(WHAT IS HERE: Battle 44 to Archer Class)
Battle 44: Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle Objective: Defeat Zalera! Enemy Units: Zalera (Angel of Death), Knight x2, Bone Snatch x1, Living Bone x1, Skeleton x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Elmdor will retreat, and change into another Zodiac monster, Zalera. Zalera’s anomaly spell causes Sleep or Confusion. The way to treat this is to attack that character to get them out of that state. Meliadoul will come from behind to help you, she will attack the skeletons. The undead knights like to use break attacks, and most of the time the break attack works. This is an easy Zodiac monster fight, because you have Orlandu on your side with his many sword skills. You’ve faced the skeletons before many times, so have any characters not fighting the knights or Zalera help Meliadoul kill the skeletons. As always, they may come back to life.
Battle 45: Inside of Igros Castle Objective: Defeat Dycedarg! Enemy Units: Dycedarg (Lune Knight), Knight x5 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
In this battle, you’ll be assisted by Zalbag, another brother of Ramza. Zalbag will destroy Dycedarg, but then Dycedarg, will turn into Adramelk. Before that happens, try and get as many people as possible onto to the top part of the castle. The knights shouldn’t be much of problem when facing Orlandu’s sword attacks. If needed, you can have a thief steal a Defender sword from Dycedarg, but it’s not necessary. Adramelk can cause status anomaly spells, and some of the summoner’s spells, namely Leviathan and Bahamut. These spells cause big damage over a wide area. If units are clumped together, most of them will die most likely. Kill Adramelk fast to avoid having major losses.
NOTE: The next three battles are of a battle series. Prepare before going to Murond.
Battle 46: St. Murond Temple Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Priest x1, Geomancer x2, Summoner x1, Mediator x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
The most problematic unit on this map is the priest. He is the healer of the group and can raise units. He can also cure and raise multiple units with his Math skills. With Math skills, he can also cure and raise your units if they are in the Math calculation. After the priest, attack the summoner. The second squad should have finished off the mediators by now. Now, go for the geomancers as I see them as the least threat.
Battle 47: Hall of St. Murond Temple Objective: Defeat Vormav! Enemy Units: Vormav (Divine Knight), Rofel (Divine Knight), Kletian (Sorcerer) Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Vormav and Rofel can use powerful sword attacks, and Kletian can cast powerful spells. Have Orlandu and Meliadoul use Hellcry Punch on the Divine Knights, to disable their sword attacks. The easy way to win this battle is to take down one enemy to death, so that all three will teleport away. The one to take down is Kletian, as he has low HP and weak defense.
Battle 48: Chapel of St. Murond Temple Objective: Defeat Zalbag! Enemy Units: Zalbag (Arc Knight), Archaic Demon x2, Ultima Demon x1 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
The Ultima demon here may cast Ultima, so if Ramza hasn’t learned it yet, here is the last chance. Zalbag can use Blood Suck on your characters, so have the 108 Gems you used for Elmdor equipped here. I suggest just attacking Zalbag since he only has around 550 HP. The spells of the Archaic Demons and Ultima Demon made harm your party if you drag the battle too long. Try to finish this battle quickly.
Battle 49: Colliery Underground Third Floor Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Chemist x5 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
Don’t expect Beowulf to help you too much in this battle, he rarely will be in range for a sword attack. The chemists are placed all over the map, and their guns will whittle down your units’ HP. Take down as many chemists as you can in the first few turns. Most chemists will use Potions or Phoenix Downs, but doing so will make sure they can’t attack with their guns. Have a character attack the newly revived unit (most likely the weakest), while other units advance to kill the other units. After awhile, you should be able to kill the chemists.
Battle 50: Colliery Underground Second Floor Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Chemist x1, Thief x2, Behemoth x1, King Behemoth x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
You might miss the king behemoth, he’s behind the thief closest to you. The chemist has the Blaze Gun, and it will hurt your characters. Try to charm him to get him to use it on his allies, or steal it from him. The behemoths have powerful attacks, so watch out for that. The thieves may try to charm your female characters, so if you put people like Agrias, and Meliadoul in your squad, be sure to have a throw stone ready to get them back to their senses. The skins of the behemoths are very valuable, so have someone with Secret Hunt equipped in your group.
Battle 51: Colliery Underground First Floor Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Chemist x2, Blue Dragon x2, Uribo x1 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
The main problem in this battle is the dragons. Their ice bracelet attacks can do around 250 HP of damage to a character. Keep units healed. The best way to kill the Blue Dragon is to use Fire attacks on them, namely Flare. After you kill the hard dragons, the chemists and uribo should be easy to defeat.
Battle 52: Underground Passage in Goland Objective: Save Reis! Enemy Units: Archaic Demon x1, Ochu x2, Plague x3 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
Here, you’ll met up with Reis, the holy Dragon. Reis has big attacks, but can’t take too many attack from the Archaic Demon. Reis’ Bracelet attacks do about as much damage as the Blue Dragon’s, around 250 HP. Send in characters to help kill the archaic demon. The ochu shouldn’t present much of a problem. The plagues however, can cast Death Sentence and Petrify on your characters, so watch out for that. After this battle, Reis and Beowulf join the party.
Battle 53: Nelveska Temple Objective: Defeat Worker 7! Enemy Units: Worker 7 New (Steel Giant), Cocatoris x3, Hyudra x2 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
The monsters in this battle (not counting the Worker 7) are very hard to defeat, and can cause tons of damage to your characters. Kill Worker 7 quickly, so that the monsters cannot kill your characters. Don’t waste magic attacks on Worker 7, because just like Worker 8, it has no faith. After you kill Worker 7, his backup generator will turn on, but he will only gain 1 HP so he’s easily killed. You’ll get a zodiac stone, and Reis will turn into a human when you finish this battle.
Battle 54: Zarghidas Trade City Objective: Save Cloud! Enemy Units: Squire x2, Thief x3, Monk x1 Difficulty Level: 2/5 Squads: 1, Max. 4
This should be an easy battle. Cloud is weak compared to other characters, but if you want him in your group, now is the time. The units here have nothing new to face and when compared to Orlandu’s sword attacks, the enemy is done for. Watch out for the thief hiding between the buildings near Cloud. More information on Cloud is available in the Secrets section.
---------------- 6a. Deep Dungeon ----------------
The Deep Dungeon is well, deep. It is ten floors deep, and to finish it, you have to get to the bottom level. At the bottom level, there is a wizard you have to fight to get the Serpentarius zodiac stone. There are valuable items to find here, so have someone with Move-Find Item ability equipped. There’s a catch. The battles take place in complete darkness. The only way to light the way, is life crystals. To get to the next floor, you need to find a hidden door. The hidden door is randomly placed in each battle and can only be located if someone has the Move-Find ability equipped. The easiest way to find the door is to get all the treasures, leave one enemy alive and look for the door. I have everyone who fights in the battle with Move-Find equipped. However, if the person has high brave points and find an item, it will be most likely be a phoenix down. You’ll have to face random battles on the way to the ninth floor. If you kill all the enemies on the floor, the battle ends, and you go back to the main map, so you have to leave one enemy alive, so you can find the hidden door. The treasures here are the rare treasure, or a phoenix down. If you have someone with low Brave points (try to get as low as possible, the best chances for rare treasures are from 11-14), that person will find the rare item more often (if they have Move-Find Item ability). There is a catch to this too, the brave points will go down by 4 each time you lower them by 20. You’ll have to raise them sometime so you don’t scare the living daylights out of the unit your using to find the item.
NOTE: Deep Dungeon Diagram supplied by Wesley Yue.
(Wesley) I’ve included the heights of the sides of each map. The bottom left square will have the coordinates 1,1. The rest should be easy.
Battle 55: Nogias Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Random Difficulty Level: N/A Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 56: Terminate Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 57: Delta Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 58: Valkyries Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 59: Mlapan Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 60: Tiger Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 61: Bridge Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 62: Voyage Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 63: Horror Objective: Defeat all enemies! Squads: 1, Max. 5
Battle 64: End Objective: Defeat Elidibs! Enemy Units: Elidibs (Seprentarius), Apanda x6 Difficulty Level: 4/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Well, you made it to the end! Since this is a "staged" battle, I can explain this. Although Elidibs looks like he could do some physical damage, he can’t. The most he could do to you is 20 HP of physical damage. However, his magic power isn’t anything to laugh at. If you can weaken his magical power, you can forget about him hurting you (except for poison frog). Elidibs main spell, is the summon spell Zodiac. You can learn Zodiac, more on that in the Secrets section. The other spells of Elidibs are like other zodiac monster spells which are status anomaly based. The most annoying is poison frog which can affect several units with poison and frog. The frog is the main problem, when you are a frog, you cannot do any special abilities, and if the one who can cure frog is turned into a frog, well there are no hope for the frog people. The six apandas know their Bio spells, so watch out for that. The damage from the spell could weaken a character significantly. A byblos monster will help you in this battle, and will join as a member after the battle. The byblos main attack is shock, but it may cast difference, and if he does cast it on Elidibs, prepare for 999 HP of damage!!!! You may want to go for the for treasures, since the treasures here are the best katana and best knight sword. However, you have to be able to pass Elidibs and get to the top "step" of the map.
Well, you got out of the Deep Dungeon alive. With your new treasures, the rest of the game should be easier. Unless you got stiffed and got all Phoenix Downs :P.
Battle 65: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor Objective: Defeat all enemies! Enemy Units: Knight x3, Monk x2, Archer x1 Difficulty Level: 1/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Yawn. Old enemies, nothing new, Orlandu’s sword attacks. You guess the rest.
Battle 66: Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor Objective: Defeat Rofel! Enemy Units: Rofel (Divine Knight), Wizard x2, Summoner x2, Time Mage x1 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Rofel is backed up by a full magic army, so unless you have some very low faith members (Worker 8), this is a hard battle. If you can brake or steal Rofel’s Save the Queen sword, he can’t use his Mighty Sword attacks, and will be nearly powerless. He will also lose the protection provided by it. For a quick end, just attack Rofel. As always, watch out for the attacks from the magicians.
Battle 67: Murond Death City Objective: Defeat Kletian! Enemy Units: Kletian (Sorcerer), Samurai x2, Ninja x2, Time Mage x2 Difficulty Level: 3/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
This is another easy battle. Since Kletian is in front of his troops, you can get a head start at causing damage. He only has around 400 HP, so this should be an easy battle. Just watch out for his other troops if you fail to kill him quickly.
Battle 68: Lost Sacred Precincts Objective: Defeat Balk! Enemy Units: Balk (Engineer), Chemist x1, Hyudra x1, Hydra x1, Tiamat x1, Dark Behemoth x1 Difficulty Level: 5/5 Squads: 2, Max. 3, 2
Okay, now this is a battle. Balk and the chemist have very powerful guns, and I would say steal them, but the monsters in this battle are VERY powerful. If Balk hides behind the monsters, the battle is going to be hard since you have to kill the monsters to get a shot at Balk. However, if Balk gets in front of the monsters, take advantage, and charge at him with full force. Just kill Balk, because if you try to kill the monsters, you’ll be surrounded and Balk and the Chemist will attack from afar with damaging attacks.
Battle 69: Graveyard of Airships Objective: Defeat Hashalum! Enemy Units: Hashalum (Regulator) Difficulty Level: 5/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
Hashalum can fire powerful spells with a wide range at your party. Space out your characters as much as possible, and have a healer in your party. He also have status anomaly spells which will mess up the your group. He has high HP (around the 1000 to 2000 area) so this is going to be a long battle. Use powerful attacks like Agrias’ or Orlandu’s Sword attacks, powerful magic spells and so on. Don’t waste any phoenix downs trying to revive Alma, she won’t help and usually Hashalum will kill her anyway.
Battle 70: Graveyard of Airships Objective: Defeat Altima! Enemy Units: Altima, Ultima Demon x4 Difficulty Level: 5/5 Squads: 1, Max. 5
When this battle begins, the middle pillar will blown away so you can move easier. The Ultima Demons should be able to fall to Orlandu’s sword attacks. You can try and revive Alma, but again she will probably be killed again. You can go and beat the Ultima Demons, or concentrate on Altima. She has powerful spells and attacks, so attack from afar, most likely with Mustadio and Orlandu. If you manage to defeat her, you’ll begin another battle. Any Ultima Demons remaining will go away. This part is a little easier since the demons are gone, so concentrate on Altima and heal when necessary. You should have a group capable of beating her. After you defeat Altima the second time, you have finished the game.
--------------------- 7. Job Classes of FFT ---------------------
There are in total 20 "regular" job classes (not counting the special ones). There are over 400 abilities to choose from. Each job classes comes with its own strategy. The magicians of course tend to stray from the main lines, causing spells to harm enemies or help allies. The soldiers however love to attack in the front lines, and there are always archers to help attack from afar. All units start out at the beginning as a squire or chemist. If you were to map out the jobs, you find out that the squires are the beginning of the soldier classes, the chemist the beginning of the magicians. To get into the level 4 classes, you have to master most of the classes, and to get to the mime, you have to be a master magician and soldier. A word about JP, when a character gets some, 1/6 of the total points goes to other allies on the battle map. Meaning, if a knight gets 36 JP, the allied units on the map get 6 JP in the knight class. If an archer got 36 JP, the allies would get 6 JP in the archer class. This is useful for having your units get to another class without having to be the class required. It takes longer however to gain job levels this way.
Base Classes:
Squire: Requirements: N/A Weapons: Knife, Sword, Axe, Hammer Headgear: Hat Body Armor: Clothes
The squire is the class that all units start at (you change them to chemists, but they begin as squires). If you look at diagrams of jobs, the squire is base of a warrior unit. The squire is average all around with a few good abilities. The squire isn’t always the strongest, but it can equip a variety of weapons.
(Explanation Name - Name of ability What it does- Self-explanatory Range- How far it reaches MP- MP cost, if any Speed- When will it happen, higher is better JP- JP Cost Grade- Usefulness, Goes from A-E, A-Best, E-Worst)
Basic Skill Name What it does Range MP Speed JP Grade Accumulate Raise physical power by 1. 0 N/A Now 300 C Dash Attack enemy with body blow. 1 N/A Now 80 E Throw Stone Throw a stone at enemy unit. 4 N/A Now 90 B Heal Cure Darkness, Silence, Poison. 1 N/A Now 150 C
Pros: Very balanced. Good movement, speed, and jump stats. Throw Stone is useful work finishing off far enemies. Cons: Weak compared to other units. Lack of hard armor makes squire easily damaged by knights and monks.
Chemist: Requirements: None Weapons: Knife, Gun Headgear: Hat Body Armor: Clothes
The Chemist is mainly used for using healing items. You rarely see the chemist fighting (until you find out about guns anyway). Although any unit can use items (provided they learn the item), the chemist is the only one that can throw them without having to learn and equip the Throw Item ability.
Item Name What it does Range MP Speed JP Grade Potion Gain 30 HP. 4 N/A Now 30 B Hi-Potion Gain 70 HP. 4 N/A Now 200 A X-Potion Gain 150 HP. 4 N/A Now 300 A Ether Gain 20 MP. 4 N/A Now 300 C Hi-Ether Gain 50 MP. 4 N/A Now 300 B Elixir Gain all HP and MP. 4 N/A Now 400 A Antidote Cure Poison. 4 N/A Now 900 C Eye Drop Cure Darkness. 4 N/A Now 70 C Echo Grass Cure Silence. 4 N/A Now 80 C Maiden’s Kiss Cure Frog. 4 N/A Now 120 D Soft Cure Petrify. 4 N/A Now 200 C Holy Water Cure Undead. 4 N/A Now 250 C Remedy Cure all except Undead. 4 N/A Now 400 B Phoenix Down Revive Dead Units. 4 N/A Now 90 A
Pros: Healing items happen faster, don’t use MP, and can’t be countered. Faith isn’t a factor when healing with Chemist. Cons: Until you get a gun, the chemist’s attacking usefulness is none.
Level One Classes:
Knight: Requirements: Squire Level 2 Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword, Shield Headgear: Helmet Body Armor: Armor, Robe
The knight is a great class. The break abilities of the knight can stop most attacks from enemies, especially those who use sword attacks. The ability to equip armor also allows for big HP bonuses. They can also wear robes and be a magician, but I don’t find that useful.
Battle Skill Name What it does Range MP Speed JP Grade Head Break Destroy Helmet. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 300 C Armor Break Destroy Armor. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 400 B Shield Break Destroy Shield. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 300 C Weapon Break Destroy Weapon. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 400 A Magic Break Lower MP by Half. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 250 B Speed Break -3 Speed. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 250 C Power Break -3 Physical Attack.Depends on Weapon N/A Now 250 C Mind Break -3 Magic Attack. Depends on Weapon N/A Now 250 C
Pros: Ability to wear armor and helmets allow for good HP bonuses. When Battle Skills are paired with long range weapons, breaking items can be done from afar.
Cons: Maintenance ability can counter all item break attacks. If broken, it can’t be stolen!
Archer: Requirements: Squire Level 2 Weapons: Bows, Crossbows, Shield Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes
The archer is the first long range attacker you can use. The archer can attack from the back lines without being counter attacked (some exceptions). The archer cannot attack anyone within a 2 square range of him. When the archer gets a bow, the archer can fire bows in an arc over the walls. The charge skills paired with the archer are very deadly.
Charge Name What it does Range MP Speed JP Grade Charge +1 Increases weapon damage. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 100 D Charge +2 Stronger than Charge +1. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 150 D Charge +3 Stronger than Charge +2. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 200 C Charge +4 Stronger than Charge +3. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 250 B Charge +5 Stronger than Charge +4. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 300 A Charge +7 Stronger than Charge +5. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 400 B Charge +8 Stronger than Charge +7. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 600 C Charge +10 Stronger than Charge +8. Depends on weapon. N/A N/A 1000 D
Pros: Long range attacks are always an added plus.
Cons: Inability to wear armor, makes it an easy target for other classes. Most Charge skills are too weak or too slow.
End of Part 3. Go on to Part 4.