засега на английски
How to play: It's an easy game. All you need to play is a can (or glass) of your favorite beverage (if it's a beer, you tend to have more fun with the game) and a TV. Just watch an episode of the greatest show ever created, The X-Files, and when you see one of the following occurrences, drink that much of your beverage. Have FUN !!
Two Sips
- Whenever Cancer Man is smoking around a visible non-smoking sign.
- Every time a mysterious character shows up at the end of an episode to keep Mulder from learning the truth.
- Every time someone knows about Mulder's sister, but won't tell him about it.
- If a computer or other piece of electronics is used to "bring out" or enhance an image from something that M or S has found.
- If you see the numbers 11/21, which correspond to the birthday of Chris Carter's wife.
- Every time a reference is made to Mulder's obsession with porn. (Yes, it's there, you just have to watch for it.)
- Whenever Mulder is called "Fox."
- Every time Cancer Man lights a cigarette.
- Every time Mulder mentions his sister's abduction.
- Whenever Mulder runs off and leaves Scully to get attacked just so he can save the day.
- Whenever Mulder is seen with sunflower seeds.
Three Sips
- Whenever Mulder is called "Spooky Mulder."
- Every time Deep Throat or Mr. X is called.
- If Mulder is seen actually looking at porn.
- If M or S gets in a fight, loses gun, and wins fight without the other's help.
Four Sips
- If they ever drive a car other than a Ford Taurus.
- Whenever someone gets sick during an autopsy.
- If Mulder or Scully is seen wearing anything other than a business suit. (double if it's underwear)
- Any time Scully is seen driving a car. (double if she's by herself)
The Whole drink!
- If the caption at the beginning is something other than "The Truth Is Out There."
- If Scully believes that something is paranormal and Mulder doesn't.
- Any time either Mulder or Scully have a date (NO NOT WITH EACH OTHER!!!!!).
- If Skinner is seen anywhere outside of FBI headquarters.
Raid Your Local Pub!!
- If Scully and Mulder ever engage in any act of romance, affection, or anything else that will just ruin the show.