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At the time of the Creation, Nephilim created with the will of the Creator. Some lusted after this creation, and took upon themselves bodies that they made with their last rebellious creation of will. They were the first of the Abashi. The taught the Drow of Lloth, and incited the rebellious gods into the godwars. Their corruption was complete, and their bodies reflected this twisting of the original creation. Thus the Abashi came to plague the waking races of the lands.

Abashi are twisted creations from the dawn of time. They are naturally cunning and evil, bearing sharp claws and huge maws of fangs. Ugly, demonic, hellish things that they are, they excel at most professions easily. Their slightish intellect and dim wits are made up by brute strength and quickness, despite their size. They sport natural claws and high metabolisms, so they can fight very proficiently with their hands. All abashi speak common and demonic.

Abashi come in different colors or forms ("flavors," according to Bagheera), each according to his dominant aura at the time of his final act of creating his body (see the Solar file for more info on this creation). Each of the main types, Red, Black, Blue, White, and Green, has a variable physical form, and all can fly, see well in darkness, and resist the forces of good at every opportunity. Holiness and light have been known to burn them terribly, while the dark forces and disease run through their veins. Most are unable to withstand cold, but some have grown to love the freezeing temperature of Geryon and dislike the firey brimstone pits. In all, they are in very nature chaotic, and dangerous.

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