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Our editing facilities are located in the heart of downtown Toronto. Ever since THE HUNTER, all of TEWS ENTERTAINMENT projects and future projects will be edited at the BTV studios.

Our first two INDY projects were edited at Barton Secondary School Studios where we had the use one S-VHS deck, one S-VHS recorder, a switcher, a sound board and some monitors. Plus, we had the use of a title maker.

As we moved on to THE HUNTER we felt we need a larger editing suite to handle the "larger" project. So, since Erik Woods had access to a studio where he worked he brought THE HUNTER to Toronto and edited the movie in just under two months.

BTV supplies TEWS ENTERTAINMENT with 2 BETACAM-SP players, one BETACAM-SP recorder, a DV player, a FXE-120 switcher, a Yamaha MX400 audio board, 5 disc CD player, DAT machine, cassette deck, Inscriber and CG-Xtreme for graphics and a small dub house which can dub 5 VHS cassettes at once.

At the moment we are editing OF FORTUNE AND GLORY at BTV studios. You can take a sneak peak at the studios with editor and director of OF FORTUNE AND GLORY Erik Woods by clicking on the pictures below.


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