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General Chat

Commands that should work in all chat enviroments; Java and IRC

/msg {nickname}  =  Sends a private message to the person who's nick you typed in.

/whois {nickname}  =  Displays various info about that person; IP address, where they are, Chat Client, etc

/help  =  Usually brings up a list of Commands in the chat window

/join {#channel}  =  Takes you to the specified room.

/me {actiontext}  =  Prints your nickname with the action text afterwords; for example /me throws Johnny248 in da river of life would say, TWJOlson throws Johnny248 in da river of life

/whereis {nickname}  =  Tells you where that person is if they are logged on.

/ignore {nickname}  =  blocks all incoming messages from that person

/unignore {nickname}  =  Allows messages to be recieved by this person again

IRC Commands

Commands should work in all IRC clients; mIRC, pIRCh, ViRC, etc. Does not include ones already listed above

/leave {#channel}  =  Leave the named room

/whowas {nickname}  =  Shows information for someone who just left IRC or Changed their nickname; shows the same info as the /whois command

/who {#channel}  =  Lists Nicknames, addresses, and other user info in that channel

/query {nickname} {message}  =  Opens a private chat with that person

/nick {new nickname}  =  Changes your nickname to whatever you want.

/away {away reason}  =  Marks you as away; that you aren't at your computer

/away  =  Brings you back from away mode set above

/list  =  Retrieves a list of channels on the server

/mode {nickname} +i  =  Puts you in invisible mode; people can't get your info by /who and /names commands; however they can use a /whois command to get it

Client to Client Protocol

/ctcp {nickname} ping  =  Sends a signal to that person and times how long it takes to get back

/ctcp {nickname} version  =  Returns the program and version that they are using to chat

/ctcp {nickname} time  =  Shows you the their local time

Direct Client-to-Client Connection

/dcc chat {nickname}  =  Opens a Direct Client-to-Client connection with that person; the most secure means of chatting one-on-one

/dcc send {nickname} {C:\path\to\file.exe}  =  Request to send a file to specified person

/dcc close {nickname}  =  Closes a DCC connection (chat, file transfer, etc) with that person

Channel Operator Commands

Must be a channel operator to use

/mode {#channel} +o {nickname}  =  Grant Ops status to that person

/mode {#channel} -o {nickname}  =  Takes away Ops status

/mode {#channel} +b {!address}  =  Bans the person from the channel

/mode {#channel} +s  =  Makes the channel a secret; will not be published on the channel list

/mode {#channel} +k {keyword}  =  Makes the channel password protected; to enter people must enter /join {#channel} {keyword}

mIRC Commands

mIRC specific commands; doesn't include ones above

/  =  Recalls last thing said in current window.

/action {action text}  =  Sends a message describing what you are doing; same as the /me command

/clear  =  wipes all text from the current chat window

/font  =  Brings up the font selection dialog boxes; allowing you to change text color, size, and font face.

/exit  =  Forces mIRC to shutdown and exit

/help  =  Opens mIRC's Help File

/channel  =  Opens the Channel Dialog box; allowing you to change rooms.

/quit {reason}  =  Disconnects from server with a good-bye message before you go

/time  =  Shows the time at the server; not local time though

/timestamp {on|off}  =  Posts the time a message was sent before each persons name

/ping {nickname}  =  Pings that persons computer; sends a signal to them and measures how long it took to get back

/amsg {message}  =  Sends the message to all channels you currently are in

/ame {action text}  =  Same as /me but sends the action to all channels you are in

/clipboard [-a] {text}  =  Pastes the text to the clipboard; you can leave out the -a or put it in and have the text be appended to the clipboard.