Drayden DireWisp
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Raised in the gray elven forest city outside the borders of Rhydin, he was trained in the Elven academy in the use of scimitar and bow. Seeking to experience the world, he left the elven city to travel and meet new peoples and find new adventures. Believing his ancestryto be only of the gray and sylvan elves, it was not until recently, upon his entrance into Rhydin, that he discovered his drow heritage with the surfacing of his drow magics. It is his belief that somehow the normal barriers are weakened in this land, allowing the emanations of the UnderDark to extend into this region, thus allowing his powers to surface. Taught to despise the dark elven kind, he yet struggles to come to terms with this new knowledge of his ancestry. And so he remains in Rhydin, learning the powers of his heritage, in hopes of finding the answers he seeks, and perhaps some measure of inner peace.

Standing at 5' 4" tall, he has short, fine, silver hair, penetrating dark violet eyes and the tapered ears of the elven kind. He wears a beech -bark -grey hooded cloak and a jerkin of the same color belted over a midnight blue long flowing sleeved collared shirt, midnight blue trousers and grey, high, soft leather boots. Various pouches adorn his belt, one of which contains a set of wooden pipes given to him by a friend. Hanging at one side is a sheathed curved scimitar, on the other, a sheathed "sickle of death", as his Assistant Commander likes to call it. Strapped across his back is a finely crafted elven bow and quiver. He has inherited some of the magical abilities of his drow heritage including the inherent ability to cast faerie fire, dancing lights, and globe of darkness. Like all surface and sylvan elves he has the ability to Commune with Nature, the powers of Communion, and the Reverie, and the ability to Pass Without Trace.

Noble Knights of Avelon
Protectors of Peace
First Ranger

Rhydin Order of Nobles
Registered Healer


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