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Hiccup Cures!

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Here are my cures for hiccups! Yes, I know it's a very strange thing to put on a website, but it's MY website and I can put what I want on it, so there. Anyway, hiccups are very annoying things, so don't get and try my cures!

Try drinking a glass of water upside down. This doesn't work for me, but it may for you.

Give the person with hiccups a scare. The trick is though, not to tell them that you're going to scare them later.

Drink a teaspoon of vinegar. This never ever fails. You just need to get the guts up to do it. Trust me, this is easier said than done!

This really works. Take the person hiccupping, and take their right hand. Press your thumb hard into their palm, while they're holding their breath. It really works!

Stand on your head!

Have you got any hiccup cures?

Send them to me!