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***Full song... please be patient while it loads.***

Well you and I, we're buddies ,
and we've been since we first met.
And me and you, well we've sure been through,
our share of laughter and regrets.
Lord knows we've had our bad days,
and more then once we've disagreed,
but you've always been a friend to me.

You can be so stubborn,
there's times I think you just like to fight.
I hope and pray I live to see the day,
when you say I might be right.
And there's times I'd rather kill you,
then listen to your honesty,
but you've always been a friend to me.

You've always been, time and again,
the one to take my hand,
and show to me, that it's okay to be,
just the way I am,
with no apology.

Oh you've always been,
and you will till God knows when.
Yes you've always been a friend to me.

~Garth Brooks~

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(midi playing: "A Friend To Me" by: Garth Brooks)
(uploaded in compressed version... sorry if you can't hear it)

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