The good and bad in "ideology without ideologies"; in "religion without religions" 1/2003
"In the world based on the connection of regularities and rules with the uncertainty determined by the character of the micro-world and also the uncertainty determined by the intertwining of specifying factors on the level of the visible world, we are, when deciding, limited also by poor knowledge of the present, even less knowledge of the past and minimal ability to predict the future. Yet – ”blindly” enough – we decide and therefore think."
"The positive reduction evokes an illusion of exclusiveness by means of the time-shift in thinking, the negative reduction raises the feeling of inferiority in the same way." /Reductions make decision making possible./
"The demonstration of violence of one ideology or one religion prove the scathing potential hidden in every form of particular ideology or religion. Without the shared belief in the continuance of the human life on Earth and after the doom of this planet, mankind cannot exist any longer. "The Global God = continuance" is surely a heavy stone but it gives us hope."
The above-mentioned quotations are from the work called Thinking as Deciding; it is a complex text which had been coming into existence through many years. See
A man cannot be an absolute master of his fate because his life is not the accomplishing of a kind of a strict plan which would exclude errors and mistakes. At the same time a man is given an idea of exclusiveness or inferiority of his deeds which are considerably supported by so called public opinion which - often with only a superficial knowledge of the matter - calls some heroes and the others villains.
The modern illusion of democracy reinforces the importance of such evaluation because democracy prefers individuals and groups who create the best ideas affecting the decisions of voters, customers and gapers. A "well- sold good" is extolled, evil which fascinates many people is "for sale" as well.
In a society which sees its own sense in exchange and relative overplus, there is no sense in "denuding and ruining" the illusions of democracy or the market of politicians, goods or artists by a kind of preaching and striving after the reversion of the historical axis because it is an existing phase of development of human society and not a sort of vagary. Highly developed countries strongly restrict the liberal aspects in the position of individuals a groups today and they reinforce the conservative ones. In the next phase of development /probably very distant/, "permissiveness " will come again. This process ensures the realization of repeating and exceeding of the given in social development.
Yes, everything is relative. But while evaluating our deeds do not let us fall into illusion that we are heroes or villains - let us better say that we are villains a bit but let us take it as a joke. Let us measure our deeds by the situation we were deciding in, not only from today's view which might seem to be a bird's-eye view which, thanks to our misleading memory loses the knowledge of all the circumstances which had influenced our deciding - as for example our deciding ability at that time - we know all those "generals when the battle is over". Consider the sense of our life, the sense of our contemporaries' lives and continuance as a "result" = "global God", realized by exceeding and repeating of the given /especially in the situation when we are trying to evaluate the alternatives of the decisions we are going to make.
That way we consider the good and the bad which contain the exceeding and repeating of the given, because none of these is absolute nor strange to us. Do not let us be mistaken when judging the measure of the influence on reality which our acting could have brought or can bring. And do not let us be mistaken when judging our own importance for others but do not let us fall into the feeling of inferiority, either.
It is important to explain the sense of the feeling of exclusiveness and inferiority for a man related to continuance as the sense of mankind's existence./We can put the individual profit aside - if self-satisfaction, in the widest sense of the term, is the most important thing in someone's life, there is no sense in persuading him of anything else; this is not an appeal for asceticism but for the consciousness of appurtenance to the unit without which we could survive for many years as castaways or voluntary "Robinsons" but the price would be a kind of a "vacuum" poor existence with no beginning and no end regardless the question if our "island" would be an island of poverty or luxury./ Exclusiveness leads us to effort to accomplish the sense - without this feeling we would fall into apathy. Inferiority corrects the excessive enthusiasm and lowers the risks. It also makes an effective defence possible.
The feeling of exclusiveness or inferiority can easily confuse us while deciding and evaluating; if we admit these feelings and we understand their role with the rise of religion and ideologies, another extreme - total sobering and loss of faith - should not occur. The consciousness of who we are and where we are going will not "kill" us; it only will relieve us of golden bulls - particular Gods and self-deceptions. Only blindness can kill us. Blindness to our opportunities; blindness to continuance. This is the sign of "absolute" evil. All the rest is only partially bad, to some extent good or morally neutral.
Evil is a revulsion caused by the fact that a feeling of exclusiveness or inferiority develops into a complex /a complicated opinion/ of exclusiveness or inferiority and we succumb to ideas that our deeds are a priori correct or senseless, and we feel endangered by our enemies. The complex /further meant as the complex of exclusiveness or inferiority; they usually occur together as two "layers"/ is extremely dangerous, as "goods" shared by a group, it is shielded by an institution, e.g./meant "many of all"/ a movement, a party, a sect, a church, a nation, a state or only more or less informal groups like families, companies and sport fans. The complex as a social phenomenon is not a diagnosis of an ill individual but a shared opinion sometimes created without restraint . It is, however, at least initiated or created by "leaders" who, of course, may be mentally ill. This does not exclude an alternative of an acting individual, who decides within or beyond the scope of mental normality under the influence of his own complex /complexes/ which has otherwise the character of a shared social phenomenon.
The centre of complexes is the "definition of the wrong" - sometimes just different opinions; often enemies condemned to liquidation as well.
The problems of particularity of ideologies and religions, today in the spheres of conceptions, soon maybe in reality, too, will be transferred into the necessity of coping with the existence of extraterrestrial beings - regardless of the obvious fact that not even other animals or plant on the Earth should be treated like something deserving less respect than a man as a species.
The good and bad in "ideology without ideologies" or "religion without religions" seems to be a real cheat; without ethical criteria growing in such "gardens", a dignified life of beings who are able to decide is not possible. This text is the opinion of the author who seeks the "right lot" as well. What has been taken out of the door comes back through the window in a global form. We should think so too! Have we changed our character?
Definitions of the terms: The particular ideology or religion is any world outlook regardless of its kind and form, which contains, in a hidden or open form, elements of the complex of exclusiveness or inferiority or of both complexes.
Particular religions and ideologies are, as s matter of course, interpreted in different ways /among and between the files of advocates and adversaries/ and, as a rule, they develop in their own ways