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One of the original creations of Gaeia, the elves were created where her essence touched the lifegiving earth. Some, early in time, before the human blight of technology even occured, became dark and fled the waking world, shameful of their being. Lloth found them, and shaped them to her purpose. The other elves, reveling in magic and light, grew stronger in those ways, to the point of being able to become nearly one with their natural surroundings. The Drow, what the elves that fled the surface are now called, became dark from the machinations of their goddess, and also from the strange radiations in the underdark.

The elven types in modern Thera are: High elves, the nobles of the race; Wild elves, the most natural of the race, and most at home in the wilderness; Valley elves, an offshoot of the wild elves, but a bit more subtle and recluse; Moon elves, dark elves but those that follow the night and not the darkness; the Sea elves, an ancient race of elves that found their way into the waters of the world; and the Drow, the dark elves of the underdark who are utterly twisted by the evil around them.

All elves are slightly taller than humans, but have a much lighter build. They lack the strength and stamina of the other races, but are for more agile, both in body and mind. Surface elves are superb mages and thieves, but have at best fair talent as warriors or priests. Drow, through the tutelage of their mistress Lloth, are excellent priests and warriors, though their natural constitution hinders them in these endeavors.

All elves resist charm spells most effectively, due to their magical nature and because they are so in tune with their surroundings. Surface elves are notoriously hard to spot, thieves especially. Their magic and quickness combined make them slight but dangerous. Drow are excellent at nearly all classes, but make up for this in higher creation points. All elves, regardless of type, have keen vision. All elves speak common and elven, except drow which speak drow and common.

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