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"They were created from will of the gods alone, and the dragons know their power in the world." -- Elaz Wllrwrysih, sage, ancient of the High Elves.

Dragons are the fiercest and most mighty creatures known to the land. They don't rise to power very quickly. In fact, it is a very slow and laborious process. Dragons will gain skill levels in the same way that all other races do, however, levels of maturity will be different. The progression is Hatchling, Draconian, Wyvern, Dragon, Wyrm, and GreatWyrm. The three types of dragons are based on alignment. There are separate help files for each of them. The color of a dragon is determined at the time the fourth level of maturity, dragon. All dragons are very powerful. The classes of dragons are Chromatic (evil), Oxidized (neutral), and Metallic (good).

Hatchlings are the newborn offspring of a dragon. They are very small and very weak. They have the potential to become the most powerful creatures in the game. This process takes many years in a dragon's life. As dragons mature, their strength and size go up. A fully mature dragon will be hard to bring down. Hatchlings hereditarily get enhanced damage and second attack.

There are three different kinds of hatchlings, Chromatic, Metallic, and Oxidized.

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