duet Acting- Lindsay Casper + Jean Stanula
Oratorical Declamation- Amy Keele
Extemporaneous Speaking- Kelly Carden
Dramatic Interpretation- Lauren Haselberger
Dramatic Duet Acting- Natalie Tinaglia + Anne Blankman
Prose Reading- Justine Wisz
Verse Reading- Laura Louie
Results from Lincoln-Way High School! (1/22/00)
The whole darn team placed: 4th!!!!
3rd place
Original Comedy- Phil Sadler
Original Comedy- Ben Helton
Prose Reading- Justine Wisz
Results from Downers Grove South High School! (1/21/00-1/22/00)
The whole darn team placed: 5th!!!!
1st place
Impromptu Speaking- Kate Rockwood
2nd place
Humorous Interpretation- Leah Wessman
Extemporaneous Speaking- Kate Rockwood
6th place
Impromptu Speaking- Hemant Mehta
Original Oratory- Mark Perry
Dramatic Duet Acting- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Dramatic Duet Acting- Lauren Haselberger + Monica Barkman
Dramatic Interpretation- Anne Blankman
Extemporaneous Speaking- Steve Ford
Humorous Duet Acting- Joey DeVenuto + Leah Wessman
Impromptu Speaking- Alisha Bhatia
Oratorical Declamation- Jessica Hiss
Results from Conference (Shepard High School)! (1/29/00)
The whole darn team placed: 1st in SICA West and 2nd in Conference!!!!
1st place
Dramatic Interpretation- Anne Blankman
Humorous Duet Acting- Leah Wessman + Joey DeVenuto
Humorous Interpretation- Leah Wessman
Extemporaneous Speaking- Steve Ford
Impromptu Speaking- Hemant Mehta
Special Occasion Speaking- Joey DeVenuto
3rd place
Extemporaneous Speaking- Kate Rockwood
Humorous Duet Acting- Lindsay Casper + Jean Stanula
Impromptu Speaking- Kate Rockwood
Original Comedy- Lindsay Casper
Verse Reading- Laura Louie
Prose Reading- Gina Guarino
4th place
Oratorical Declamation- Hemant Mehta
5th place
Humorous Interpretation- Natalie Tinaglia
6th place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Anne Blankman + Natalie Tinaglia
Results from Regionals (Carl Sandburg High School)! (2/5/00)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd!!!!
1st place
Impromptu Speaking- Kate Rockwood
Verse Reading- Laura Louie
2nd place
Extemporaneous Speaking- Kate Rockwood
Humorous Duet Acting- Leah Wessman + Joey DeVenuto
Humorous Interpretation- Leah Wessman
Original Oratory- Mark Perry
Performance in the Round
Special Occasion Speaking- Joey DeVenuto
3rd place
Dramatic Duet Acting- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Dramatic Interpretation- Anne Blankman
Original Comedy- Lindsay Casper
4th place
Oratorical Declamation- Amy Keele
Prose Reading- Gina Guarino
Results from Sectionals (Oak Lawn Community High School)! (2/12/00)
Dramatic Interpretation-- David Sabotka
Dramatic Interpretation-- Erin Henry
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Matt Gonwa
Humorous Interpretation-- Jon Mladic
Oratorical Declamation-- Nina Mehta
Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
Results from Wheaton North High School! (11/11/00)
The whole darn team placed: 3rd!!!!
1st place
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
2nd place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Oratorical Declamation-- Steve Ford
3rd place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Dramatic Interpretation-- David Sabotka
Dramatic Interpretation-- Erin Henry
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Matt Gonwa
Humorous Interpretation-- Jon Mladic
Oratorical Declamation-- Nina Mehta
Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
Results from (Turkey Tourney) Thornton High School! (11/18/00)
The whole darn team placed: 4th!!!!
1st place
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Teresa Rende + Dan Holloway
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Original Oration-- Nadima Zegar
Prose Reading-- Lauren Chessare
Prose Reading-- Justine Wisz
Results from SICA Novice! (T.F. North High School) (11/21/00)
The whole darn team placed: 1st in SICA West and 1st in Conference!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Pat Smith
Humorous Interpretation-- Jon Mladic
Humorous Interpretation-- Bekeela Watson
Impromptu Speaking-- Teresa Rende
Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
Special Occasion Speaking-- Jason Pietrucha
Dramatic Interpretation-- David Sabotka
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Matt Gonwa
Humorous Duet Acting-- Lauri Eggert + Ryan Murphy
Verse Reading-- Stephen Hendricks
3rd place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Erin Henry
Impromptu Speaking-- Elise Melrose
Oratorical Declamation-- Nina Mehta (Unofficial 2nd place due to critique error)
Original Oratory-- Jackie Desmond
Radio Speaking-- Jessica Brtva
Original Comedy-- Matt Schroeder
Prose Reading-- Eric Labanauskas
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Humorous Interpretation-- Jon Mladic
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Pat Carberry
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Humorous Duet Acting-- Steve Desmond + Dan Swiatek
Impromptu Speaking-- Teresa Rende
Original Oratory-- Maressa Brown
Original Oratory-- Dan Swiatek
Radio Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Verse Reading-- Elizabeth Dampf
Results from (T-Shirt Tourney) Thornwood High School! (1/13/01)
The whole darn team placed: 6th!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Humorous Duet Acting-- Lauri Eggert + Ryan Murphy
Impromptu Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Original Oratory-- Nadima Zegar
3rd place
Impromptu Speaking-- Teresa Rende
4th place
Humorous Interpretation-- Jon Mladic
Original Comedy-- Mike Piszynski
Radio Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
6th place
Verse Reading-- Kristine Heiting
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
Special Occasion Speaking-- Steve Desmond
Next Outs
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Lisa Berube + Eric Labanauskas
Humorous Interpretation-- Andrew Kudla
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Prose Reading-- Megan Harrington
Prose Reading-- Nadima Zegar
Results from Lincoln-Way High School! (1/20/01)
The whole darn team placed: 5th!!!!
3rd place
Prose Reading-- Justine Wisz
5th place
Original Comedy-- Ben Helton
Verse Reading-- Stephen Hendricks
Results from Downers Grove South High School! (1/19/01-1/20/01)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
3rd place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Radio Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
4th place
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Teresa Rende + Dan Holloway
Humorous Duet Acting-- Natalie Tinaglia + Dan Swiatek
Humorous Interpretation-- Natalie Tinaglia
Impromptu Speaking-- Teresa Rende
Original Comedy-- Mike Piszynski
Original Oratory-- Maressa Brown
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
Results from Conference (Shepard High School)! (1/27/01)
The whole darn team placed: 1st in SICA West and 2nd in Conference!!!!
1st place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Original Oration-- Nadima Zegar
Radio Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
3rd place
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Oratorical Declamation-- Steve Ford
Verse Reading-- Kristine Heiting
4th place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
5th place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
6th place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Elizabeth Dampf
Results from Regionals (Oak Lawn Community High School)! (2/3/01)
The whole darn team placed: 1st!!!! (Everyone advanced to sectionals!)
1st place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Impromptu Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Original Oratory-- Nadima Zegar
Performance in the Round
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
Verse Reading-- Kristine Heiting
Humorous Duet Acting-- Natalie Tinaglia + Dan Swiatek
Oratorical Declamation-- Steve Ford
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
3rd place
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Radio Speaking-- Hemant Mehta
Results from Sectionals (Downers Grove South High School)! (2/10/01) (Note: Only qualifiers were announced)
The whole darn team placed: 3rd!!!!
1st place
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
Performance in the Round
3rd place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Kristine Heiting + Lisa Berube
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Original Comedy-- Phil Sadler
Verse Reading-- Kristine Heiting
4th place-Finalists
Dramatic Interpretation-- Lisa Berube
Humorous Duet Acting-- Natalie Tinaglia + Dan Swiatek
Oratorical Declamation-- Steve Ford
Results from State (Pekin High School)! (2/16/01-2/17/01)
The whole darn team placed: 6th!!!!
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Steve Ford
Humorous Interpretation-- Leah Wessman
3rd place
Verse Reading-- Kristine Heiting
6th place
Special Occasion Speaking-- Leah Wessman
Results from Downers Grove North High School! (11/3/01)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd !!!!
1st place
Varsity-- Dramatic Duet Acting-- Dan Holloway + Lisa Berube
Varsity-- Original Oratory-- Lisa Berube
Novice-- Humorous Interpretation-- Kristin Klein
Novice-- Prose Reading-- Mary Malito
2nd place
Varsity-- Humorous Duet Acting-- Phil Sadler + Colleen Henry
Varsity-- Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Varsity-- Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
Varsity-- Verse Reading-- Elizabeth Dampf
Novice-- Impromptu Speaking-- John Schieber
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Ahmnia Griffin + Beth Schmeski
Humorous Interpretation-- Beth Palacek
Original Comedy-- Kristen Klein
Radio Speaking-- Lisa Vasnani
3rd place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Vanessa Sirotka
Humorous Interpretation-- Kristen Klein
4th place
Extemporaneous Speaking- Chuck Prochaska
Impromptu Speaking-- John Schieber
Original Comedy-- Beth Palacek
Results from (Turkey Tourney) Thornton High School! (11/17/01)
The whole darn team placed: 4th !!!!
1st place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Lisa Berube + Dan Holloway
Impromptu Speaking-- Elise Melrose
Original Oratory-- Lisa Berube
3rd place
Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
Prose Reading-- Dan Holloway
Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
4th place
Prose Reading-- Megan Harrington
Radio Speaking-- Pat Smith
Verse Reading-- Elizabeth Dampf
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Chuck Prochaska
Prose Reading-- Mary Malito
Results from (SICA Novice) Carl Sandburg High School! (11/20/01)
The whole darn team placed: 2nd!!!!
1st place
Humorous Duet Acting-- Cassie Ziemba + Jeff DeSimone
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Chuck Prochaska
Oratorical Declamation-- Jenna Kingston
Original Comedy-- Beth Palacek
2nd place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Ahmnia Griffin + Beth Schmeski
Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
Oratorical Declamation-- Keith Yelnick
Original Comedy-- Kristen Klein
Prose Reading-- Mary Malito
Prose Reading-- Nate Sokol
3rd place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Vanessa Sirotka
Humorous Interpretation-- Kristen Klein
Impromptu Speaking-- Chuck Prochaska
4th place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Beth Schmeski
Radio Speaking-- Lisa Vasnani
Special Occasion Speaking-- Erin Sindewald
5th place
Humorous Interpretation-- Beth Palacek
Impromptu Speaking-- John Schieber
Results from Elk Grove High School! (12/1/01)
The whole darn team placed: 4th!!!!
1st place
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Lisa Berube + Dan Holloway
Original Oratory-- Lisa Berube
2nd place
Impromptu Speaking-- Lauren Chessare
3rd place
Dramatic Interpretation-- Dan Holloway
4th place
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Elizabeth Dampf
5th place
Humorous Interpretation-- Andrew Kudla
Oratorical Declamation-- Jenna Kingston
Radio Speaking-- Ankush Bhatia
6th place
Humorous Duet Acting-- Colleen Henry + Phil Sadler
Humorous Interpretation-- Kristen Klein
Original Oratory-- Megan Harrington
Dramatic Duet Acting-- Ahmnia Griffin + Beth Schmeski
Extemporaneous Speaking-- Kelly Carden
Original Comedy-- Mike Piszynski
Results from Eisenhower High School! (12/1/01)
The whole darn team placed: 8th!!!!
2nd place
Humorous Interpretation-- Beth Palacek
Radio Speaking-- Eric Labanauskas