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Calm Before the Storm

"Calm Before the Storm", a story I started on November 23, 1998. I thought I'd have it finished by American Thanksgiving (November 26 that year) but this story has taken me on a journey until this point.

This fan fiction novel focuses on secrets Melissa Scully kept from her family. Unfortunately, the secrets are discovered by Scully and Mulder while they investigate a homicide in San Diego. Scully's still thinking about her sister's murder and the death of her own daughter.

This was a huge attempt at angst, and I found the idea of the whole story angsty. It was a chance to resurrect the past, something Scully has a hard time doing.

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The novel cover at the top of the page was done by a talented cover maker, Nancy Y. Chen . The image links to her web site which is wonderful. Please send her comments about the cover. She is just the same as a fan fiction author, since artists of all kinds thrive on feedback. And if you ever need a cover done, please go to her. She is so nice!

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