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The five mystical races, Trolls, Titans, Gargoyles, Pen'gwyns and Wraiths, were all created in the time of the godwars. Titans and trolls to combat the giants, gargolyes to combat the evil that would come in the night. Wraiths were the humans drained of life by self-sacrifice to their dark gods, only the blackest of human hearts were given this regeneration to drain the life essence of the living. Trolls and titans, with the resurgence of the Creator, are now of free wills. The Gargoyles, no longer of single purpose nor single creator, found themselves free in both day and night, but this newfound freedom twisted some of their spirits.

Trolls are big ferocious fighters. Their regenerative properties make them tough to keep down. Their awareness is very acute and they can walk through the dark with ease. Trolls are very resilient fighters but quiver in fear of some magics. Their ferociousness makes them dangerous. They are large, strong, rubbery, and usually green. They speak common and their own strange gibbering troll language.

Gargoyles were hewn from stone, and enchanged with life to be the guardians against the evil that would come in the night. With the freeing of their spirits, they can now choose to follow the old ways, or that of their own gain. Being of stone, they are resistant to various shortcomings of flesh, like poison and disease. They can see in the dark, and fly to combat their enemies. They speak common, as stone has no language of it's own.

Titans were made to combat the giants, in particular the powerful storm giants. Their larger size made them physically dominating, usually 25 feet tall or taller. Slow of mind, however, and low quickness can be their downfalls. They speak common and titan.

Wraiths are the final corruption of a black human heart that gave their soul to the blackness in a self-sacrifice. These spectre-type undead have a free will all their own, and drain the living for their existance. They can pass through substantial material at will, and most physical barriers mean nothing to a wraith. Most things that kill mortals do less to a wraith, but the forces of light and darkness still hold much sway over their existance. Wraiths speak only common, like their formerly human consicousness.

Pen'gwyns are small birds, created to be the greatest water combatants ever known. Due to spending much of their lives in and under water, they find movement on land extremely difficult. Because of their size (the average Pen'gwyn is a mere 3'4"), they lack strength. They are usually black and white, with leaders exhibiting some small tufts of yellow feathers near their eyes. A sharp beak might be used as a weapon. Pen'gwyns are known for their amazing insight, hardiness, and ability to tolerate cold temperatures.

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