Johnny Horton Fans,
Please Help Us!We are going to work hard to make this Johnny Horton page interesting, educational, different and always changing. In order to do this, we need your help.
If you have photos, newspapers clippings or any other item about Johnny Horton we would like copies. We want to put them on our web site. If you know of a person who knew Johnny Horton that we might interview, please let us know about that.
In addition, we are working real hard on the new book about Johnny Horton. It will be forthcoming soon and will be a good, complete work, with many pictures, about Horton.
If you have photos, clippings, information or persons we might contact about Horton, please let us know.
Where is Dot Barnhart? During January 1954, Dot Barnhart unveiled the first issue of the Johnny Horton Fan Club Journal. At the time, she lived in Longview, TX. She was a very devoted Johnny Horton fan and put many hours into the promotion of Horton's career.
Dot Barnhart and Johnny Horton (left) and Dot Barnhart (right).
In a letter dated Nov. 26, 1961 in the Johnny Horton Memorial Fan Club Journal, President Billie Laabs, wrote that she and her family vacationed in California and visited with Dot Barnhart and her family.
Where is Dot Barnhart now? Can any of our readers help?
There were others who were instrumental in both the Fan Club and the Memorial Fan Club. Do you know were any of these gals are: Peggy O'Riley, Kansas City, KS.; Ruth Nash, Longview, TX.; Marilyn DuBry, Norwalk, CA.; Paula Boyd, Luther, TX.; Janie Willard, Pasadena, TX.; Betty Cummings, Topeka, KS.; Blanche Barnard, Redmond, WA.; Elaine Finlan, Escanaba, Mich.; Karen Booth, Oklahoma City, OK.; Thelma Brewer, Dodson, LA.; Dorothy Jean Sawyer, Seattle, WA.; Barbara Hancock, Apache Junction, AZ.; or Maria Surprise, Wharton, TX. If you know where any of these ladies ended up, let us know.