4. Chapter Two: The Manipulator and the Subservient
5. Chapter Three: The Valiant
6. Chapter Four: Someone to Love
(WHAT IS HERE: Battle 20-43)
Battle 20: At the Gate of Lionel Castle Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Gafgarion (Dark Knight), Knight x3, Archer x2, Summoner x1 Diffculty Level: 5/5 Squads: 2, Max. 1, 4
This is the hardest battle in Chapter 2. Ramza has to fight Gafgarion alone, and the other group is ambushed by knights, archers, and a summoner who will cause trouble. Ramza should be a knight and at least have the weapon break skill available. If Ramza is able to break Gafgarion’s sword, that part of the battle will be much easier. If you need help, you can go to the switch on the wall where Ramza is to open the gate. The second squad can come and help defeat Gafgarion. If you don’t kill Gafgarion last, you get his crystal immediately killing him, but sadly, you only get HP/MP, but it is helpful before coming to the second battle. The summoner will cast a spell which will affect all the units in the second squad. Have Mustadio, and Agrias team up to kill him before the spell fires off. If it does, the second battle becomes much harder because the second group can be easily killed by the knights and archers. Have the group stay in their position, only moving to get in to attacking range. Again, Ramza can open the gate to help the second squad, but I don’t recommend it because if Gafgarion is still alive, he can now attack the second squad.
Battle 21: Inside Lionel Castle Objective: Defeat Queklain! Enemy Units: Queklain Diffculty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
This is a hard battle if your not overly-powerful. You’ll have to face a zodiac monster, Queklain. I found him really easy. My chemist used a gun on Queklain, then my level 8 Wizard followed with a flare doing 450 damage on him. If you need help I can give some hints. Since Queklain is a zodiac monster, one thing that most zodiac monsters like to cast is status anomaly spells. His spell, Nightmare, can cause units to go to sleep, or have a death sentence over their heads. Space characters as much as possible to over having many units affected by his magic. Queklain also is weak against Holy attacks so use that to your advantage.
----------------------------- 5. Chapter Three: The Valiant -----------------------------
Part One: Visiting Zalbag Finding out about the plan to overthrow the kingdom, Ramza goes to ask Zalbag for help.
1. Dorter Trade City
2. Goland Coal City
Battle 22: Goland Coal City
3. Leaslia Imperial Capital Battle 23: At the Back Gate of Lesaila Castle Event: Alma becomes a guest. Part Two: The Virgo Stone When Alma tells Ramza where the Virgo Zodiac Stone is, Ramza runs to the Orbonne Monastery. However, he meets up with Wiegraf along the way.
1. Orbonne Monastery
Battle 24: Underground Book Storage Second Floor
Battle 25: Underground Book Storage Third Floor
Battle 26: Underground Book Storage First Floor
Part Three: Rescuing Alma Ramza is on his way to rescuing his sister, Alma. He finds new allies and again meets up with Wiegraf.
1. Dorter Trade City
2. Grog Hill Battle 27: Grog Hill
3. Yardow Fort City Battle 28: Yardow Fort City Event: Rafa becomes a guest.
4. Yuguo Woods Battle 29: Yuguo Woods
5. Riovanes Castle Battle 30: Gate of Riovanes Castle Event: Rafa leaves the party. Battle 31: Inside Riovanes Castle Battle 21: Roof of Riovanes Castle Event: Rafa and Malak become guests.
Chapter Three Battles:
Battle 22: Goland Coal City Objective: Save Olan! Enemy Units: Mediator x1, Thief x3, Chemist x2 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Olan, will most of the time be on the top of the house. He is classed as an Astrologist and he will most of the time use Galaxy Stop. Galaxy Stop may cause all enemies to be affected by anomalies such as Don’t Move, Don’t Act, or Stop. However, I think that the Mediator is immune to Galaxy Stop, as I have never seen him affected by it. If you have a thief in your group (or someone with the steal skill) use that character to steal Mythril Guns from the Chemists. These guns can be bought at Goug Machine City after this fight, but it is much less traveling and random battle chances. It didn’t say it was easy though. Even if the thief is good, the chance of it working is usually around 30%-40%. Don’t let that stop you, you will usually get the gun after two tries and you will disarm the chemist making him less deadly. Watch out for the thieves. This time they are female and may charm Ramza (which will VERY bad) or Mustadio. The thieves have around a 80% chance for charming. After you killed the thieves, go and help Olan by killing the Mediator. The enemy mediator will constantly attack or cause Darkness on characters.
Battle 23: Back Gate of Lesalia Castle Objective: Defeat Zalmo! Enemy Units: Zalmo (Holy Priest), Knight x3, Monk x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 2, 2
Alma is here in this battle and she will cast MBarrier on Ramza. This will help Ramza defeat the Knights and Monks. Zalmo has a two-range attack so don’t underestimate him. Zalmo may also spend time protecting and healing his warriors. If you get a clear shot at Zalmo, attack him. Since you should have powerful characters (around 26-30 by now), the attacks should be strong enough. Zalmo only has around 240 HP. Don’t worry about Alma dying, after casting MBarrier, she won’t be in the battle directly. She may get hit if she’s hit by monks or knights who get close enough, but even if she dies, she’s a guest and the objective doesn’t state you have to protect her. You only have to get Zalmo to critical status, then he will teleport away ending the battle. Another tip, after this battle, de-equip Alma of her Barette and Healing Staff.
Battle 24: Underground Book Storage Second Floor Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Lancer x3, Chemist x1, Time Mage x2 Diffculty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
If you haven’t dealt with Lancers yet, they have 2 square attacks so don’t think your safe just one space away from them. Their attacks are also very damaging and then have very good jumping heights. You’ll have to go down the stairs unless someone has high jumping ability (so they can go down without taking damage) or has the Lancer’s Ignore Height ability. The middle section will be guarded by the lancers and the chemist. The chemist has a few spells to his disposal, but they are weak and don’t help the enemy (Cure) or harm you (Fire) very much. The bottom section contains the time mages. The time mages will cast haste, slow, don’t act, and possibly, float. Watch out for the Lancer’s Jump abilities as they can cause a lot of damage. If your are lucky, the character can get out of the jump landing point before getting hit. Take out the chemist first, he will heal and revive characters which will just make the battle harder. There is another good enemy lock in this map. Kill all the enemies and weaken a time mage. Have a knight use speed break on the time mage, reducing the speed to 01. Have Mustadio use Leg and Arm Aim to disable the time mage. Other characters should be using accumulate (Squire Ability) to gain EXP and JP. You can do this on most maps, but I found it out here so I mentioned it here.
Battle 25: Underground Book Storage Third Floor Objective: Defeat Izlude! Difficulty Level: 3/5 Enemy Units: Izlude (Knight Blade), Knight x2, Archer x2, Summoner x1 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Izlude also has the Lancer’s Jump ability and will use them throughout the battle. He also has the Maintenance ability equipped so you can’t break or steal his items no matter what. The battle map is like a maze, but your characters should have enough jump power to bypass the walls. They can also use the steps if needed. I suggest you concentrate on Izlude. He isn’t very tough and has a low move range. If you need to take the other people out I suggest the summoner the first and then archers. That way the group will not have to deal with long range attacks. That will make it easier to attack the knights and Izlude. Also, don’t get trapped in the stairway. It is hard to do, but if you do get trapped, the knights will rush in and attack anyone in there and you can’t pass them easily.
Battle 26: Underground Book Storage First Floor Objective: Defeat Wiegraf! Enemy Units: Wiegraf (White Knight), Knight x2, Archer x2, Wizard x1 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
This battle will take place in two rooms. You’ll be in one, Wiegraf will be in the other. Don’t clump your units to avoid getting many units affected by the wizard’s spells and so Wiegraf’s Stasis Sword attack won’t hit and stop your characters. If you can get Agrias or Mustadio to paralyze the other enemies, the battle will become easier as you can forget about them for now and concentrate on the other enemies which will do powerful attacks. You can have someone block the door which will hinder access to the other room. The status anomalies happen a lot more when he attacks with a Holy Sword attack. As with Zalmo, you’ll just need to get him to critical status to win the battle.
NOTE: Simon gives you the Germonik Scriptures after this battle. I suggest you read it, even though it won’t make too much of a point at the moment.
Battle 27: Grog Hill Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemy Units: Squire x2, Chemist x2, Archer x1, Thief x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
You start at the bottom of a hill, you can use the sidewalk as a border and a walkway. It is also useful to coordinate your characters. The thief will try to steal items from your units, so kill her first. The chemists will also be equipped with Mythril guns, so kill them after the thief. The chemists can also revive their allies and provide X-Potions to them. The squires and archer should fall easily to Agrias’ Holy Sword attacks and Mustadio’s Sniping skills. The guns and arrows will hurt and possibly kill most of your characters before you can get high enough to attack the enemy.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Flotiballs, Bombs, Samurais, Chocobos, Woodmen, Knights, Panthers, Juravis’, and Bull Demons.
Battle 28: Yardow Fort City Objective: Save Rafa! Enemy Units! Malak (Hell Knight), Ninja x3, Summoner x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Another battle map with a narrow entrance. The summoner’s spells have a big attack range as you should know by now. This will come into effect a lot in this battle. Malak and Rafa use spells that can randomly effect anyone in range. The first hit will be small, but will grow if the unit is hit repeatedly. The ninjas also pose a threat as their attacks will cause a lot of damage. Take advantage of multiple hit abilities (Agrias’ Lightning Stab, Monk’s Earth Stab) to eliminate many characters at once. Rafa will be usually outside of the fort, so she will have adequate protection.
Battle 29: Yuguo Woods Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Time Mage x2, Wizard x2, Gust x1, Revnant x1, Ghoul x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
This is one of the most annoying battles. The time mages have the basic annoying spells such as Slow, Don’t Move, Don’t Act, and Stop. The three classes of ghost can move nearly anywhere on the map, and use Sleep Touch a lot. The "human" units have low HP so you should be able to defeat them easily. Also know that the revnant also has Drain Touch to use and can suck the HP out of a character. The ghosts also can be revived after the death count is over.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Goblins, Woodmen, Archers, Ghouls, Skeletons, Time Mages, Panthers, and Samurais NOTE: The next battles are of a three-part battle series with only saving and reconfiguring your troops available between fights.
Battle 30: Gate of Riovanes Castle Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Malak (Hell Knight), Knight x3, Archer x3 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 2, 3
The knights and Malak shouldn’t be much of a problem. Dispose of them quickly and watch out for the archers. They are all located on the top of the castle and will use the height to attack your units from afar. Since you have to defeat all enemy characters, taking down the archers is a hard, long task. The knights and Malak will block the way to the archers. When you reduce Malak to critical HP, he’ll teleport away followed by Rafa, his sister. One knight has feather boots which allows him to walk on the water with penalty.
Battle Map 31: Inside Riovanes Castle Objective: Defeat Wiegraf!, (Second Part) Defeat Velius! Enemy Units: Wiegraf (White Knight), (Second Part) Velius (Warlock), Archaic Demon x3 Difficulty Level: 6/5 Squads: 1, Max. 1, (Second Part) 1, Max. 5
Proclaimed by many people as the hardest battle in all of FFT. Well it is. The first part has Ramza fight Wiegraf all by himself, and the Holy Sword attacks from him will cause major damage to Ramza and also may be effected by the status anomalies caused by the Holy Sword attacks. The best thing to do is to get rid of all your potions (leave the hi and X potions) and equip Ramza with the Auto Potion chemist reaction ability. This will allow Ramza to heal himself and be able to attack Wiegraf. If you don’t have the Auto Potion ability, you must balance out your healing and offense, but you won’t be able to attack Wiegraf if you used a potion. The best class for Ramza to be in this battle is a ninja. Since a ninja can attack with two weapons, he’ll do a lot of damage to the 300 HP Wiegraf. Buy some assassin knives from the nearby Yardow Fort City. I’ve killed Wiegraf in two turns with the Ninja Ramza. If you are able to take out Wiegraf, he changes into Velius, another Zodiac Monster. He will be backed up by 3 Archaic Demons. The Archaic Demons are very powerful with their spells and can cause a big amount of damage to a large area. Velius can petrify your characters and likes to use Cyclops, a spell that does around 250 HP of damage, with a good range, but luckily, a long charge time. The easiest way to win this part of the battle is to concentrate all your attacks on Velius. He has around 900 to 1000 HP so have some big attackers in your squad. If you can defeat this battle, consider chapter three done although there is one more battle.
Battle 32: Roof of Riovanes Castle Objective: Save Rafa! Enemy Units: Elmdor (Arc Knight), Celia (Assassin), Lede (Assassin) Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 2, 2
Well, you might think that Elmdor (the marquis you saved in chapter one) would owe you. But, if you’ve read the rumors in the bars lately, he’s dead, or supposed to be. Anyway, the assassins have very powerful attacks and Elmdor uses Samurai skills. The assassins use Switch Stick (Stop 100%) and Stop Bracelet (Dead 100%). Elmdor can also counter-attack before you attack (Monk reaction ability, Hamedo). The three enemies cannot be affected by status anomalies, so don’t waste a turn on that. The easy way to finish this battle is to take one character to critical status and all three will warp away.
-------------------------------- 6. Chapter Four: Someone to Love --------------------------------
Part One: Zeltennia Castle and Delita Ramza still is looking for Alma, his sister who was taken at the Orbonne Monastery battles. The group goes to Zeltennia Castle to meet with Delita.
1. Doguola Pass Battle 33: Doguola Pass
2. Bervenia Free City Battle 34: Bervenia Free City
3. Finath River Battle 35: Finath River
4. Zeltennia Castle Battle 36: Zeltennia Castle
Part Two: Standoff at Bethla Garrison After hearing from Delita about the Hokuten and Nanten soldiers fighting at the Bethla Garrison, Ramza rushes there to help stop the battle.
1. Zeltennia Castle 2. Bed Desert Battle 37: Bed Desert 3. Bethla Garrison Battle 38A: South Wall of Bethla Garrison Battle 38B: North Wall of Bethla Garrison Battle 39: At the Floodgates of Bethla Garrison Event: Orlandu (Thunder God Cid) becomes a member.
Part Three: Where is Alma? Ramza is still searching for Alma all over Ivalice. Along the way, he heads to Limberry Castle to meet up with the Marquis Elmdor.
1. Bethla Garrison
2. Zarghidas Trade City NOTE: Buy a flower from Aeris.
3. Germinas Peak Battle 40: Germinas Peak
4. Poeskas Lake Battle 41: Poeskas Lake
5. Limberry Castle Battle 42: At the Gates of Limberry Castle Battle 43: Inside of Limberry Castle Battle 44: Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle
6. Igros Castle Battle 45: Inside of Igros Castle
7. Murond Holy Place Battle 46: St. Murond Temple Battle 47: Hall of St. Murond Temple Battle 48: Chapel of St. Murond Temple
Part Five: Cloud Strife This is a long part, with many battles. However, if you finish this you can have all of the special characters (except one). The timing of the next few events hinges on other things. And one final note, for any of these events to happen, you MUST have Mustadio in your party.
NOTE: Steps 1-7 can happen anytime in Chapter Four.
1. Goug Machine City
2. Goland Coal City Ask the bartender about any new rumors.
3. Lesalia Imperial Capital Event: Beowulf becomes a guest. A new battle point appears at Goland Coal City.
4. Goland Coal City Battle 49: Colliery Underground Third Floor Battle 50: Colliery Underground Second Floor Battle 51: Colliery Underground First Floor Battle 52: Underground Passage in Goland Event: Beowulf and Reis become members.
5. Goug Machine City Event: Worker 8 becomes a member.
6. Zeltennia Castle Ask the bartender about any new rumors. A new battle point called Nelveska Temple appears.
7. Nelveska Temple Battle 53: Nelveska Temple NOTE: Steps 8 and 9 only happen after Battle 45: Inside of Igros Castle. Step 9 only happens if you bought a flower from Aeris in Zarghidas Trade City.
8. Goug Machine City
9. Zarghidas Trade City Battle 54: Zarghidas Trade City Event: Cloud becomes a member.
Part Six: The Deep Dungeon The Deep Dungeon is place they does not receive any light at all. At the bottom of the dungeon, you will face another Zodiac Monster. The dungeon is nine floors deep, but is a good place to build up stats before the end of the game.
NOTE: This is only possible after beating Battle 48: Chapel of St. Murond Temple
1. Warjilis Trade City Ramza hears about a dungeon. A new battle point called Deep Dungeon is placed to the east.
2. Deep Dungeon Battle 55: Nogias Battle 56: Terminate Battle 57: Delta Battle 58: Valkyries Battle 59: Mlapan Battle 60: Tiger Battle 61: Bridge Battle 62: Voyage Battle 63: Horror Battle 64: End Event: Byblos Monster becomes a member.
Epilogue: St. Ajora Ramza races to stop Vormav. Can you help Ramza stop him?
1. Orbonne Monastery Battle 65: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor Battle 66: Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor Battle 67: Murond Death City Battle 68: Lost Sacred Precincts Battle 69: Graveyard of Airships
Chapter Four Battles:
Battle 33: Doguola Pass Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x1, Lancer x2, Wizard x2, Archer x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
The two wizards pose a big threat. They have high level spells which can effect the whole group if packed tightly together. Eliminate them and the rest of the battle should be easy. But watch out for the Lancer’s Jump abilities.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Archers, Chocobos, Knights, Juravis’, Panthers, Monks, Woodmen, Bull Demons, and Behemoths
Battle 34: Bervenia Free City Objective: Defeat Meliadoul! Enemy Units: Meliadoul (Divine Knight), Archer x2, Summoner x2, Ninja x1 Difficulty Level: 3-4/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
If you have your units equipped with the lancer’s Ignore Height ability, the battle will be a little easier. If you don’t, getting to where the enemy is will be a long hike, and the archers and summoners will make it as hard as possible. Meliadoul uses Mighty Sword attacks, which can break a weapon and cause HP damage to the unit targeted. If the unit does not have the item that should be destroyed by the sword attack, the attack causes no damage. I would also place a thief in one of your squads. Try and steal Meliadoul’s Defender Sword (stopping her from using Mighty Sword) and Chantage Perfume (Accessory). Both are not sold in stores and are ultra-rare and powerful.
Battle 35: Finath River Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Black, Red, or Yellow Chocobo x5, Uribo or Black, Red, or Yellow Chocobo x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
Attack of the chocobos! As you should know by now, the yellow chocobo can heal. However, the red and black chocobo have good offensive spells such as Choco Ball and Choco Meteor. The most frustrating part of this battle, is that the yellow chocobo(s) will heal any enemies who you weren’t able to kill. If you are lucky to have mostly yellow chocobos, the battle will be short. Most of the time however, you’ll have to face a mixed bag. And if you get to fight Uribo, be sure to poach his skin as it is very rare.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Archers, Chocobos, Knights, Pisco Demons, Bull Demons, Red Panthers, Oracles, Morbols, Trents, and Red Dragons.
Battle 36: Church Outside the Town Objective: Defeat Zalmo! Enemy Units: Zalmo (Holy Priest), Knight x3, Oracle x2 Difficulty Level: 3-4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Another battle which is easier with high jumping characters, or with the lancer’s Ignore Height ability. That way, you can get to Zalmo mush easier, because you can bypass the knights and oracles. Otherwise, you’ll have pass the knights, go around the back of the church, pass the oracles, then go to where Zalmo is. Zalmo himself isn’t a problem. He’ll spend a turn healing himself with Cure 3 if you damage him severely. Then you can capitalize on his charge time, or attack any remaining knights or oracles.
Battle 37: Bed Desert Objective: Defeat Balk! Enemy Units: Balk (Engineer), Knight x2, Archer x2, Wizard x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Because of a cheap attack by Balk at the start, the whole group will be affected by poison at the beginning of the battle. You can use Esuna, Stigma Magic (monk), or Antidote. But your levels should be high enough that the poison doesn’t bother too much. The knights are far away from the main battle, so don’t worry about them for now. The archer could be a problem, as the same with the wizard. However, the biggest problem is Balk. Since he’s an engineer, he can snipe just like Mustadio. Also, he has the rare Blast Gun, a gun that shoots Ice spells at a random strength. The Blast Gun is a good steal, and it will also disable Balk’s attacks.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Bombs, Panthers, Flotiballs, Skeletons, Bull Demons, Behemoths, and Steel Hawks
Battle 38A: South Wall of Bethla Garrison Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x3, Archer x2, Ninja x1, Thief x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
The thief, ninja, archers will all be placed on the side walls, giving them a good height advantage. The knights are at the far opposite end from you, so don’t worry about fighting them for now. Take out the ninja, thief, archers, and knights, in that order. I find this the easier of the two choices because there is are no spell-casters in this battle.
Battle 38B: North Wall of Bethla Garrison Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Archer x2, Monk x1, Summoner x1, Lancer x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
There is a big height difference in the this battle. Again, if someone has the Ignore Height ability, the battle will be a little easier. The summoner again has his powerful spells to his disposal, so eliminate him first. After the summoner go for the monk, lancers, and archers, in that order.
Battle 39: In Front of Bethla Garrison’s Sluice Objective: Open water gate at Bethla Garrison Enemy Units: Wizard x2, Archer x2, Knight x4 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
This is the only battle that divulges from the basic three objectives (save, defeat all, defeat one). So, you can kill everyone and gain lots of EXP and JP (Accumulate is my favorite EXP and JP gainer). The two knights stationed at the switches cannot move out of that spot, so you only really have 6 enemies to face. Your two squads can join up, but it is easier if you work separately. Get rid of the wizards first, then the knights, and then the archers. The only way to win the battle, is to kill the knights guarding the switches, wait till their body disappears, then only Ramza can flip the two switches to release the waters, ending the battle.
Battle 40: Germinas Peak Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Ninja x1, Archer x3, Thief x2 Difficulty Level: 3-4/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
The battle map is very steep, so most ranged attacks won’t work. The archers will however take control of the high center peak, and fire bows from afar. Keeping the group separated may or may not work, depending on the offensive and defensive capabilities of the units. I like to combine the group in this battle so the battle will be easier.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Panthers, Juravis, Bull Demons, Dragons, Plagues, Archers, Summoners, and Behemoths.
Battle 41: Poeskas Lake Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Revnant x2, Oracle x1, Archer x2, Summoner x1 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
More undead enemies. Remember, undead enemies may come back to life after the death count so be prepared for anything. The revnants should not be too much of a problem, the only problem should be the sleep touch. The oracle and summoner present the most problem, their attacks are powerful. After they are killed, you can steal the Ultimus Bows from the ghostly archers (rare bow), or just kill them off to finish the battle.
This will become a random battle zone after completion. Possible Enemies: Bombs, Ghouls, Skeletons, Behemoths, Cocatoris’, Archers, Red Dragons, Wizards, Monks, and Minitauris’.
NOTE: The next three battles are of a three-part battle series. Since your going to be facing the undead Elmdor, get some items that fight against the undead. If you have the money get five Angel Rings and five 108 Gems for all the characters who will fight. It will cost you 175000 to do this, but at this point you should have well over 600,000. As with previous battle series, you can save and re-configure the troops between the battles.
Battle 42: At the Gate of Limberry Castle Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Celia (Assassin), Lede (Assassin), Apanda x4 Difficulty Level: 5/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
If you made Ramza a squire here (which I suggest), he can learn the Ultima spell. More on that in the Secrets section. The quick way to win this battle is to take one assassin to critical status, so that both will teleport away, ending the battle, regardless of any apandas. The apandas know all three levels of the Bio spell and can also petrify units. Celia and Lede can use Switch Stick to Stop characters, or Stop Bracelet to kill characters.
Battle 43: Inside of Limberry Castle Objective: Defeat Elmdor! Enemy Units: Elmdor (Arc Knight), Celia (Assassin), Lede (Assassin) Difficulty Level: 5/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Same battle as last, only harder due to the addition of Elmdor. Elmdor has the full armament of Genji (except Genji Sword), and the Masamune Sword. Taking out his sword may or may not help, since he may has the Martial Arts ability equipped which allows him to attack with bare hands powerfully. Elmdor also likes to use Blood Suck on your characters (Blood Suck is canceled by the 108 Gems Armlet) which will turn the unit into a blood-sucking character. A character that is effected will be uncontrollable and will attack the nearest unit friend or enemy to gain HP. To heal the unit, use Holy Water. If you kill the assassin, they turn into Ultima Demons, but are easier compared to the assassins, and Ramza can again try and learn Ultima, if the demons decide to cast it. A good way to be able to steal Elmdor’s items (supplied by Wesley Yue) is to lower his brave points to 00 so he can’t use his Blade Grasp reaction, and he’ll become a chicken. Then have a knight use speed break on him, until his speed goes down to 01. This will disable him for about 40-50 turns (meaning, after his turn, if he’s at 01 speed, his next turn will come 40-50 turns later). Wesley also suggests to take his shield first to raise the percentage.
End of Part 2. Go on to Part 3.