1. Prologue: Orbonne Monastery.
2. Chapter One: The Meager
3. Chapter Two: The Manipulator and the Subservient
(WHAT IS HERE: Introduction, Battles 1-19)
How to Start the Mother of All Wars
(or why deception, cruelty and betrayal are your friends)
To start "The War of the Lions," you must use bold strokes. Regicides, double-crosses, violations of queens, good options all. Whatever the plan, once begun, a war of this magnitude is not to be trifled with. This is a brutal conflict of epic proportions, where each hallowed victory brings you closer to the very heart of darkness. Battle after battle, you will command your fighting party across magical lands protected by hostile forces. You will need the help of the bravest warriors, as well as armor, weapons, intricate battle plans and magical spells. Be ruthless. Be clever. Or be dead.
Training an Army
(or how to ensure the biggest, baddest, meanest SOBs are on your side)
In Final Fantasy Tactics, you are Ramza, a young squad leader and an ally of Princess Ovelia. It’s up to you to lead an elite fighting squad of your own choosing into battle. You must train them to be powerful Black Mages who can cast magic spell, Summoners who can awaken terrible beasts, Wizards, Ninjas, Bards, Archers, Thieves are more. There are twenty fighting classes and four hundred abilities to master. If you go into battle ill-prepared, may the enemy make the blood run cold from your heart.
Effective Battle Strategies
(or further discussions from the annals of shoot first, ask questions later)
As the ancient history of warfare reveals, you will survive the if your battle strategy is strong, and perish if it is not. You will lead the charge through impressive lands trying to gain the best strategic postions in forests, castle ramparts, swamps and valleys. You can buy and sell equipment, hire new soldiers and plan glorious battle strategies. May you conquer the enemy or die trying. - FFT Advertisement
------------------------------- 1. Prologue: Orbonne Monastery. -------------------------------
After the movie, you’ll be taken to the Orbonne Monastery. The Princess will be praying. Agrias, the female bodyguard of the princess will ask her to hurry up. You, Rad, and Gafgarion enter the church. After a few text lines, a female knight enters, injured. She says that enemies are coming to capture the princess. You’ll go to your first battle now.
(Description of layout
Battle 01, Orbonne Monastery - Staged battle number and place. Objective: Defeat all enemies! - What you have to do to win. Enemy Units: Lezales (Knight), Chemist x1, Archer x3 - Enemies you have to fight. Difficulty Level: 1/5 - How hard it is to fight, the higher the first number, the harder. Squads: N/A, Max. N/A - First, how many squads you have to fight in. Second, the maximum number of units in each squad(s).)
Battle 01: Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Lezales (Knight), Chemist x1, Archer x3 Difficulty Level: 1/5 Squads: N/A, Max. N/A
In this battle, you can only control Ramza. The computer will control all other units, your allies will be marked as guest units. Guest units are uncontrollable allies, that if die, will not get the usual 3 count. This is because these units are needed to enhance the story. Since you can only play as Ramza, use this battle to get used to the battle system and how to move around, attack. If you die, don’t worry. The guest units will finish up before you turn into a crystal. Just watch the rest of the battle, especially the sword attacks from Agrias and Gafgarion. If you need more help after this battle, I suggest you save the game the first chance you have, and then reset the game and use the tutorial option. When the battle ends, you’ll see the princess being taken by a person in armor. Ramza recognizes the person, and so begins the first chapter.
-------------------------- 2. Chapter One: The Meager --------------------------
Part One: Trip To Igros Castle This first part of the chapter takes Ramza, Delita, and other cadets on their ways to Igros Castle. They come there to defend the castle from the Death Corps, soldiers who have become criminals after the war. Along the way they meet Algus, a knight in training who was protecting Marquis Elmdor. He was ambushed and the Marquis was taken.
1. Magic City Gariland Battle 02: Magic City Gariland Event: Delita becomes a guest member.
2. Mandalia Plains Battle 03: Mandalia Plains Event: Algus becomes a guest member.
3. Igros Castle
Part Two: Rescuing the Marquis Ramza’s brother Dycedarg ordered him, Delita, and Algus to defend Igros Castle. However, Algus gets the party to help him save the Marquis.
1. Igros Castle
2. Sweegy Woods Battle 04: Sweegy Woods
3. Dorter Trade City Battle 05: Slums of Dorter
4. Zeklaus Desert Battle 06: The Cellar of the Sand Mouse
5. Igros Castle
Part Three: Hunt of the Death Corps When coming back to Igros, Ramza was scolded by Dycedarg. He was praised by Prince Larg and given another mission. The group is sent to destroy the thieves responsible for taking the Marquis.
1. Igros Castle
2. Thieves’ Fort Battle 07: Thieves’ Fort
3. Igros Castle Event: Algus leaves party.
4. Lenalia Plateau Battle 08: Lenalia Plateau
5. Fovoham Plains Battle 09: Windmill Shed
6. Fort Zeakden Battle 10: Fort Zeakden
Chapter One Battles:
Battle 02: Magic City Gariland Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Squires x 4, Chemist x1 Difficulty Level: 1/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
This is the first "real" battle to me. You have more control of your units. I suggest that Ramza go on the roof to kill the female squire. Let Delita do what he does, keep the chemist on the ground to help heal. The squire leader (the one who talks) has a broad sword, and does a lot more damage then the other members. Take him down first, then the next squire near him. By now, the female squire on the roof should be dead. The one in the back alley should be last. The chemist however is another story. His abilities are Potion (+30 HP) and if the game has allowed it (each new game causes random stats) Phoenix Down (revive). If you keep him alive too long, he be a problem. If he’s killed, use his crystal for one of the chemists (move the chemist in the party onto the crystal) and let he/she gain an ability. Pick one that he/she doesn’t know (all the chemist knows is potion.) If you take a long time to defeat, don’t worry. This is a strategy game more than a RPG. You are supposed to take long! If Ramza dies, you must beat all the enemies on the screen becomes the red cloud over his head disappears. If it is does, it’s game over and I must say YOU NEED HELP! If Delita dies, he will unable to help, but will not leave the map. He is a guest character and won’t "die". There is a also good trick to do here. After you killed all 4 squires, try and lure the chemist into middle of the roof on the only house on the "west" side. If you can surround him, have some characters lower his HP enough to make him fall to the ground on his knees, near dead. He will heal himself and gain 30 HP. Do the same process again, and let him heal himself. Any characters not fighting should pick up the treasure chests left in place of the bodies. After awhile, the enemy chemist will gain levels from using the Potion, but the continued fighting will also allow you to gain levels and JP. Each time you hit the chemist, you’ll gain EXP and JP. I’ve got Ramza to level 6 as a level 4 squire, and the chemist to level 7 with chemist level 3.
Battle 03: Mandalia Plains Objective: Defeat all enemies! or Save Algus! Enemy Units: Squires x4, Thief x1, Red Panther x1 Difficulty Level: 1/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
You’ll be presented with two choices at the beginning of the battle. If you select option one, Algus can die and the battle won’t stop. Since he’s a guest he won’t disappear like regular characters. If option two is selected, you’ll have keep Algus alive, no matter what. If he dies on option two, the game is over, even if Ramza is alive. There is nothing new here. The thief might try to charm your female characters (if you put any in the group). But if the thief doesn’t have that ability, he is the same as a squire. The red panther is a monster, not an human unit. This doesn’t give the panther anything special to talk about, he just the same as the other units, just more powerful and has a counter attack (meaning, if you attack him, he might attack you back. You can tell this if there is a ability below the unit you are attacking.)
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Chocobos, Goblins, Panthers, Morbols, Squires, Archers, Knights, Thieves, Wizards, and Oracles. NOTE: In random battles, you won’t have the help of guest characters. You’ll have do the battle with the units you have, but the squad is always single with a maximum of 5.
Battle 04: Sweegy Woods Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Goblin x2, Black Goblin x1, Bomb x2, Red Panther x1 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
This is your first non-human battle, but they aren’t too different than humans. Monsters can’t gain JP, which means the abilities they have are all the abilities they can get. You can use monster skill (squire skill) on a friendly monster to allow that monster to learn their special ability. There are two widespread attacks they can be very damaging to the party. The first is the bomb’s Self Destruct. It will kill the bomb, but will cause heavy damage to any units in the area of explosion. To avoid this, you can avoid clumping units together, or you can kill the bomb before it can use the ability. The bomb usually uses it only when it’s HP are low, so you can kill it before it has a chance. Another ability is the Black Goblin’s Turn Punch. It can affect units that are surrounding it. It causes a good amount of damage too. It only seems to use when it is surrounding by 2 or more units.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Bombs, Archers, Skeletons, Knights, Goblins, Monks, Woodmen, and Wizards.
Battle 05: Slums of Dorter Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x1, Archer x3, Wizard x2 Diffculty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
This is a hard battle. Three reasons. There is an archer at the highest point on the map. He has a long range and can hurt units badly. The knight is a powerful enemy and can block some of the attacks with his shield. The wizards are the main problem. Their powerful attacks can put the hurt on you, again if your in clumps, the spell will hit everyone in the range, without any loss in damage (remember, this is a strategy game, not an RPG!). Delita and Algus will go and attack the high archer, so don’t send any of your controllable units to go attack. Instead, let Ramza attack the knight and get him killed. Have a wizard (if you have one) cast spells on other wizards, or a squire attack the wizards at close range. You should also have a chemist with the phoenix down ability, because the combo of spells and arrows is going to kill your units if not healed. If you are lucky to survive long enough, the wizards will have the MP drained out. Cancel any attacks you have placed on the wizards and instead attack other units. The wizards usually only do around 8 points of physical damage. Again, try to leave one enemy alive so you can get treasure chests and crystal from dead bodies.
Battle 06: Cellar of the Sand Mouse Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x3, Monk x2, Archer x1 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 2, Max. 2, 2
When you begin, the you’ll see that Delita is with your first squad, Algus with the second. Your party is spilt up, but not so badly so if you work better as a team, you can send all your units together. However, guest units may be separated from the group. You’ll have to storm the building. At least one unit will stay there. Delita will go and attack the monk that is located at the "west" door. Algus will attack the knight at the "north" door. You should provide backup to these characters. They will attacked, and may be killed. Watch out for the archer, he can shoot above the walls and attack your units. If you used archer before this point, you’ll wonder how he did this. It is possible because the archer is using a bow, not a crossbow. After you breach a door, send attacking units inside the building to attack enemies there. They should be able to help the other group enter the building as well.
This will become the Zeklaus Desert, random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Bombs, Dragons, Ninjas, Skeletons, Behemoths, Juravis’, Goblins, Bull Demons, and Red Chocobos.
Battle 07: Thieves’ Fort Objective: Defeat Miluda! Enemy Units: Miluda (Knight), Priest x2, Thief x3 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
Here is your first "defeat a certain person" mission. The point is to kill whoever is said in the objective and glowing in the objective screen. You only have to kill that person to win, but other units will usually be in the way. Get past the thieves and priests. Watch out for the thief on the ledge to the "west". Miluda may expose herself, begin a knight she has the battle skill abilities. She may break weapons or armor, so watch out. The priests can heal and revive wounded enemies. I suggest killing them first if in range. Again, the thieves may have the charm ability, and may use it on your female members. If they get charmed, attack with a weak attack to snap them out.
Battle 08: Lenalia Plateau Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Miluda (Knight), Knight x2, Wizard x2, Time Mage x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Even though Miluda is here, just killing her won’t stop the battle. The enemies are tightly packed, so if you have any wizards in your group, use this to your advantage. The time mage and wizards will the biggest problem. The time mage can slow, or may make your characters unable to move. She can also cast haste on her own teammates. The wizards will use the fact that you are also tightly packed to their advantage, casting bolt and fire spells. The female knights have powerful attacks and kill weak characters in one slash, keep everyone healed and protected. Miluda will really die and you’ll have some explaining to do in the next battle.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Goblins, Morbols, Geomancers, Chocobos, Dragons, Time Mages, Panthers, Priests, Pisco Demons, and Knights.
Battle 09: Windmill Shed Objective: Defeat Wiegraf! Enemy Units: Wiegraf (White Knight), Monk x2, Yellow Chocobo x1, Knight x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
This is a hard battle if you don’t follow the objective. Don’t engage any other enemies in battle, just Wiegraf. His Holy Sword attack is a big damage maker, and will kill most characters in one or two attacks. Use anything against him, Archer Charge attacks, Squire Throw Stones, Wizard Black Magic, and of course, physical attacks. If you just attack him, you should be able to defeat him. If you must attack other enemies, kill the monk and the chocobo on the ground. The other monk and the knight shouldn’t be much of a problem if your quick. When Wiegraf gets to critical health, he’ll teleport the battle and the battle will end.
This will become Fovoham Plains, a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Flotiballs, Goblins, Summoners, Pisco Demons, Morbols, Monks, Juravis’, Panthers, Oracles, and Bull Demons.
Battle 10: Fort Zeakden Objective: Defeat Algus! Enemy Units: Algus (Knight), Knight x3, Wizards x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 2, 2
When the battle begins, you’ll see a thief holding Teta as a shield. Zalbag will order Algus to do "it", and he will kill Teta, and then wound the thief. The thief will lock himself inside the fort. If you expect Death Corps to come and fight you, it ain’t going to happen. You’ll have fight the Houkten Knights. This is another hard battle if you don’t fight just Algus. Have Ramza come and attack Algus, Delita will be killed because he charged at Algus. The knights will make short work of him. If you placed a wizard in the first squad, have him cast spells on Algus. The second squad should slowly retreat and help the first squad, if needed. You should be able to kill Algus quickly if Ramza attacks him. Even though Algus is a knight, he has the Equip Crossbow ability and his crossbow (Night Killer) may cause darkness on a hit character.
--------------------------------------------------- 3. Chapter Two: The Manipulator and the Subservient ---------------------------------------------------
Part One: Rescuing Princess Oveila Agrias asks you to help her to find the princess. You join, Gafgarion reluctantly joins saying there’s no money in that.
1. Orbonne Monastery Event: Gafgarion and Agrias become guests. Rad, and the female knights join as members.
2. Dorter Trade City Battle 11: Dorter Trade City
3. Araguay Woods Battle 12: Araguay Woods Event: Boco the Chocobo joins as a member.
4. Zirekile Falls Battle 13: Zirekile Falls Event: Gafgarion leaves party. Oveila becomes a guest.
Part Two: Asking For Help After Gafgarion leaves the party and reveals what he believes in, you rescue Oveila. Agrias now asks to be escorted to Lionel Castle to ask the Cardinal for help.
1. Zaland Fort City Battle 14: Zaland Fort City Event: Mustadio becomes a guest.
2. Bariaus Hill Battle 15: Bariaus Hill
3. Lionel Castle Event: Agrias and Oveila leave the party.
Part Three: Helping Mustadio Now helping Mustadio, you go to Goug to stop the Bart Company.
1. Zigolis Swamp Battle 16: Zigolis Swamp
2. Goug Machine City Battle 17: Slums of Goug Event: Mustadio becomes a member.
Part Four: To Lionel Castle Finding about the Cardinal’s plot, you rush to Lionel Castle to stop the execution of the princess and to stop the Cardinal.
1. Goug Machine City
2. Warjilis Trade City
3. Bariaus Valley Battle 18: Bariaus Valley Event: Agrias becomes a member.
4. Golgorand Execution Site Battle 19: Golgorand Execution Site
5. Lionel Castle Battle 20: At the Gate of Lionel Castle Battle 21: Inside of Lionel Castle
Chapter Two Battles:
Battle 11: Dorter Trade City Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Thief x2, Archer x2, Wizard x2 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
After telling the story of Ramza and Delita, you find out that the person who took the princess is indeed, Delita. You and the group head to Dorter Trade City only to be ambushed. This battle is very easy, as Gafgarion and Agrias’ sword attacks are no match for the enemy. You should order your troops to attack enemies that aren’t being attack, or to finish off enemies who survived a sword attack. Kill off the two wizards first, and the rest of the battle will be easy.
Battle 12: Araguay Woods Objective: Defeat all enemies! or Save Chocobo! Enemy Units: Black Goblin x1, Goblin x5 Diffculty Level: 1/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
Here is another easy battle. Again, the sword attacks will kill off the goblins, you should however, kill the black goblin. The black goblin will attack the chocobo, and killing him will allow the chocobo to live. The chocobo won’t however will help in the battle too much, just going into the corner and healing himself or waiting for the battle to end.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Goblins, Skeletons, Morbols, Panthers, Ghouls, Woodmen, Archers, and Ninjas.
Battle 13: Zirekile Falls Objective: Save Princess Oveila! Enemy Units: Gafgarion (Dark Knight) x1, Knight x5 Diffculty Level: 2-3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
Here is another cheap trick you can use to make the battle a "2" battle. De-equip Gafgarion of all of his weapons, armor, and abilities before this battle. He will be at around 80 HP, and can’t use his sword attacks. If you don’t do this, his sword attacks will now hurt you and he will gain life. The princess will cast MBarrier on herself at the beginning of the battle, and Agrias will protect her. Don’t expect too much help from her. After you kill Gafgarion and gain control of the bridge, the rest of the battle should be easy. To make up for the lack of help from Agrias, Delita will use his sword spells on the knights on the other side of the falls. His weapons and armor may be broken by the knights, so don’t let him attack the knights by himself. You can also use the bottom of the falls to get to the other side, but it is slower and the depth is high. If you go in a depth 2 square, you will be unable to act.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Chocobos, Pisco Demons, Skeletons, Flotiballs, Cuars, Morbols, Bull Demons, Knights, Wizards, and Time Mages.
Battle 14: Zaland Fort City Objective: Defeat all enemies! or Save Mustadio! Enemy Units: Knight x2, Archer x2, Wizard x2 Diffculty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
You can choose "I don’t want to get involved" to raise the party’s brave level by 5. Since this is a fort city, there is a huge wall defending the city. The narrow entrance will be the entryway for most units. Those with high jumping ability may be able to scale the wall however. Kill the wizards first as they will take advantage of the narrow entryway when your units enter the city. Mustadio may take critical damage or die, so make sure you have a priest with cure and shell/protect spells. His sniping skills such as Leg Aim (Don’t Move) and Arm Aim (Don’t Act) can help you enter the city. If he is weak he’ll stay out of the battle, but if he is healthy, his gun attacks are very helpful.
Battle 15: Bariaus Hill Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x2, Summoner x2, Archer x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
This is your first staged battle with probably the most annoying magicians, the summoners. These mages have spells with a WIDE range which can ensnare most of your units in the firing range. The spells also do high damage. If Mustadio decides to use Arm Aim on a summoner, be thankful. The same goes for Agrias’ Stasis Sword attack, which may cause Stop on a unit. Have some of your units attack the knights and the archers on the main hill. Be careful not too clump up your units to avoid having many units hit by a summoner’s spell. After you kill the summoners, the knights and archers should fall easily. Have someone with phoenix down in the group as the archers and knights can finish off units hit by a summoner’s spell.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Chocobos, Bull Demons, Bombs, Archers, Summoners, Thieves, Monks, Wizards, and Time Mages.
Battle 16: Zigolis Swamp Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Skeleton x2, Bone Snatch x1, Ghoul x2, Flotiball x1 or Morbol x1 Diffculty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
If you haven’t fought ghouls before, here they are. Because everything is undead (except the Flotiball/Morbol) you can cast cure spells as harmful spells. I find this useful when a character who is fighting a skeleton or ghoul needs healing. Cast cure on the unit making sure that the firing range affects any undead enemies. Your character will gain HP, the undead enemy will lose HP. Mustadio may use his Seal Evil snipe ability which may petrify undead enemies. If one is petrified, they can’t take damage, but you don’t need to kill that enemy to finish the objective at hand. A word about the marshes. You can pass through them, just don’t stop in one. If you do, the unit stopped will gain the poison status which will take down their HP. Enemy units in the marsh won’t gain the poison however. One final word, if you don’t finish the battle before the red cloud above an undead enemy disappears, the enemy may come back to life (hey, they’re undead!). Be quick in killing everyone.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Panthers, Skeletons, Bull Demons, Ghouls, Morbols, Cocatoris, Archers, Summoners, Time Mages, and Wizards.
Battle 17: Slums in Goug Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Thief x2, Archer x2, Summoner x2 Diffculty Level: 2-3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Before the battle (the battle will start when you try to leave Goug), change a few members to Chemist class and equip them with Romanda Guns (bought from the Goug shop). Now click on the swamp and the battle will start. Use the Romanda Guns to your advantage. Let the chemist attack anyone in range, but as with the archer, they can’t attack enemies with 2 slots of them. Take down the summoners as they can cast Moogle which heals units over a long range. If Mustadio dies, don’t worry about reviving him. The chemists you put in the party will have the gun attacks. Watch out for the archers on the "east" side. They may suprise you if you don’t notice them. If you didn’t get guns, advance slowly, taking down the thieves who will most likely hinder you from attacking the summoners. After thieves, go for the summoners and then the archers. Mustadio will join the party, but will have forgotten his snipe attacks (which really sucks).
Battle 19: Bariaus Valley Objective: Save Agrias! Enemy Units: Knights x2, Archer x2, Wizards x2 Diffculty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
Mustadio is now controllable and may help in the battle, but he’s weak and may fall to the enemies if placed in the front line. Warning to the second squad, they will have to face a wizard and an archer. The archer’s bows may cast poison if hit. Have someone with antidote in the second squad. After the second squad beats the wizard and archer, they should come and help the first squad. Agrias may stop units with her Stasis Sword, so if that happens, take full advantage of it and attack the stopped unit. But of course, take down the wizard. If you leave him alive, his spells will cause heavy damage in the group. If needed, you should have had Mustadio learn Leg Aim, which will stop enemies. This will most help against the knights who have only 1 square attacks.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Bombs, Summoners, Archers, Chocobos, Wizards, Time Mages, Bull Demons, and Thieves.
Battle 19: Golgorand Execution Site Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemy Units: Gafgarion (Dark Knight), Knight x3, Archer x2, Time Mage x2 Diffculty Level: 4/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
Well, even if you took the Blood Sword from Gafgarion at the Falls, he has a new one, and it will hurt! Use Mustadio’s Arm Aim and Agrias’ Stasis Sword to Stop Gafgarion from using his sword. The time mages will cast slow and stop on your units so watch out for them. The archers and knights shouldn’t be much of the problem, but the knight attacks are powerful and they also have the broken Battle Skills. If you need more help, have a knight in your group break Gafgarion’s Blood Sword. Once it’s broken, he should fall easily and will teleport away like Wiegraf in Chapter 1. This battle will take you quite some time to finish, so plan your moves carefully.
NOTE: Before going to the next battle, prepare. The next two battles come right after each other, you only have a chance to save and work with the troops. You can’t get to the world map until you finish battle 21 or restart from a save before battle 20.
End of Part 1. Go on to Part 2.