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When the Creator first brought forth the world, beings were also formed to enact the will of the Creator. These creatures were known as Nephilim. Formed of spirit, they were the weilders of the will of creation, like their Creator. With time, some lusted after the favoritism that the Creator gave to his other creations, even those without the purity of spirit that they had. These lustful creations took upon themselves bodies of flesh, formed from their final efforts of creation. They were the Abashai. The Nephilim saw this abomination, and wept. The Abashai taught the Drow how to worship Lloth, and fought in the godwars. The remaining Nephilim created a new form, that of light and spirit and flesh merged. Into this entered a Nephilim, forming the first Spirit-made-flesh, the Sephilim. Soon after this, the creator freed the Nephilim and Sephilim spirits from his own, giving them free will, but never to change from their origins of light.

Nephilim and Sephilim are spirits of the original creation. They all can fly, and are resistant to the weakness of flesh. Nephilim are of spirit, and Sephilim are spirit made flesh. They are strong warriors and priests, each with piercing gaze and only burnt by the touch of evil, which they see in the Abashi, their twisted brethren, more than anything else. Nephilim and Sephilim both speak common and angelic.

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