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She Said

He Said



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Season 1


SCULLY: Agent Mulder. I'm Dana Scully, I've been assigned to work with you.

(He shakes her hand.)

MULDER: Oh, isn't it nice to be suddenly so highly regarded? So, who did you tick off to get stuck with this detail, Scully?

SCULLY: Actually, I'm looking forward to working with you. I've heard a lot about you.

MULDER: Oh, really? I was under the impression... that you were sent to spy on me.

Deep Throat

SCULLY: You believe it all, don't you?

MULDER: Why wouldn't I?

(Scully has a great big smile across her face, almost laughing)

SCULLY: Mulder, did you see their eyes? If I were that stoned I...

MULDER: Ho-hoo. If you were that stoned, what.

SCULLY: Mulder, you could have shown that kid a picture of a flying hamburger and he would have told you that's exactly what he saw.


TOM COLTON: So, Mulder, what do you think, does this look like the work of little green men?


TOM COLTON: Excuse me.

MULDER: Grey. You said green men, a Reticulan skin tone is actually grey, they're notorious for their extraction of terrestrial human livers. Due to iron depletion in the Reticulan galaxy.

TOM COLTON: You can't be serious.

MULDER: Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for on Reticula? `scuse me.


SCULLY: I just think it's a good idea not to antagonise local law enforcement.

MULDER: Who me? I'm Mr. Congeniality.

SCULLY: You never know, we might need his help one of these days.

MULDER: I'll send him a bunt cake.

The Jersey Devil

SCULLY: Lay back. Oh, Mulder you're hurt.

MULDER: You should've seen her, she was beautiful.

SCULLY: Yeah well, she just about ripped your lungs out.


MULDER: Hey, Scully. Do you believe in the afterlife?

SCULLY: I'd settle for a life in this one.

MULDER: Have you ever seen the liberty bell?


MULDER: You know, I've been to Philadelphia a 100 times and I've never seen it.

SCULLY: You're not missing much. It's just a big bell with a big crack, and you have to wait in a long line.

MULDER: Yeah, but I'd really like to go.

SCULLY: Why now?

MULDER: I don't know. How late do you think they stay open?

The Ghost In The Machine

SCULLY: How come you two went your separate ways?

MULDER: I’m a pain in the ass to work with.

SCULLY: Seriously.

MULDER: I’m not a pain in the ass? We had different career goals. Jerry wanted the fifth floor.

SCULLY: And you?

MULDER: I was gunning for a basement office with no heat or windows.


SCULLY: We found a way to kill it. Two worms in one host will kill each other.

MULDER: You give me one worm, you’ll infect me.

SCULLY: (whispering) If that’s true, then why didn’t you let us inspect you?

MULDER: (whispering) I would have but you pulled a gun on me. Now I don’t trust them. I wanted to trust you.

Fallen Angel

MAX FENIG: M.F. Luder. I know. M.F. Luder is an anagram for F. Mulder. You really didn't think that would fool us did you?

MULDER: I didn't think anyone was really paying attention

SCULLY: A-mazing.

MAX FENIG: Amazing? Hardly. You want to see something amazing? Come with me.
(Mulder heads out of motel room)

MAX FENIG: (looking at Scully) *Enigmatic* Dr. Scully.


SCULLY: The girls are the one and only link between identical murders.

MULDER: One girl was just abducted.

SCULLY: Kidnaped.

MULDER: Potato, potahto.


SCULLY: So, Sherlock, is the game afoot?

MULDER: I'm afraid so, Watson. But you're off the hook on this one.

Beyond The Sea

SCULLY: Did Boggs confess?

MULDER: No, no, just five hours of Boggs’ channeling. After three hours, I asked him to summon up the soul of Jimi Hendrix and requested "All Along the Watchtower." You know the guy’s been dead for twenty years and he still hasn’t lost his edge.


SCULLY: Those were the most paranoid people I have ever met. I don’t know how you could think that what they say is even remotely plausible.

MULDER: I think it’s remotely plausible that someone might think you’re hot.

Miracle Man

SCULLY: I was raised a Catholic, and I have a certain familiarity with the scripture. And God never lets the Devil steal the show.

MULDER: (smiling) You must have really liked 'The Exorcist'?

Darkness Falls

MULDER: In 1934, long before anyone even knew what an ecoterrorist was, a W.P.A. crew vanished from that same area without a trace. Not one of those men was ever found or heard from again.

SCULLY: And you suspect what? Bigfoot?


SCULLY: Fox...

MULDER: And I... I even made my parents call me Mulder. So... Mulder.

SCULLY: Mulder, I wouldn’t put myself on the line for anybody but you.

MULDER: If there’s an ice tea in that bag, could be love.

SCULLY: Must be fate, Mulder. Root beer.

Born Again

MULDER: Psychokinesis is usually associated with an electrical charge.

SCULLY: Are you saying Michelle possesses the ability to psychically project her own will?

MULDER: How else could a 60-pound kid throw a 200-pound detective out the window?

The Erlenmeyer Flask

MULDER: It's over, Scully. 

SCULLY: Well, you have to lodge a protest. They can't...

MULDER: Yes, they can.

SCULLY: What are you going to do?

MULDER: I'm... not going to give up. I can't give up. Not as long as the truth is out there.