Title: Requiem Author: Eileen Whipple Classification: S/A Rating: PG Spoilers: "Memento Mori", a little of "Never Again" (a teensy bit) Summary: Scully befriends a woman she used to teach and finds out something about her that brings back memories of her past. Disclaimer: Chris Carter and 10-13 own Dana Scully and Fox Mulder but any others who aren't on the show belong to me. Archive: DO NOT ARCHIVE at Gossamer. I've already sent it. This is simply a repost. Notes: This is my first story in the first person. Please tell me what you think at: whipples@connect.ab.ca. This is just a story I wrote in one year, but most of it I wrote after I discovered my aunt had cancer. Also, the reason I am reposting is to get more exposure since I only sent this to one list way back in October or so. It was also divided into parts for length reasons. ~Requiem~ "Carmen, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if I can go back. Carmen, I'll never be, never be, Never be the same again." -"Carmen", Paula Cole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was approaching the edge of the pool. Just another few feet until I was finished my lap. I was only going to do this one. I didn't want to push it; I could already taste the blood in my throat. I was swimming the butterfly stroke and each time I raised my head out of the water, I saw several drops of blood falling. I decided to push myself harder. This was the first time I'd gone swimming at Quantico since...I couldn't remember. I reached the edge, pulled myself out and immediately grabbed my towel, putting it to my bloody nose. I'd gotten used to the blood. Now, it came more than every month but this blood comes from my nose. It would arrive when I was under stress, whether I worked too hard on a case or ran those two extra miles. It just comes when it wants. My mother was so angry with me when I didn't tell her about the tumour as soon as I'd found out what it was. I wasn't really sure it was so serious at first; I'd just started coughing in my sleep and woke up in the middle of the night with a nosebleed. A group of agents entered the pool area and stared at me as I tended to my bleeding nose. They just stood and gawked. I recognised a few of them. I knew their faces, not their names. They didn't know my name either. They only knew me by my disease. People started treating me differently after I'd found out I had cancer, a tumour that can't be operated on and that might grow, pushing into my brain, ultimately killing me. The cancer has already spread to my bloodstream. Maybe it was my tumour that was causing my strange behaviour. I would lash out at people; I don't mean to but it just happens. Unfortunately, one of those people is often Mulder. His heart's in the right place but sometimes, he just pisses me off. The smallest things he did or said could set me off. "What the hell are you looking at?" I yelled angrily. The agents turned. The bleeding stopped. I heard my stomach growl. Time to get something to eat. I decided I would change, dry my hair and maybe stop for fast food. My mother has been making me eat different foods to gain weight and get some colour in my face. "Dana, you're too thin and you're as white as a sheet," she'd said. I have to admit that when I first had radiation treatment and chemotherapy, I lost a great deal of weight but as for being pale, I've always been very fair-skinned. I wish my mother wouldn't nag me. I'd had enough of that when I was younger, in my teen years. I know my mom is only worried about me. She doesn't want to lose her other daughter--now, her only daughter. Missy's gone, Dad's gone. I know why Mom is on my case but I can't express to her that knowledge. I clutched my towel and headed for the women's locker room. I could feel water dripping from my hair. The cool drops slid quickly down my bare back. I'd chosen to wear a swimsuit with a low back. Once inside, I opened my locker and pulled out my clothes. There were several agents putting make-up on. I don't see the point of putting on tons of make-up. I only wear eye shadow in brownish shades, mascara, light lipstick and sometimes blusher, to give my cheeks some colour. I usually use foundation but occasionally, I forget. I have more important things going on in my life. I don't really have time to worry about my looks. I stripped out of my wet swimsuit and one woman said, "I like your tattoo." Oh, my tattoo. The spur-of-the-moment snake on the lower right part of my back. I'd gotten it with some guy who'd charmed me while I was working on a case in Philadelphia. His name was Ed Jerse. I'd only known him a day or two before he'd tried to kill me. He was suffering from delusions brought on by ergot poisoning. The tattoo was a huge step in changing. I needed to become somebody else, just for a little while. My life had been so predictable before then and since I had found I had cancer, I decided I needed to live a bit. Another woman turned around as I pulled on my bra and panties. "Aren't you Agent Scully?" she asked. "Yes," I answered, putting on my blouse and starting to button it up. "My name is Carmen Sorenson. I was in your class in 1994." "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't recognise you. I've had a lot on my mind lately," I admitted. "I heard about your illness. I'm really sorry." A third agent said, "I guess getting that tattoo was spontaneous. You were trying to have some sort of excitement before you get too sick." Carmen hissed, "Sarah, that's mean!" I felt a rush of heat in my face but realised it was just another nosebleed. That comment put me over the edge but I was too busy looking for something to stop the blood to give the snooty agent a piece of my mind. "Here." Carmen pulled a Kleenex from her pocket and put it in my hand. "Thanks." I pinched my nose shut through the Kleenex. "Nosebleeds are awful," Carmen said. "That's why I carry tissue around. I've suffered from nosebleeds since I was a kid." I had to wait until the blood stopped to put my pants on. Carmen sat with me after her friends were gone. "I'm really sorry about my friend's snide comment. She's so insensitive. Besides, I know how you feel." "What do you mean?" The only person I'd known with a nasopharyngeal tumour--Penny Northern--had died. I was really close to her during the last part of her life. Carmen handed my blazer to me. "I have a brain tumour. It's malignant." "Does anyone know?" I asked. "No. I started at headquarters two months ago and I don't want to be dismissed." "Assistant Director Skinner is always trying to get me to take time off but my work is my life." "Does Agent Mulder know?" She must have known we were partners. "Yes. He also thinks I should take it easy. He doesn't realise that I need to work. It's the only thing that keeps me sane," I said. It was true. "Well, I should be going. Nice to see you again, Agent Scully." "Carmen, would you like to go for some lunch?" I asked. "Sure, Agent Scully." Carmen picked up her duffel bag. I smiled. "Call me Dana." "Okay, Dana." We stopped for burgers and fries at a local restaurant. "I'm going to indulge," Carmen told me. "I'm going to get a chocolate shake. Do you want one?" "Yes, please," I said. "Get the biggest sizes." I found a table while Carmen ordered the food. For some reason, I felt like I'd known Carmen a long time, not just because I'd taught her for sixteen weeks. "Earth to Dana," I heard Carmen say a few minutes later. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." I moved my purse so Carmen could set the tray down. "Here you go. A double cheeseburger, extra large fries and a super large chocolate milkshake." "Thanks." I grinned, setting my food in front of me. "It smells great." Carmen ate a fry and said, "So you work with Fox Mulder? What's that like?" "I'm surprised you didn't call him 'Spooky'. Everyone else does." I took a sip of my milkshake. "He's a great agent and a good friend." "Most of my friends think he's handsome but they think he's crazy. They choose to admire from afar." "Yeah. Most do but when you get to know him, your attitude changes. He's really sweet and funny but lately, he's been on my nerves. Like I told you, he's worried about me working too hard and that bothers me sometimes." "But at least he cares. Caring too much is better than not caring at all. I need a friend like that." I took another sip of my shake. "How did you discover your tumour?" I asked quietly. "After graduation, I was okay but about a month later, I suffered a seizure. The doctors thought it was epilepsy until they discovered a cancerous mass on my brain." "I don't mean to pry but did they tell you how long you have?" "I have a while yet. I go for weekly check-ups and so far, the tumour hasn't gotten any bigger. I went for chemo and radiation treatments several times over the past while. My next treatment is in two weeks." "It makes me sick," I said. "The chemo and radiation, I mean." I'd had several treatments. They'd taken in place in Allentown, Pennsylvania, when Mulder and I had gone to talk to Penny and Betsy Hagopian. At that time, Betsy was dead and Penny was terribly ill. Carmen and I finished our lunch and I said, "I'll drive you back to Quantico so you can get your car." She quickly pulled out a pen and a small piece of paper from her purse. After jotting something down, she gave it to me. "This is my home number. Give me a call." I gave her my phone number as she left my car to find her own when we arrived at Quantico. "See you later, Dana! Talk to you soon." "You too, Carmen." I had a feeling I could be the friend Carmen had said she needed. "Scully, somebody called for you while you were in the washroom," Mulder said as I entered his--our--office. "Who was it?" I asked, sitting down. I straightened my skirt and crossed my legs. "A woman named Carmen. She said she wants you to give her a call when you're free. Who is she?" "A friend I met after I went swimming a couple days ago. She's an agent here. Her name is Carmen Sorenson." "Oh, isn't she that pretty agent with really glossy brown hair, huge green eyes and beautiful red lips? The one who hangs around with Sarah Phillips, that agent who's slept with half the single male agents in the Hoover building?" "Carmen is who you think." I laughed a bit. "Sarah likes you." "Sarah likes me?" Mulder rubbed his hands together. "What about Carmen? Does she like me?" I shrugged. "Where is she? Is she in the building? If you can tell me, I'll talk to Sarah about you two going out." "She's probably in the cafeteria since it is lunchtime. Perhaps I can join you in your search." I smiled. "Sure." We left our office and headed to the cafeteria. Both were in the basement. The cafeteria was crowded and finding Carmen was going to be a hard task. It wasn't. I heard, "Dana, over here!" and saw Carmen waving. Mulder and I made our way to the table where she was sitting with Sarah and the other agent she was with at the pool. We sat down and I introduced Mulder. "Carmen, this is Fox Mulder." I looked at her other friend from the pool. "I'm sorry. I don't know your name." Carmen said, "This is Pia Griffin. You know Dana and Mulder, don't you, Pia?" "Hi," everybody said. "Sorry about not calling you sooner," Carmen said. I replied, "No problem. So what's up?" "Nothing much. I was off yesterday and that was my day to catch up on sleep. I also have a doctor's appointment today." "That reminds me. I have a check-up in a couple days," I said. Sarah and Mulder were talking and flirting. Pia then started flirting with him and Sarah shot her an evil look. I wondered if the rumour about Sarah was true, about her sleeping around. Carmen checked her watch. "Crap! It's nearly twelve-thirty and I have to be in Baltimore in an hour." She finished her sandwich. "Is that where your doctor is?" I asked curiously. She nodded. I saw Pia and Sarah giving Mulder their phone numbers. This meeting was benefiting both of us. Maybe if Mulder was busy with women, he would stop nagging me to slow down. I knew that was wishful thinking; he'd never quit worrying about me. "Oh, Dana. I'm really sorry about the inappropriate comment I made in the locker room," Sarah said. "That's okay." I forced a smile. I didn't care if it looked fake. I didn't really like Sarah. Carmen stood up. "I'll see you later," she said to Pia, Sarah and me. "Nice meeting you, Mulder." "You too, Carmen." He pocketed the phone numbers. After Carmen left, Mulder said, "There's nothing to do so I'm heading to Rock Creek Park to go jogging. Would anybody care to join me?" "Sure," said Sarah. Pia just stood up and left. "I'm heading home." I rose to my feet. "Have fun jogging." Sometimes, the type of women Mulder liked disgusted me. Sarah did. I decided not to let it bother me; they were consenting adults. I went to get my coat and briefcase, headed to my car and went home. I was just dozing off when I heard my phone rang. I answered it with a snobby "Yeah?" "Dana, it's Carmen. What are you up to?" "Why?" I asked suspiciously. I knew I would be cheated out of my nap. "I want to take you out for a night on the town. Besides, I need your opinion on something." I cheered up, a bit. "Just give me some time to get ready. Where do you want me to meet you?" "I'll pick you up in a half-hour. I got you're your address from the phone book." I decided a half-hour would be enough time to do all the stuff I needed to do." "Sure. See you soon." End of Part One Disclaimer in Part One I was waiting for Carmen on the curb. I was freshly showered and only slightly tired. I was wearing my fitted grey sweater and blue jeans. I'd pulled my hair into a ponytail. All of a sudden, a sleek black convertible rolled up in front of me. Carmen was behind the wheel. "Wow! Where'd you get the car?" I asked, remembering her old grey Dodge from a couple days ago. "It's mine. It was in the shop so I borrowed my neighbour's car. I'd saved up for this kind of car since I turned thirteen. By the time I finished high school, I had enough." She leaned across to open the passenger-side door. I got in. "So where are we off to? I'm not exactly dressed for anything fancy." "We'll go driving. I have to take you somewhere." She was being so secretive. I had to wonder why. We drove around Washington for a while, listening to the booming stereo system in the car. "How was your doctor's appointment?" I yelled over the music. "What?" Carmen yelled back. Obviously, she hadn't heard me so I decided to ask her later. I felt so plain and frumpy compared to Carmen. She was wearing a cropped purple tank top and black hip-hugger jeans. The outfit showed off her tight, flat stomach, well-muscled arms, slim waist and strong shoulders. I envied her courage to wear such revealing clothes. Carmen pulled to a stop and it took a few minutes for my brain to register where we were. It was a tattoo and body-piercing parlour. "Why are we hear, Carmen?" "This is what I needed your opinion on. I've wanted to get a tattoo for the longest time but I thought normal people steered clear of that kind of thing. You're a normal person with a tattoo. Besides, I'd like to live a bit." I bit my lip, thinking about what to do. I guess if Carmen wanted a tattoo, I should support her. After all, she was my friend. "Sure. It's your decision." She parked the car and we headed into the parlour. "I'm wondering if I should get my navel pierced." "It's up to you." Carmen glanced at all the pictures on the walls. "Dana, what do you think about this?" She pointed to a dolphin. "When I...die, I want to be reincarnated as a dolphin." I guess she had a quality of Mulder's; she believed in reincarnation. I wouldn't squash that belief because it seemed like she wasn't afraid to die. "Can I help you ladies?" A muscular man with a ponytail approached us. "Yeah," said Carmen. "I'd like this tattoo, this dolphin one." She pointed to it. "I'd also like my navel pierced." The man gave her an estimate of how much everything would cost while I perused the colourful drawings. "Anything for you, Miss?" the man asked while I was out in space. Finally, "Uh, no, thanks," came out. I'm just here for support." As we went to the back, Carmen said, "You never told me what you thought about my tattoo choice. That's what I needed your opinion on." "Very...um, spiritual. It's beautiful, much nicer than mine." The man said, "We'll do the piercing first but where do you want the tattoo?" "Right here." Carmen touched her left hip. She turned to me. "Does it hurt a lot?" "Not a lot." As the man--we'd not learned his name--showed Carmen where to sit, he said, "You already have a tattoo?" I nodded. "Can I see it? It's a comparison thing." "Um, sure." I turned around and lifted my sweater enough to expose my snake. "Very nice. I love the red in it." That's what I'd liked too. That's what had made Ed sick; there was ergot in the dye because it was made from rye grass. Luckily, I wasn't infected. The man said, "By the way, my name is Vincent." He got a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a cotton ball and a pair of latex gloves. "I'll make the hole and then, put the ring in." After he put on the gloves, he placed the alcohol on the cotton ball and spread it around Carmen's navel. Vincent had the piercing gun and put the little flap of skin above her belly button between the needle and the metal guard. I saw Carmen bite her lip and suddenly, she grabbed my hand. As the piercing was done, she clutched it tightly. After Vincent put the ring in, I asked, "How are you doing, Carmen?" "Okay. It only hurt a bit. I have a feeling the tattoo might hurt more." Vincent pulled out a line drawing dolphin temporary tattoo. He sprayed her hip with water and placed the outline on the skin. He brought out a new needle and prepared all the colours. "Here, Carmen." I held out my hand. The tattooing started off painfully for Carmen; I thought she was going to crush all the bones in my hand. She started to ease up as Vincent was finishing up the tattoo. An hour had passed. "How does it look, Dana?" Carmen asked, looking down a bit. "It's beautiful," I said. It really was; the colours were wonderful. "That's the reason I want to be a dolphin in my next life. Dolphins are beautiful, graceful, spiritual creatures." Vincent taped a piece of gauze over the new tattoo. "Take this off tomorrow." Carmen asked, "Dana, can you help me up?" I held out my hand and helped her to her feet. She paid Vincent in cash and said, "Thanks." We went out to the car. While Carmen walked around to the driver's side, I decided to hop in. I pulled myself over the side and into the passenger's side. "Dana, are you hungry?" Carmen asked, starting the car. "Kind of. What did you have in mind?" "Pizza. I know a great place." I nodded. "Sure. That would be fun." We began driving and I repeated myself from earlier. "How was your doctor's appointment?" "Oh, the usual." The pizza place was close. Carmen parked the car behind the restaurant and we went in the back door. "I'll get a table, Carmen. Any kind of pizza is fine." I grabbed a table in the corner and as Carmen was ordering the pizza, I noticed guys checking her out. I remembered being thrilled when men would watch me but that was when I was in university. Soon, Carmen was at the table with the pizza. "I bought the Hawaiian special. It's ham and pineapple." "Great," I said. The smell of the pizza made my stomach growl. I was starving and couldn't wait to dig in. "Dana, start eating. I have to use the washroom but I'll be right back." Carmen left the table and I picked up a slice of pizza, taking a huge bite. It was so hot and delicious. I looked around and caught a guy's glance. I smiled and he grinned back. He tapped his friend's shoulder, pointed towards me and the friend gave me a goofy smile. I smiled at him too. He was quite cute. I wondered if he and his friend would want to go out on a date with Carmen and me. "What's taking Carmen so long?" I said out loud. I decided I'd eat another slice of pizza, then I'd go see if Carmen was coming. I chose a piece with tons of pineapple and bit into it. I finished it slowly. I stood up, grabbed a napkin and as I walked to the bathroom, I wiped my mouth and fingers. I pushed open the bathroom door. "Carmen, are you almost finished? There are some hot guys..." That's when I saw her on the floor. "Oh my God!" I gasped, running to her side. She was unconscious and breathing shallowly. I bolted out the door and yelled, "Somebody call an ambulance. My friend has collapsed in the washroom." One of the "hot" guys pulled out a cellular phone and called 911. I went back into the bathroom and knelt beside my friend. My mind went blank of my entire medical training as I tapped her lightly and said, "Come on, Carmen. Wake up." It came back and I realised I didn't want to move her just in case she'd injured her head or spine. "Carmen, can you hear me?" Her eyelids flickered a bit but other than that, there was no response. Perhaps it was her tumour that made her collapse. Hopefully, I'd find out why when the ambulance arrived. End of Part Two Disclaimer in Part One "She has a tumour on the subcortical region of her brain. It's become larger and metastasized to other parts of her brain," Dr. Douglas Thorpe explained to me. "She told me she had a while yet. She was fine earlier today." "You're a doctor. You know how quickly a tumour can metastasize." "Yes, I know. However, I'm just thinking as her friend now, not as a physician." "I know it's hard watching a friend get sick but I'm afraid Carmen doesn't have a long time." "Is she conscious yet? I'd like to see her," I said. "Sure, Dana. I'll show you to her room." I was scared to see Carmen. I wondered if she was going to die today, or tomorrow. I wanted more time with her. I grew up fearing death, which made me prevent myself from getting attached to any person in my life. I was afraid that as soon as I got close to them, they'd leave me. I didn't want Carmen to die but I didn't regret meeting and getting to know her. I had somewhat overcome my fear. Dr. Thorpe said, "Here's Carmen's room. I'll let you talk to her today." "Thanks." He left me in front of the closed door. I knocked before entering. When I opened the door, I saw Carmen, looking weak and tired, lying in her hospital bed. "Hi, Dana," she said softly. "How are you doing?" I moved slowly toward her bed. "Okay, I guess," Carmen said as I took a seat beside the bed. "Dana, thanks for getting that guy to call 911." "No problem, Carmen. I'd do it for anybody." I leaned forward. "So are you okay emotionally?" "Oh, Dana, I don't want to die but I don't have very long. I found that out yesterday at my appointment." "Carmen, why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to worry you, Dana." She put a hand on my cheek. It was freezing. "Carmen, we're friends. You can tell me things." I took her hand in mine, attempting to warm it. "Dana, you are the friend I never thought I'd have. You're in the same boat as me but since I'm going first, I have to tell you something. I'm sure you know this but life is short. Make something of it. Live a little once in a while." "I know, Carmen." My voice was trembling and I was trying not to cry. I could see the fear in her eyes. "Don't worry." I leaned over and hugged her. "Have you called Mulder?" she asked. "No. Why?" "I want to see him before I go. I hardly know him but he's your friend." "I'll call him if you want. When should he come by?" I asked, taking out a quarter. "Sometime soon." "I'll be back." I left the room to find a payphone. I found one down the hall. When I dialled his number, a woman answered. It was Sarah. "Fox Mulder residence." "Hi, Sarah. It's Dana Scully. May I speak to Mulder please?" I asked kindly. "Sure." There was a click. She'd put me on hold. A few seconds later, Mulder came on. "Hey, Scully. What's up?" "I have a request for you. Carmen's in the hospital. She has a brain tumour and it's getting bigger. She collapsed last night while we were at a pizza parlour." "That's awful. What can I do?" "Carmen wants to you to visit her before she...has to go." "Oh, don't worry. I'll come by tonight. I'm busy right now." "Really? With Sarah?" "Scully, she's helping me clean my apartment." "I don't care. It's none of my business." "See you later, Scully." He hung up and I did as well. I turned to go back to Carmen's room but was surprised to find her behind me. "Dana, let's go for a walk around the hospital." "Are you allowed to?" I asked. "Who cares. Besides, my legs are cramping up." "Okay. Just a short walk though." "Alright. Let's go." We started down the hall; Carmen strode ahead of me. "Dana, hurry up. If we don't get downstairs quickly, all the best candy bars will be gone." "Carmen, eat some decent food. I'll take you to the cafeteria." "I just want sugar and nothing else." "Well, okay," I said after hesitating for a minute. Downstairs at the vending machines, Carmen ate three candy bars and drank two colas. "Want some?" She offered me a chunk of her fourth chocolate bar. "No. I don't want--" Carmen stuffed the chocolate in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed it. "So why do you really want to see Mulder?" I asked curiously. Carmen's smile straightened out. "I want him to deflower me. I'd like to lose my virginity before I die." I burst out laughing. "You've got to be kidding me." "No." She was serious or so I thought. She started giggling. "I am joking, Dana. I got all that over with a long time ago. The look on your face was priceless." "Oh, Carmen." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You're too funny." She put her arm around my waist and we walked a little ways further. "Can we stop at the chapel?" Carmen asked. I didn't really want to. I'd lost touch with religion a while back and felt uncomfortable in a church. I still wear my cross but that's only because my mother gave it to me, for my fifteenth birthday. I was religious back then. I didn't have science back then. "Sure. Let's go." The chapel was dark except for being eerily lit by an ocean of candles in the corner. I dampened my forehead with holy water, as well as my solar plexus, my shoulders, reciting quietly, "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." "Do you go to church often, Dana?" Carmen asked after crossing herself with holy water. "Um, no. I went to confession over a year ago but before that, I hadn't been to church in six years." We went to the front pews and sat down. She said, "I go to church when I can. I've been going a lot since I found out I had cancer." Her face was illuminated orange by the candles and on her cheeks, I could see tears. I reached up and brushed them away with my thumb. "Don't cry, Carmen, or I might have to as well." It was too late; I was already crying. "I'll tell you this now: I'm not afraid to die. I don't want to but I'm not scared." "That's good. You have to keep that attitude." We sat in silence, flames flickering in front of us. Carmen said I should go home to nap. That's when Mulder visited her. I was glad he wasn't there when I was. I didn't want him to see me cry as I watched my friend's health deteriorate. I wish there was something I could do for Carmen but I knew there was no time for treatment. It was too late for anything. I just had to be there with her and wait for the inevitable, the worse. I didn't want to think about it but it was reality. I had to face it. I decided to stay home for the night. I talked to Carmen and she was fine. She also told me about Mulder's visit. They'd had a great time, just talking and joking. "He's wonderful but it seems he and Sarah are an item. Besides, I don't have enough time for a relationship. I've faced the fact that I'm dying." If only I could too, but it hurt a lot, like after Penny died. I'd hardly known her but I still felt pain. That night, I had trouble sleeping. All I could think about was Carmen. I awoke to the phone ringing the next morning. My arm shot out from under the blanket. "Hello?" "Agent Scully, it's Sarah. Fox told me to call you. The doctors think Carmen may lapse into a coma soon. They've given her morphine for the pain. She wants to see you." I hung up the phone and jumped out of bed. I threw on some clothes and left a few minutes later. "Scully, I'm glad Sarah got ahold of you." Mulder was standing at the nurses' station. "Carmen's been asking for you." He had his hand in his pocket but pulled it out and reached out for mine. "I'm really sorry." "I just want to see Carmen." I pushed by him and headed straight for her room. I was in tears by the time I reached the door. I was puzzled; I heard loud whistling in Carmen's room. It wasn't human. Finally, I realised it was the call of dolphins. Carmen probably had a cassette of New Age music with dolphins on it. I stepped into the hospital room and bit my lip when I saw my friend. Carmen was ghost-white but her lovely green eyes lit up when she saw me. "Hi, Dana." "Hey, Carmen." I approached her bed and bent down to give her a hug and kiss. "How's the morphine helping you?" "The pain's gone but that's just the end coming." I clutched her hand. "This is beautiful music." "I told you I wanted to be reincarnated as a dolphin. I really love them. They are so free and serene. This is like a requiem for me." I wasn't going to say that everything was going to be okay or that she wouldn't die because we both knew the truth. It was only a matter of time. We just sat and chatted about trivial things, like the cute guys at the pizza parlour. That's when something came to me. "Do you want your family here?" "My parents are dead and my only sister Amy ran away when I was sixteen. I think she's overseas now." "That's awful." "I have an aunt in Norfolk but I haven't spoken to her forever." "Well, I'm here as well as Sarah and Mulder. Perhaps Sarah can get ahold of Pia." "If she could, it would be great but just as long as you're here, that's all that matters." I sat beside Carmen, remaining silent. The music still played. Mulder joined us a while later. A few words were spoken. I watched in fear as Carmen desperately tried to stay awake. She slipped away a few hours later, right in front of me. She went peacefully but no matter how much Mulder tried to comfort me, I just cried. I left a little while after Carmen died. My vision was blurry and I was in no state to be walking around by myself on busy streets. Mulder caught up with me in a playground across from the hospital. I was sitting on a swing, moving a bit. "Dana, are you going to be okay?" "I guess. I'm just going to miss her." He sat on the swing beside me. "Of course you will. She was your best friend and you loved her." He grabbed my hand and I let him this time. "Dana, if you ever need to talk, I'll still be here. I'll always be here. I'm not going anywhere." He kissed my hand. "I know, Fox." I got off my swing. "I know the FBI will provide all funeral costs but I'd like to plan it and I want you to help." He agreed. I'd lost my best friend but I had another to lean on. What got me most was how such an attractive young woman could die. She had her life ahead of her but cancer took over. I'd been afraid of the same thing Carmen had been frightened of: not knowing if today would be my last. Carmen helped me. She showed me that life is what I make of it and death...I shouldn't be afraid of it. A few days later, as Mulder and I were planning Carmen's funeral, he handed me a tape. "Carmen told me to give you this. She gave it to me when I first visited her." I put it in my stereo and pressed the PLAY button. It was the tape with dolphins. It was a memory of Carmen and even thought I don't believe in reincarnation, as I listened to this requiem for Carmen, I hoped she would get her wish to be reborn as a dolphin. My relationship with her brought me to grips with my mortality and future, and I don't know what I would have done without her. END Send any feedback to: whipples@connect.ab.ca