JANUARY 28, 2000
Well, we've been announcing for the past couple of days that we will be holding a premiere screening of GLORY this Saturday. Well, last night it became official that we will be holding the screening at the CANADA CENTRE FOR INLAND WATERS in Hamilton, Ontario. I talked to actor ADAM MALSEED who told us that his father, BRENT MALSEED, has given us permission to use one of the theatres located in the centre. I would like to thank ADAM and BRENT for helping us arrange this premiere.
We now have more news as to who will be joining us for the premiere. I talked to our executive producer NEIL McILVEEN yesterday afternoon and he is trying to make it down for the premiere but is uncertain right now. Unfortunately, DAVE SPEEDIE looks like he will not be able to join us and the same might go for our still photographer MELISSA WALLACE. She is currently trying to book off work to get down to the premiere. Hey, it be great to have some pics of the premiere to show you guys. On the good side, MELISSA's sister JENNIFER WALLACE, who has a very small role in GLORY, will be joined by her parents for the premiere. We still haven't been able to contact JULIUS IVANCSVIC, AMAMDA MATOSOS, EMILY MUIR and MARRIANN MONAHAN. And as for BRENT WOODS, well, he's my brother, so I'll have to kick his ass if he doesn't show.
Well, that's the last update (hopefully) until the Saturday premiere. I would like to thank everyone who worked on the project and I would like to thank everyone who has give us their support. Soon, everyone in the world will be able to experience the most anticipated TEWS film ever. Thanks again and see ya Monday with a huge update.
JANUARY 27, 2000
The music edit for OF FORTUNE AND GLORY began last night. So far we have 2 completed scenes. Now, that might not sound like much but I assure you that the movie will be completed in time for the premiere screening on Saturday. Tonight, Tim and I will be working on the edit for 4 hours and then Friday I will be staying behind until midnight (maybe even longer) to finish the edit and transfer it over to VHS. Then finally, after 3 years long but enjoyable years, we will be finished!
As for the premiere... we started contacting the cast and crew and letting them know about the premiere. So far these are the people that are confirmed for the screening. CARRIE TIVADOR, BILL BELL, ADAM MALSEED, KRIS NICHOLS, AARON VOLLICK, DIRIKI PALMER, TIM SULLIVAN, and myself. Those who will not be attending (and this list could change) ROB PEACE and JEN WOODS. Yes, unfortunately, I received an e-mail from Rob saying that he has a prior commitment. I'm trying real hard to get him to come so will see whether he makes it or not. And those who we haven't heard from are; JULIUS IVANCSVIC, DAVE SPEEDIE, NEIL McILVEEN, EMILY MUIR, AMANDA MATOSOS, MARRIANN MONAHAN, JENNIFER WALLACE, MELISSA WALLACE and BRENT WOODS. We'll keep you updated as more news becomes available.
JANUARY 24, 2000
The new snapshot of the week has been uploaded. This week we give you what you've been asking for. We've been receiving countless e-mial's that we aren't showing more pictures of our stars ROB PEACE and CARRIE TIVADOR. Well, in response to that, we have a shot of CARRIE TIVADOR getting ready for her next take on location at Georgian Bay.
The premiere screening date of the "temp track" version of GLORY has been announced. If everything goes as scheduled this week we will hold a premiere party on Saturday January 29, 2000 in the evening. The place and times are still to be announced but we should know within a few days. If there is any cast and crew out there that would like more info please e-mail me. tewsfilms@yahoo.com
John Simpson of the AMDB has informed me that the trailer to GLORY will be uploaded sometime soon on his page. I'll keep you in touch with that story.
JANUARY 19, 2000
Well, it's about time.... No, the movie is not done yet but you can see the NEW OF FORTUNE AND GLORY trailer. I would like to thank Tony Howard from TEMPEST DESIGN for digitizing it for us. And now, THE TRAILER.
JANURAY 17, 2000
The new snapshot of the week has been uploaded. This week we feature producer, writer and editor Tim Sullivan at the BTV studios in Toronto.
As stated on the TEWS front page we are going to be uploaded the teaser trailer to OF FORTUNE AND GLORY some time this week. We handed over the trailer to TEMPEST DESIGN and we will be in contact with them some time today to see if they have finished converting it.
As well, Tim Sullivan and I will be working extreming hard this week to finish a temp track version of GLORY for our test screening this Sunday. We have only a little bit of wrok to do on the sound effects before we start mixing the entire movie together.
JANUARY 12, 2000
Last week we completed a 1 minute 40 second teaser trailer. And next week, you will have a chance to see it right here on this web page. Stay tuned for more info as we make our way to the broadcast premiere of the OF FORTUNE AND GLORY trailer.
JANUARY 11, 2000
The new snapshot of the week has been uploaded. This week we feature actor Dave Speedie preparing for the cottage fight scene.
Last night we had to re-edit a portion of the finale fight scene. Both Tim Sullivan and I agreed that the scene seemed to drag a little and needed to be chopped down by a at least 30 seconds. The edit went well and the scene looks and feels a lot better now. With that out of the way, we can now concentrate on finishing the sound effects editing and lay down the temp track score. We are hoping, and I say hoping, to have the temp version completed by January 22. Reason for this deadline is that we are hoping to enter GLORY in the REwind video awards. Nominations are scheduled to take place some time in February.
JANUARY 5, 2000
The new snapshot of the week has been uploaded. This week we feature Jen Woods and Julius Ivancsics as Caesar Angelo's henchman.
In other news... even though we have completed the rough cut of the movie and have started the sound effects editing we still needed one other shoot in order to officially wrap-up principle photography on OF FORTUNE AND GLORY. Well, the final shoot took place on Monday January 3 at 3:15pm. It's kind of a special occasion because we can now say the shoot took us all four seasons to complete. We started in the Spring of 1999 work are way through the Summer and Fall and never expected to be still shooting in the Winter. But, with all of that we are very pleased to finally have everything in place and edited and we are on cruise control from here on in. Again, I would like to extend my thanks to the cast and crew for whom this motion picture would not be possible. You all did a fantastic job and I thank you!