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The Toadie Award

WELCOME! Ready to try for my Toadie Award? Well, you might wanna know what it's for first. This award is for pages dedicated to that little guy, the sidekick, the one always getting stepped on.

To win this award, your page/site must meet these guidelines.

1. Your site must be about the little guy. Meaning it can be about any sidekick or major domo good or bad of any sort. The little guy who is never really the main character, but seems to get a lot of love from fans anyway. Random examples of little guys are: Toad {X-Men}, Zazu {Lion King}, Lurkey {Rainbow Brite}, Phil {Hercules}, Arthur {The Tick}, Robin {Batman}, Heka {Mummies Alive!}, Blyx {Legend} etc. I think you get the idea. You all know who the little guy is one way or another.

2. Your site must be easy to navigate.

3. Your site must be pleasing to look at.

4. The site should be free of as many errors as possible via spelling and dead links. Also, it should not take a very long time to load. I am understanding of graphic intense pages.

5. The site must be well-defined and explain your character and his/her origin {meaning tv show, movie or book} well.

6. Your site must be well-designed, meaning not just links to other pages. Work should be well thought out and as original as possible considering the circumstances.

7. Information should be as accurate as possible.

8. Made up characters don't count. They have to already exist.

HEY! Does your site fit these requirements? Do you want to try for my Toadie award? If so, then just click here and in your message tell me which award you are trying this case...The Toadie Award. Then put the link to your site on the message, and why you feel this award should go on your site.

I will check your site as soon as possible. Don't worry, NOBODY leaves my awards empty-handed. Even if you do not win my Toadie Award, any site submitted {that does NOT win the award} will recieve the Outstanding Effort award to put on your site.

Thank you for your involvement. I do appriciate it and I hope you have fun. Now, where would you like to go?

Or, go back to my Awards page.