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In Memory of You

Hello. Again, I want to interact with the people who view my page. It has come to my attention that a lot of people who come here have a talent in poetry, drawing, graphic design, or fanart. This page is dedicated to those people. I would like to post things that are offered.

Things I will put on this page will be poetry, I will put up graphics made by you, I will also put up fanart of cartoons, or any picture you've drawn. I will even post song lyrics. But here are the guidelines.

The works you submit must be done by you and may not contain anything of a vulgar nature. In other words, don't draw anything pornographic or write anything too explicit. Remember, children can access this site and it is a site for inspiration and education. But, sex-ed is not one thing I'd care to teach on this page. And, all I'm asking otherwise if your name, your age, and, if you feel comfortable enough, your e-mail addy. Since you'd be emailing the works anyway, just let me know if you object to me posting it. I post only so anyone wanting to use your works may contact you and ask you personally.

Again, all I wish to do is bring to you a page full of the works you, my viewers, have helped to create. Sort of like a community. I do look forward to seeing your work, and look forward to being allowed to share your talent with the rest of the viewers who come along. Oh yeah, and all submissions will be separated by that little Meowth, he doesn't belong to anyone, he's just separating the submissions.

Tyranny after the Frey

Submitted by: Ross Mormino II

Age: 43

Contact: Here

Trees so bare as naked bone

Dirt as dust when wind had blown

I sat there I sat alone

The song so sang was simple still

The word was said for sage of real

The chorus sung so silent shrill

Touching base with all and none

North and south and east and sun

Water, fire, and earth and west

Air to lips I spoke my test

On the ground in dirt was not

A single word or sign be wrought

Twas where my eyes had rest I thought

It slowly etched into the dust

A deep row cut and ground did bust

These runes of three did appear to me

Twas the horse, the breasts, the ankh I saw

Twas the Celtic runes from past did call

I stunned with eye did see it all

Simple it was

In bliss I sat and sounded the sound

I spoke in song in loving round

As Zen and Hin I sang to ground

Pull forth your head from past the dead

Pull forth your arm from past the harm

Pull forth your thought from past of wrot

I did and simple done I said

I felt her kiss upon my head


Submitted by: Beth Gaworski

Age: 19

Contact: e-mail not available


Submitted by: Beth Gaworski

Age: 19

Contact: e-mail not available

Lock, Stock and Barrel

Submitted by: Beth Gaworski

Age: 19

Contact: e-mail not available


Submitted by: Vi-Rath

Age: 18

Contact: Here

As it slowly drops its crowning glory.

Departing & leaving the sky full of colours.

And eventually, dark. Full of crystals & a moon

That shimmers like a huge pearl of the

Deep. How beautiful the reflection on

The still & calm waters. On a clear

Day, both sun & moon seem so bright.

Both give off an enchanting light.

But, as dusk falls into night, I think of

You & about now. The time for memories

And romance seems just right.

Amarna Royal Couple

Submitted by: Akhet Imiu

Age: 16

Contact: e-mail not availble.

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Midi playing: Memories