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Izlude (Knight Blade)'s RPGmaker central

Chara sets and Tilesets
Games and Utilities
Webrings, Banners and Ads
My chatrooms
Tips(under connstruction)
Sim RPGmaker downloads
Awards you can win
Final Fantasy Tactics 2

A tiny little update, I added a download for the SimRPGmaker downloads. The dll files.

I have added a link page, e-mail me if you want your link posted on my page! I also have a new Demo out, it's called Final Fantasy Tactics2, check it out, it's one of the few SRPGmaker games!!!

I have updated my site a little, i've added a SRPGmaker page with the Exe file and CD file.I don't have much time to update because I have school, but i'll update as much as possible.

Welcome to "Izlude (Knight Blade)"s RPGmaker central" I have added Demo one of "The Knight Blade" by Me, please don't comment about lack of story line.

Join a totally cOoL online game, clike the banner below!!

abel_26 got their NeoPet at
abeltoshinden got their NeoPet at

Expect future updates to come soon!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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Here's my banner, if you'd like to use it on your page,first, right click it then save it, then upload it to your page and type this HTML code in--
