Balamb Garden You wake up in Balamb Garden. You see Rinoa in the Infirmary, but Quistis tells you to head to Edea's house.
Edea's House Edea's house is on the map now.. its a little down and right I think, depending on how you parked last? Go into Edea's house and you see Cid. Follow Cid. Talk with Matron/Edea.. she says she's been possed by Sorceress Ultimecia and that she did this to save Ellone. (Ahh.. the plot begins to make more sense now.) Edea tells us about Sorcress Ultimecia but Squall is too busy thinking about Rinoa.
Balamb Garden Back on the ship. Announcement of going to find Ellone. Go to the Infirmary and visit Rinoa. Squall talks to Rinoa. You then have to Party Junction.
Trabia Canyon You are now Laguna and Ward and Kiros. Talk between group. Filming. Hehe, theres a real dragon now. This is fun.. keep trying for it... after you defeat him, RUN! Kiros and Ward joins you now. PICK (Hold on a sec..) because you need to Junction Ward and Kiros first. After you set your characters up, save, and go fight the Ruby Dragon. After you defeat the dragon, Squall notices he's dreaming.. he's obviously talking to Ellone in his dream..
Balamb Garden You are Squall again, at Rinoa' bed side. He thinks to himself.
Edea's house Go up to the bridge and head for Edea's house again to ask her where the White SeeD ship is, and she also gives you a letter. White SeeD Ship The inlet in Centra is in near the middle of the bottom island, but the island north of it.. It is somewhat near Edea's house, a little to the north. It is where all the little islands are and there is a small "bay" there. (This took me a very long time to find, but after you see it, you'll realize that you didn't go very far.) Run into their ship with the Garden and you'll be talking to the White SeeDs. They will ask you to leave, but go into the ship, and you will run into Watts. Talk with Watts and Zone. After Zone leaves, talk to Watts again who will give you abit more info. on Ellone and the leader. Now go down the stairs where you will give the leader the letter Edea wrote. Leader talks about Ellone leaving to the Esthar ships.. you're back on the ship heading for Esthar.
Fishermans Horizon Go to Fishermans Horizon.. Squall takes Rinoa to train station.. run into others and Edea... all going to Esthar together... head east. Ooo, pick your group.. you can play Edea! Now that you're in world map zone, run into the big white lake (looks like a big ditch/hole) in the middle of the continent that blocks you from going east..
Great Salt Lake Small talk inside mountain. Go north, into the icy area. Go north, east (following path), north, west, north (you run into an "undead monster" - Abadon.. if you draw his cures and cast it on him, it hurts a lot more than attacks and/or spells), go back south, east, save point, west, west, northeast, look at electric wall, climb up ladder and into tunnel.
Esthar City Follow tunnel north/up until you go through a door, then the thing will start moving. Go left of the screen and then it stops. Go through door north.. a whole city appears. You are down a ladder again.. that squeaky tone is calling again.. change party members for Laguna.
Lunatic Pandora Laboratory Scene with Laguna. Go to the tank and start working on it.. then go to the door and mealtime? Talk to the Moomba, then to the guy, talk to Moomba and get him a tool.. talk to guy, fight guard. Equip Ward and Kiros (Better check again!) and then fight the other two guards. Go up elevator, eavesdrop, go outside. Moombas leaves. Meet doctor's assistant. Draw. Save. Go back into lab (pick up last volume of the weapons magazine), go down elevator. Fight guards, talk to Doc. Odine. Follow Doc up elevator, follow Doc outside, where he'll tell you she's in [Odine's Laboratory] and Laguna drives off.
Odine's Laboratory Go to the middle where there's something that looks like an elevator.. sit on it and it will take you up. Go through door, fight, go to controls on the right.. ERROR.. go north.. Ellone can't hear you... check the controls again to the right.. UNLOCKED.. Go back down elevator, door is now opened, go through, and you see Ellone.
Esthar City You are back as Squall.. Man comes and takes you guys to Presidential Palace... Doc Odine comes out.. leave Rinoa with him. Head for Lunar Gate. Go out door, go right, and "leave palace." Short FMV. Go towards us in the screen and you are outside of palace. Talk to guards who gives you information about the right and left sides. (You may go in any order, this is just the order that I took..) Go left, down left again, left, save point. Go back right, right again, right, take lift/elevator to shopping mall... get off at shopping mall. Go to one of the screens on your left, and it will ask you if you want to buy something from different shops. (Pet store has lots of stuff for GFs and Johnny's Shop gives you free potions, and Karen's BookStore has all the issues) Get back on the elevator lift, go Odine's Lab but it is closed.. go to City Entrance to rent a car.. go down the steps, go to computer on the left, rent a car.. you are in worldmap mode.. head east to Lunar Gate.
Lunar Gate Get out of car, walk in. Talk to guards, go inside. Follow girl. Dog runs in... Angelo? Continue following girl. Follow another person, run into group.. tell lady you are ready to go. Pick who's going to stay with Edea and who's going to go with you. Talk to everyone, go in capsule. FMV. You are Zell now, go outside. Leave Lunar Gate.
Tears Point Go to Tears Point. Follow path, go to middle of the statue and get Solomon's Ring. (Solomon's Ring is to acquire Grasharaborus, and in order to do that you must fight a Marlboro and get Marlboro Tentacles.) Go back out. Walk around and fight mobs to find Marlboro. (Careful those dang Morbors petrify, sleep, slow, berserk, poison, blind, everything you!) Now go back to the city.
Esthar City Talk to the Presidential Aide outside of the Airstation.. he tells you about Lunatic Pandora. Go to Odine's Laboratory. (At the Odin stop, if you go one left, there is a save point.) Talk to the Reseach Assistant and follow him in. (This place look familiar?) Take lift up, go through door, talk to Odine. Talk about Contact Points. Leave Lab. Go right twice, go north (pass the lift), go up the stairs and you are at the first Contact Point. Jump up onto it.
Lunatic Pandora. Go up the stairs, go up the elevator, follow path, go left, follow path, follow ice tunnel down, go right to the door that says O3.. its an elevator. Draw point. Go through door O1, draw point, follow ice tunnel left up, up again.. you run into some mob that controls your body. FMV Sequence of Lunatic Pandora.
Lunar Base You are in space now. FMV Sequence. Talk to doctor. Get Rinoa and follow doctor. Save point. Go through door and put Rinoa down. Follow doctor... go up the stairs and talk to rsearchers. Go right, into door, talk to Ellone who follows you. Now go to the control room (down the stairs and to the right). Look at monitor. Talk to evryone, then go to Rinoa.. something happens.. Go to Rinoa and follow her. She does something in the control room. After Rinoa leaves, go to the controls and look at the monitor. FMV. Go to the lock room, across from where you can look out to see the moon with the researchers. Put space suit on (right) and follow Rinoa. Try going down into spce, but you get locked in.. go back up, leave with space suit on, scene with President... go back into control room and talk to doctor. FMV. Talk to Ellone, get on the elevator. Another FMV. Save. Follow Ellone, talk to Ellone, get in pod. Flashbacks of Rinoa. Talk to Ellone.
Space You are now Rinoa drifting... and drifting... and drifting... (this seems to take a long time!).. Rinoa lives... Squall goes to look for her. You are timed to save her, but all you have to do is use your directional keypad and keep her centered. I think pressing the cancel button makes you go towards her faster. Squall catches Rinoa. Move keypad again and hang onto ship. Then go into ship. Save.
Ragnarok Spaceship Go to the left, press buttons. Door closes on top. Go through door. Scene with Rinoa. Go through another door.. monster there. Junction Squall and Rinoa. The object is to kill 2 of the same monsters one after the other. There's four different colored ones, but eight total, so if you kill a red one, you have to kill a red one again, without killing anything in between. Make sense? When you are done killing all eight, go to the elevator where the green monster was standing. (Might of been a different color cuz I saw someone else's game and the monster was yellow there.) Go up elevator.. long scene with Squall and Rinoa. They arrive and take Rinoa away. Go back into the ship, go into door on the left, go into door on left again, and group comes. Try leaving, and you guys will start flying. Take elevator up. Talk to Irvine and fly to Sorceress' Memorial.
Sorceress' Memorial Go up the stairs and inside. Draw. Talk to two guards and go inside. Go left, go straight, and try getting Rinoa out. Short FMV. Run out.. mysterious man tells them to let you go. Talk among group. Head for Edea's House.
Edea's House Follow dog. Group leaves.. talk to dog while waiting for Rinoa. Talk with Rinoa.. the promise that explains the "I'll be here..." and "You'll find me..."!! Zell interupts. Leave and you see Edea.. talk to her. Leave and get on Ragnarok. Go to Esthar.
Esthar City Go to Presidential Palace, talk to two guards and go in. Event with Laguna and Kiros and Ward. Talk to Laguna and ask him questions. When you are done, tell him you are ready. Mission briefing in Ragnarok. Go to Lunatic Pandora at Tears Point.
Lunatic Pandora Run into Lunatic Pandora.. FMV. Go down the elevator (in Ragnarok), out the door on the right, and leave the spaceship. Go down the stairs. Fight Rajin and Fujin. Go down stairs, up left, save. Talk to Biggs and Wedge (the two guards) and they leave. Follow 'em through same door. Follow tunnel right (left on our screen), continue following tunnel, down ice tunnel, go through door number 3. Draw point. Go through door number 1. Draw point. Follow ice path up. Save. Continue up. See Rajin and Fujin again. Fight Mobile Type 8. (His Coronas hurt!!) After you defeat, go through door, event with Seifer and fight him. Seifer takes Rinoa after fight.. change characters.. Event with Seifer, Rinoa, and Adel. End of Disc 3!!