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Bl8er tips, winning results and More!! By: Brooke

Results from the X-Games!!!

******ReMeMbEr To SpAnK yOuR mOnKeY****** How to do the SoUl GrInD: The sec. you get the frontside down, the sould grind will be easy!! First you must find a nice spot to practice like a rail, curb or ledge. (The ledge will have to be waxed well if this is what you picked) You must get the feel of how your feet are going to be like when you land. You back foot (right or left) must be parellel to the rail or ledge and part where the chassis meets the boot (on the outside) should be resting on the rail. Then your back foot should be perpendicular to your back foot with the rail or ledge in between the 2nd and 3rd wheels. The inside of the foot will be facing away from the ledge or rail. When approching the rail or curb your hips should be somewhat parllel to the ledge or rail. Dont worry its a weird felling but you'll get it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~FrOnT sIdE gRiNd~~~~~~~~~~~ This is called a front side grind. It's the most basic grind you can learn, and lead you up to more complicated tricks. First, you want to find a good apot to learn this at. Somthing like a low bike rack or waxed up planter. Now approach the object at slow speed and just jump on so you land between your middle two wheels. All you want to get a feel for what it's like to be standing on the frames of your skates. This is called a stall. So now you got the frontside stall the same thing as you did for the stall, but come at the object a little faster and from an angle. Bend your legs and jump on. When you land,make sure that your legs are bent at the knee and about shoulders width apart or a lil wider. Make sure you prepare yourslef to keep you form doing the''ll hurt! Once you manage to get your speed up and travel a respectable distance down the object and you feel comfortable with the move, you're ready to move on to the next trick:ThE sOuL gRiNd!

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