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The Nymphs were created from various elven mage families during the godwars. Their magical abilites were magnified, with the dimunition of their physical forms. Three major types of nymphs are in modern Thera, with their magical prowess unrivaled by all but perhaps the tinker gnomes. All nymphs speak sylvan in addition to the common tongue.

Sprites are small, diminutive, woodland creatures.. beautiful, lovely, enchanting, kind, alluring creatures. Their powers of magic are immense, while their physical strengths are lacking. Their beauty is rivaled only by their magical prowess. The only flying nymphs, they are physically frail.

The other nymphs, Wood and Water, are related closely to their home, and their powers are closely related to these places. They are extremely flighty in appearance, but have extremly sharp minds, and can see through most persuasion.

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