MUSEUM: Aya and Daniel have a nice little conversation on the way, and once you arrive just follow Daniel up to the entrance. Talk to the old geezer who then lets you inside. He opens up an iron gate that locks a stairwell and allows Daniel to go on up. It takes Daniel about an hour to make it up the stairway (I've never witnessed such slow walking...) so go take a piss or something while you wait. Once he FINALLY makes it don't even bother following him because you can't at the moment. Instead run over to the front of the square desk to the left and search there...after finding what you were looking for you can now go upstairs (feel free to save the game before you go up at the phone on the left wall). Upstairs you see Daniel so run over to him and you will both enter a museum office. A HUGE talking scene follows and once it is over you will see the map again...choose the NYPD.
N.Y. POLICE DEPT: Back at the station, follow Daniel out into the main hall. Go north to the far end and enter the door on the right (next to Daniel). You are back in the press conference room where you speak to the Chief. Once you have finished leave the station again and witness Daniel's amazing driving skills in a cool FMV! The rest of the trip is automatic and you end up in Central Park.
CENTRAL PARK: Once you arrive Daniel will run into a problem at the gate...a certain reason he cannot enter the park. So it's all up to problem right? Okay, go through the main gate and then go south until you get to a save point...DEFINATELY save as this is a random battle area! Now follow the U-shaped path and in the curve of the U search in the trees for a hard to see chest that contains a 6 bullet clip. You may have to fight snakes and such on the way, but they are simple and pose absolutely no threat. Anyway...once you reach the next screen go right and there are three gates leading into the Central Park Zoo. The middle one is the entrance, but search in the darkness of the other two gates for chests that contain a 45HP+ vial and a 6 bullet clip. Now enter the middle gate and open the chest to the left that has a new gun inside. Now proceed to the northwest up some steps to a save point next to a door (save if you wish). Inside the room that the door leads to you can open a drawer in the upper right to receive a key, a cabinet at the top of the room to get some new armor, and you can move the stretcher out of the way so that you can open a dresser and get ANOTHER new gun! Phew...what a room. Now leave the room and go right until you reach a new door, enter it now that you have the key. Inside go through the shattered glass to your left and follow the little path around the glass hallway until you reach an area with three chests. The chests contents are a 90HP+ vial, a poison protection potion (lessens the chances that an enemy can poison you), and a body armor power-up. Now you have gotten everything of interest from this room so leave the area and go right again once you are outside. You will see an entrance to another area above you, but ignore it for now and get the chest hidden behind the column as it contains a 15 bullet clip. Now you have a can either go through the entrance now and get to another part of the game or take the longer route and pick up a bunch of's up to you. If you wish to enter now, just do so and follow the left path to end up at the next part of the game. Now for the longer path...ignore the entrance and continue going will see some steps going down so take them. You will be in an open area with benches and a the chest for another 15 bullet clip. Now go southeast to end up in another place with nothing of interest so just follow the path right and then go up to reach the next area. In this area there are two chests...the one in the lower left contains a 90HP+ vial and the one in the lower right contains a 15 bullet clip. Once you have raided the chest go up over the bridge and into the area where you would've ended up had you taken the entrance earlier. You are in the upper right hand corner of this V shaped path so get yourself over to the upper left side where there is a gate that leads to the next area. Here just go straight up, ignoring the left path, and at the next area go straight up again and into the doorway. Inside you will see EVE on the stage so run to the left for a nice, disgusting FMV sequence to begin. Once it is over have Aya exit the area to the left. You will be back outside so run to the right and you will see the little girl that has been haunting your visions...follow her backstage. Run up to EVE when you see her and she will float off...pursue her and end up back outside. Now go back the way you came and take the left path that you ignored earlier. You will be in an area where you can go up or left...if you go up through the pavilion you can save your game at a phone booth there AND pick up a chest in the corner that holds a 15 bullet clip, otherwise go left. Before you go though AT LEAST search the pavilion, you can get two hidden chests within it. The one on the left has a 15 bullet clip, the one on the right has an Instant Revive potion (revives you in battle when you die)...these chests are hard to find at first (because you simply CAN'T see them), but keep trying THEY ARE THERE. Once you have gone left you will see the little girl running downward and you should run after her. When I say SHOULD I mean that this area is pretty much a maze and you can reach the same point a variety of different ways, but I'm going to guide you through the route that gets you ALL of the chests and items. To do this you must follow the girl DOWNWARD, pass up the left path, and take the first right that you come to. You will see the girl running left this time so follow her that direction and follow the path around taking a right at the bottom and then go south on the next path to get to a chest with a 15 bullet clip. After getting the chest go back down the path and just go left until the next area where there is a chest next to a bench that holds some body armor. Continue left across the bridge into the next area where there is another bridge going down...go down this bridge to get a chest containing a body armor power-up. Now go back up the bridge and follow the path straight left into the next area where you will see the girl again...running left. Instead of following her take the first path up, take the left at the top, and then go down the first time you can to get a chest containing an Upgrade Tool. Now just go up, left, and follow the path to the left and into the next area. In this area just follow the path down-left until you reach the next section, where you do the same thing...follow the bridge down-left into a new area. Now you are in an area with staircases and a path in between them...take the path (the stairways lead to the same place with NO treasures) and get the two treasure chests on the way that both contain a body armor power-up. In the next area area just go up-right to exit the screen and then on the next screen there is a phone booth where you can save...and you DO want to save here. Then go right and you will meet a boss.
SNAKE BOSS - 200 HP EACH - TOTAL 800 HP: This boss is really not too difficult...just make sure you have your best weapon equipped before you take it on. The snakes pop out of the ground then shoot little spiked balls at you that explode and send needles in all directions. What can I say you know? Just dodge quickly THEN shoot...that's the best way. You may be a bit overwhelmed at first, but once you kill one snake there is less pressure on you...then you kill another and another. The only problem is...the snakes that remain get much bigger as you kill off one of their own. Once there is only one snake left he is HUGE and he always pops up in the same place and has two attacks...the spiked ball (only MUCH bigger and with more range) and a sweep where he lies down and swings his body across the screen. You can just beat this form by just standing at the snakes base and firing away with your gun...sure you'll take some hits but when wounded just heal with your 60HP+ PARASITE ENERGY spell or a 90HP+ vial. He goes down in no time.Once you beat the snake exit to the right of the screen, and in the next area run up to EVE who is floating on the carriage. After talking to her, board the carriage and enjoy the "flaming horse" FMV. Once it's's time to take on EVE yet again.
EVE THIRD BATTLE - 300 HP: Of course she is also, yet again, EASY! You have a VERY small space to move around in, but that actually makes this particular battle easier. EVE has two lousy is her slash were she swings at you with her long arms, the other is her power beam where she flies into the air and fires a huge beam at you. Just shoot her and then run away from her to avoid her slash attack, and when she flies into the air stand in the MIDDLE of the carriage and wait. As soon as you see her beam forming in the carriage notice what corner it is forming in and run to the opposite corner quickly and you will escape undamaged. Then continue this pattern...she's simple.After the battle watch the next cool FMV and then there are a bunch of automatic scenes so pop open a cold one and relax. There is ANOTHER FMV, then MORE automatic scenes...and finally DAY TWO comes to an end.