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The Giants were created to be the true shock troops of the godwars. Bred to be warriors of cold, fire, lightning, and the very rock itself, they could turn the tides of battle. The lesser races of Ogres and half-ogres are usually counted among their numbers. Ogres were used as the serjeants of the humanoid infantry, and half-ogres are human-ogre offspring. All giants, including ogres and half-ogres, speak common and giant, as well as they can, that is.

Ogres and half-ogres share some common characteristics. Ogres are large, heavily muscled, resembling large humans but with brutish features and strong jowls and sloping foreheads. Half-ogres share these physical features, but in a muted fashion. Both can see well in the dark, and their dull wit makes them somewhat vulnerable to certain things. As Ogres are full-blooded, they are somewhat hardier, but also a bit duller than their cousins that share human blood. Ogres and half-ogres can range from 8 to 10 feet tall.

Giants are a large race, ranging from 10-14 feet in height. They are stronger than most of the other races, and just as durable as the dwarves. They aren't too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the other races. Giants make one of the best warriors of any race, but are ill-suited for any other profession. They resemble large humans, but each was bred for a particular combat duty, and became different in some of their abilites, but mostly appearance.

Stone giants were hewn from the sides of stone mountains, and are slow, massive individuals. Their nature makes them able to withstand much physical punishment, and the elements of nature sometimes have strange effects upon them.

Frost and Fire giants were both created after the massive stone giants, one's blood mixed with glacial ice for frozen warfare, the other with molten lava, to create a warrior able to withstand the fiercest flame. Like all other giants, their mental faculties were not enhanced beyond that of their stone brothers', as loyalty and unfaulting following was their destiny.

To add to this army, soldiers fromt he very storm were created, and Storm giants walked amongst the clouds and upon the ground. Their very lifeblood was the electrcal storm, and they could ground themselves upon water, making them vulnerable to drowning.

All giants, including ogres and half-ogres, see fairly well in thedark, necessary for nighttime battles. As a race, they prefer to let their bulk, size, and strength bash their enemies into submission.

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