My Guestbook
My Guestbook
In the pages above you will come across quite a few options, such as voting for your favorite senshi, favorite song, joining the club, taking a look at the members webpages, etc.
In this little section I will give you a brief desciption of what you will see. When you are voting for you favorite song or Senshi, you will have to click on the "Vote" button above.
When you have done that, you will be brought to a page where it will have the recent statistics of the latest votes. When you are joining the club, you must put you name/nickname, you email address,
and if you have a web page, you can enter it into the "Eternal Battle Of Sailormoon Pages". Right now that contest isn't up because I need quite a few more contestants. Keep in mind that if you participate that
means more traffic to your website! Also when you join the club, you will be asked to choose a job. I'm not going to explain it here because I have already explained it on the members page, and the joining page.
In the members section, it shows you how many people are in the club, their job, and their e-mail address. If their name is printed in blue, that means that they have a web page and that you can goto it! I actually
had alot of fun with looking at the pages. Some of the are really good!.
Well the rest of the pages in this club are yours to discover, so just look around and if there is anything you don't understand, then just email me in the contact me page. Good bye for now!!! Hope You Enjoy!