The Last Child
By Gwen
Buffy got to Willow's house in record time and ran up to her room.
The sight she saw was bad. Willow's room was a mess and Willow was
just waking up from unconciousness. "Is she alright?" Buffy asked
Oz looked at her and nodded his head yes. She plopped down beside
Willow who was tucked under the covers with Oz at a chair beside her.
"Buffy? Oz? What?" Willow murmered to herself.
"It's okay baby.... you just lay here and me and Buffy are gonna go
downstairs and talk." He gave her a light kiss and lead Buffy to the
"Giles and Xander. Can you believe it they did this to her?" He
yelled loudly.
"I can't believe it...." Buffy paused and then looked at Oz.
"Don't worry she'll be alright." And as soon as she said that tears
started to form at Oz's eyes.
"Buffy they can't keep doing this to her. And her baby we've got
to find a way to put a stop to this and now..." Then they saw Cordelia
standing right there.
"I just let myself in.... Research mode?" She asked. Oz nodded.
Buffy took Cordelia to the library to do research and Oz returned
to the bed and stroked Willow's hair.
"I'm kinda dizzy." She spoke.
Oz stared at her. The only words he could say were. "I love you."
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