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Darlinghurst Gaol,
(became Darlinghurst Tech, then East Sydney TAFE, and is now The National Art School)

Our Links

A History of Darlinghurst Gaol

British Convicts sent to Australia

The Ghosts of the old Gaol

The Gallows

Plan of the Gaol

Twenty Gambling Questions

Sextortion and your Child

Some Literacy and Australian links:

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Behind the News
A Plain English version of this week's News (Australia)

The Sydney Morning Herald

Write Away!
Amazing ESL Writing Site in Sydney.

Dave's ESL Cafe
An excellent and exciting place to visit.

Duke Street Community House
Literacy and ESL students from Melbourne.

Bangkok Post Student Weekly Homepage
World News for Students.

National Institute for Literacy (USA)
More for Teachers

Internet TESL Journal
More for Teachers

US College Transition Guide for ESL Students
How to get to college in America

Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students

A brief and easy history
of Darlinghurst Jail

Read about the old Darlinghurst Gaol, or Jail.
Stories of the jail, cells, gallows, convicts and gamblers
of Sydney Town in the 1840s.


The partly-built Darlinghurst Jail around 1840.


The Jail Chapel and Bath House
(The Bath House was on the ground floor,
and the chapel was reached by overhead walkways
from each cell building).

Email the Webmaker.

This Web site was opened with a clanking of chains on July 10, 1996.

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25 September, 2021, by Bruce Laidlaw.