Last revised - 2004/05/14
It has just been revealed that US Forces have been engaged in systematic war crimes in Iraq and possibly in Afghanistan as well. These are human rights violations in direct contradiction of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Complete details at this link.
Complete Timeline
The Lie Factory
This, you must remember
War on Iraq
Part 1 - the war in Afghanistan
Introduction - the war in Iraq
Iraq has long been a rich oil and gas bearing region. For example the city of Kirkuk has vast reserves of high-quality oil so close to the surface that in one area natural gas escaping from the ground has been on fire since antiquity.
Iraq was controlled by Saddam Hussein. A number of years ago Iraq, misunderstanding political signals sent by Washington and assuming that Washington would not interfere, invaded Kuwait. The United States invaded by implementing operation Desert Storm, which came just short of invading Baghdad and/or killing Saddam Hussein. President George H. W. Bush feared that it would become a debacle - another Vietnam.
Afterwards, the United Nations insisted Iraq allow nuclear weapons inspectors, which, grudgingly, they did until they began to suspect the weapons inspectors were spies.
Time (and presidencies) passed.
Now the current occupant of the White House has decided for reasons he has been unable to demonstrate to anyone or clearly document (he didn't even bother trying to convince then Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien), to invade Iraq. Ships have already been sent to the region. Bush addressed the United Nations, attempting to explain his reasoning.
As the war geard up, people wereready to pick up the spoils, and carve up the oil riches - to the victors go the riches.
Briefly, Bush invaded, captured Saddam Hussein, killed his sons and declared "Mission Accomplished". However, a year later, US forces are still on the ground and being killed at an average of at least one per day, a fact so alarming to the administration that they have blocked media from publishing pictures of coffins returning home.
I apologize for the next section - I'll try to fix it up in a couple of days
The battle of Fallujah has been a disaster - US Marines have pulled out having accomplished nothing.
Now they are intending on invading Iraq's holiest city and tanks are currently rolling in the streets. They have bombed a mosque in the holy city of Karbala. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
In the meantime, it has been revealed US Forces have been engaged in systematic war crimes in Iraq and possibly in Afghanistan as well. These are human rights violations in direct contradiction of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Complete details at this link.
How very convenient that The Bush administration is doing everything in its power to avoid Americans being prosecuted for War Crimes.
The Iraqis are retaliating by bombing pipelines which is being blamed for driving up the price of oil (and hence gasoline), but there are concerns that in fact the price of gasoline is being driven up artificially and will dramatically drop just before the US November elections (for which Bush will take credit).
They have also posted a video of the beheading of an American civilian.
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