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NikPik's House, Kewl Cursors for your web site!!!

Welcome to my new cursor site, now you can put neat graphics as a cursor on your web site!!
Here are some of mine! Please put my logo on the same page as you are using the cursor! Thank you!
Here is the logo! Right click to save to your harddrive, then link it, so others can find out where you got your cursor!
Please link it to:

Please click banner here too, I have done it, I just started, and I already won a CD and some $$ its FREE and what have ya got to lose?
Join,  any kind of music you want is here FREE! 24 hours a day! WOW!


I just added a bunch last month, but here is the latest, look for the * sign, 6 more just added on 7/11/00 & 7/12/00!!! Refresh your pages, so you wont miss anything!! Please sign my guestbook below!

New! Cursor Effects!!!

Save both images below:
Click link here to see the candle in action! Plus directions and how to make it work for you!!
Candle Cursor! Click HERE!
Save both images below:
Click link here to see the pie in action! Plus directions and how to make it work for you!!
Pie Cursor! Click HERE!
Save both images below:
Click link here to see the Heart in action! Plus directions and how to make it work for you!!
Heart Cursor! Click HERE!
Save both images below:
Click link here to see the Wagon in action! Plus directions and how to make it work for you!!
Wagon Cursor! Click HERE!


How to make the cursors work on your web site!!! Right click on the image you are going to use, save it to your hard drive, also dont forget to grab my logo and link it!! Then go here Dynamic click HERE! and grab the code, don't forget to copy the whole box, where it says to, place your image code where it says to, and waaalaa~ you have a neat cursor right on your web page!!!
Look for more!! I keep getting more ideas!!!
If you stopped by please sign my guestbook below~!! Thanks so much, I would love to see these cursors in action!!
Click here to sign and view my guestbooks!
My Main Graphics Studio and Logo! Nicole's House, My home page! My Graphics!!! Tiled Backgrounds Signs!! Adopt Your Very Own Sunbonnet Sue!!!
Here is the navigation for my main pages!!!
This Mouse Cursor Trailssite is owned by 
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