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The Cherokees are 1 of the 5 civilized tribes.They have the most members out of all the other federally recognized tribes in the United States of America.They have alot of members in North Carolina and they have alot of different bands of Cherokees too.There is the Eastern Band of Cherokees. There is also the alot of other bands of Cherokee.


Cherokees today really do not live the way they used to.Traditions are still remembered but life goes on as usual. They go to work and alot of them are bussiness men! Alot have short hair too.The traditional Cherokees in the old days had long hair because they felt that long hair freed the soul. There are still Cherokees that have long hair and are very proud of their background!


The Cherokees of the old days is where we get our ways from. We do alot of the things that they did.


The Cherokees were the people of North Carolina! They lived up around in the Smokey Mountains, the lower part of the Applachian Mountains. They took alot of pride in that land. This land had good game. It was a very lush place. Full of trees and grass. When the English settlers arrived, that all changed. The Cherokees were forced to leave their homelands with women and children! These white settlers treated the Cherokees with no respect! Finally they arrived in Oklahoma where they recieved alot of land! This was located in the Tahlequah area. This was a lush area as well and they took care of what they had. Some Cherokees did not move to Oklahoma! These people are now known as the "Eas tern Band Of Cherokees"! The Cherokees here in Oklahoma are the "Western Band Of Cherokees"! Then,suddenly some of the "Westerns" broke off. The area where they moved was called the "Cherokee Strip!" So, you see, there are alot of bands. There is even a "Texas Band!" The Cherokees moved to Oklahoma with good attitudes and hope! Now, the Cherokees have a strong government! The government in Oklahoma is located in the town of Tahlequah! There is a University for Cherokees in Tahlequah!

Scene Of Lake Eufaula
Scene Of Lake Eufaula

Great Chief:

There were alot of great chiefs back in the day but in my opinion none as great as the wonderful, John Ross. He was a mixed blood Cherokee and proud of it too. He married a 100% Cherokee wife and had kids of 75% Cherokee. He was loved by all full and mixed blood Cherokees. He made everything seem alright. He has alot of decendants, which I am one. I am really proud of it too. He was one of the best Cherokee leaders.He was an honor to all Cherokees. We will always remember our great leader and representative for our tribe and we celebrate his life to this day.


Sequoyah,I'm sure even the non-Indians here have heard that name. Well, here's the story behind Sequoyah. He was the great Cherokee who formed the Cherokee syllabary. He was another very honorable tribal member. The Cherokees were very proud to have him in their tribe. Some of the symbols he created look like English letters. They made newspapers printed in Cherokee and English.

