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produced, written and directed by ERIK WOODS
release date SEMPTEMBER 1998


REVIEW #4 by Chris Sollecito

This film was a vast improvement over (Indiana Jones and the City of God.) My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It had all of the aspects of a successful film. From the script to the acting to the cinematography to the music. (I especially liked the music.) It was all done extremely well.

So (Erik), are you going to be making Alfred Hitchcockesque cameo appearances in all of your films? It didn't even matter that you were swigging from an empty beer bottle. It was a fun scene regardless. (Actually, I think the lack of beer only added to the scene.) It's the small, seemingly insignificant things like this that give scenes the magic that make the viewer want to see them more than once. I've seen The Hunter three times already and with each viewing it keeps getting better.

All of the actors and actresses turned in good performances and (Jen Woods) still stole every scene she was in. She's really cute, by the way. Tell her I said "hi" and "happy belated b-day". I have no negative criticism about this film. It was very well made and very entertaining, and I, as well as everyone I've showed it to thus far, enjoyed it.

Good job Erik. I'm looking forward to your future projects: OF FORTUNE AND GLORY and THREE ON A MATCH.

Chris Sollecito

REVIEW #3 by John Simpson

From out of the shadows of the amateur filmmaking world, a veteran director has appeared, bringing with him an older project that everyone seems to love. I'm talking about Erik Woods and "The Hunter", Woods' production company's, TEWS Entertainment, project from 1998.

With a running time of around 40 minutes, Woods delivers a well-made thriller. The cast is made up of four main characters, each performing extremely well. Erik Woods also takes a role that I found frighteningly similar to "Billy Bob Bum" from Irvine Pictures' "I Know What You Had For Dinner Last Fall". Very good comic relief.

And since I usually mention one or more of my favorite actors in a movie, I will give mention to Rob Peace. He does an excellent job in the role of Steve.

And, to be fair, I'll mention a downfall to the movie. The reactions to death are a little off. Characters seem a little more pissed off than upset, but I can totally understand how that can happen.

As far as no-budget movie directors go, Woods is easily one of the best that I have seen. His chase-scene techniques are unparallelled for no-budget films. Each shot seems to have been plotted out to account for every minor detail--some really nice cinematography. There is great scenery to look at, as well. The placement of the music (which was chosen extremely well) is great, most notably in the diner scene. It's nice to hear music that I haven't already heard in three or four other amateur movies. (Although, I believe I recognized one of the selections)

So, in conclusion, purchasing "The Hunter" is one of the best ways you can spend $3. What can you get for that price nowadays? A novelty bumper sticker or a cheeseburger?

John Simpson
Amateur Movie Database

REVIEW #2 by Doug Burke

Well, like C.C., I told Erik I'd give my thoughts on his film, "The
Hunter." I must say, I've seen a lot of amature films, and by far, this ranks in my 5 favorites... the story I felt could've been a little longer, but aside from that, it was great! The shots Erik took we're marvelous, and the acting was very awesome! And the editing, superb... If anyone has hesitations on sending Erik $3 for this, don't think, DO! This film is definetly worth the buy...

Doug Burke

REVIEW #1 by C.C. Chapman

I just finished watching "The Hunter" and I promised Erik that I would post a objective view here when I was done.

First and foremost I really liked this film. It was not your typical slasher film. I went into it thinking it would be your typical campy outdoor kill em all movie and I was wrong.

In this film we've actually got a good original story and a completely different killer. I'm still not sure why he is dressed in olive drab battle fatigues and wearing a gas mask, but it's pretty damn cool. Everytime I saw this guy he reminded me of Bane from the Batman comic books.

The locations in this film are what steal the show. I'm an avid outdoor fan and was just dumbfounded at the beautiful scenery and the great job behind the camera of capturing it all. Any of us who have filmed outside know how much of a pain this can be and Erik did a great job.

My only dissapointment was that the acting was not as good as it could be. Upon finding their friend murdered they barely react in disgust. There were so many moments where I just shook my head and said "man, that could have been a lot better." But, hey this IS amatuer movie making and I have seen MUCH worse before so I won't harp on it.

The editing and directing are what really makes this a fun film to watch. Lots of different angles and shots keep you on your toes and keep it visually interesting. Definitely one of the best shot amateur films I've ever seen.

Overall it's a very enjoyable movie and more then worth your $3 to get a copy. So be sure to order your copy today!

What did other people think of it?
-C.C. Chapman
Co-Founder, +RANDOM FOO+ Pictures



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