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About me

Welcome to the page about me Thanks for taking the time to learn about the person who designed this site.

I'm a twenty year old college student currently living in Orlando, Florida. Although I've lived here most of my life, I never enjoyed it much, due to the heat, the bugs, and excitement of tourists. I'd really enjoy living somewhere where it snows when winter rolls around, like North Carolina, where I used to live as a child.

Right Now I'm attending a community college to major in Journalism. I also love music, reading, being with animals, being with frineds, watching movies ( Especially Horror ), woodburning, candle design, and more.

I write drama the best, but my favorite genre is fiction. All of my work is combined. My major problems in writing are the plot development ( I have been told I daddle too long ) and my audience. Sometimes I make the character seem either too young or too old for her or his age.

My favorite music to listen to is Alice in Chains, White Zombie, Filter, and several others. I love to listen to The Interview with the Vampire soundtrack while I work, among other classical music.

Animals are the fruit of our planet. It is our sole responsibilty to help out those beings less fortunite than us. Don't remain ignorant! Learn all that you can to stop cruelty, to end unessecary death, and vote on acts that you find repulsive!

Please visit PETA Online - This is the top notch animal organzation in the whole world. I am a member of this, and haven't regretted paying fifteen dollars a year for one second of my animal loving life!

US Statistics and Facts - Here are the statistics of animal rights. See whats dwindling and what's not. :(

Animal Rights Myths - To be fair, I have to show two sides of the coin. Paul Mcartney says that animal research is necessary. The reason Im linking this site is because it shows useful info. on what really goes on behind "closed doors" Myths finally revealed.

Carrot & Stick Vegetarian Site - This is a veggie site, with tons of delicious recipes, useful articles and more. If this is your kind of thing, then you should defnitely go here and look through it all. You won't be dissapointed.

If you're like me, you love to talk! And you love to write to other people around the world, make friends with others from different parts of this wonderful place called Earth. Below are some links to Pen Pal sites. Enjoy!

Friend Finder - Come on guys! Be sociable!

A Penpal World - If you're interested in not being bored, email someone from here!

EIFN World Wide Friends - World wide pen pals are the best!

I also enjoy learning
about people and

Thank you for learning
about me!

You can email me here!
Just click on the link!

Thanks again for dropping in!

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