-The clan is composed of the Coterie of the Blood Nightz through the generations of the first bloodline of Pontifex Morbuim {BN}. The clan is watched and led by High Regent Angreal {BN1}.
- The clan is comprised of Circles of Council. Each Circle Council is led by a Regent, who reports directly to High Regent Angreal {BN1}. Circle Councils consist of 7 (seven) members of council, , who have been chosen for their dedication and loyalty to the clan.-
- Circle Councils are differentiated by number. The first circle council is the inner circle, led by the foremost of the clan Leaders. Each progresseive circle council answers to the one above it, all councils answer to High Regent Angreal {BN1}.
- High Regent Angreal {BN1}, is the co-ordinator and chief advocate for each Regent of Council. She is to be notified of any problems, that the council circles can not deal within themselves. High Regent Angreal is the sole leader of the Blood Nightz Clan, but directly answers to Pontifex Morbium of any problems that cannot be taken care of within' the clan. Regents are expected to act in the best interests of the clan, bearing in mind, all actions are answerable to High Regent Angreal {BN1}.
-Regents are shown by title and
number in brackets of which circle of power they preside over-
Symbols of the Clan
{BN} is only worn by Pontifex Morbium.
{BN1} is worn by the first generation
of embracing by the Lord
{BN2} is worn by the second generation
by the embracing of the
princes and princesses of the first
generation bloodline
{bn} is worn by the Prodigy’s of
the Blood Nightz clan and are under
the protection of the clan. See
First Circle Council Members
High Regent Angreal {BN}
Regent Nekimbra Leese {BN1}
Carlimon {BN2}
Dark Temptation{BN1}
Sorilea {BN2}
Second Circle Council Members
Regent Bloodstorm {BN1}
Aranaeya {BN2}
Pontifex Morbium {BN}
Founder and First Bloodline of
Blood Nightz
Clan Elder
House Elders
High Regent Angreal {BN1}
High Regent
General of The DarkKnightz
Clan Ambassador
Council Member
First Chylde of Pontifex Morbium{BN}
Dark Temptation{BN1}
Leiutenant General of The DarkKnightz
Combat Trainer
Council Member
Chylde of Pontifex Morbium{BN}
Regent {1} Princess Nekimbra Leese {BN1}
Council Member
Servant Trainer
Clan Recorder
Council Member of the Second Circle
Chylde of Pontifex Morbium{BN}
Regent {2} BloodStorm {BN1}
Regent of the Second Circler
Colonel of the BloodKnightz
Bloodbonded and Brother of Pontifex Morbium {BN}
Pontifex Morbium~BN~
Clan Tremere Elder
All must follow his orders, without thought.
He is founder and first bloodline of Blood
He is to think of the best interest of the
Tremere clan as a whole to make it
He answers directly to the Inner Council of
He is also our clan Elder, his respect and
honor has been earned.
He is our bloodline.
Angreal {BN1}
High Regent of BN
Council Member of the First
She is Lord and leader of the Coterie and Clan
of the Blood Nightz
All are to follow her orders without thought.
She has sole
responsibility to answer any and all events to
Pontifex Morbium {BN} during her
ruling of the Blood Nightz Clan..
Her loyalty, honor and respect has been
earned within the Clan Tremere.
All shall abide her decisions without question.
Those that disobey her orders shall be punished
as if disobeying the Inner Circle of Tremere.
Regent Nekimbra Leese {BN1}
Regent {1} of the first circle
She is in second in charge of BN during the absence
of High Regent Angreal {BN1}
If there is a threat to the clan, and the High
is not present, she is to handle the threat in
the best interest of the
Crown to protect the clan and honor the Crown
accordingly. She has
proven hers loyalty to BN and the Clan Tremere
and shall be responsible to answer to the
High Regent after all rulings over the Clan.
All shall abide her decisions without question.
Those that disobey shall be punished as if disobeying
the High Regent herself.
Dark Temptation{BN1}
Council Member of the First Circle
He is in third in command of BN.
If there is a threat to the clan, and the Crown
and General Regent
are not present, he is to handle the threat in
the best interest of the
Crown to protect the clan and honor the Crown
accordingly. He has
proven his loyalty to BN and shall be responsible
to answer to the
Crown for His time of ruling over the Clan.
All shall abide his decisions without question.
Those that disobey shall be punished as if disobeying
the Crown
Regent {2} BloodStorm {BN1}
Regent of the Second Circle
He is fourth in command of BN.
If there is a threat to the clan, and the High
is not present, he is to handle the threat in
the best interest of the
Blood Nightz and the Clan Tremere. He is
to protect the clan and honor the High Regent accordingly. He has
proven his loyalty to BN and Clan Tremere, and
shall be responsible to answer to the
High Regent for his time of ruling over
the Clan.
All shall abide his decisions without question.
Those that disobey shall be punished as if disobeying
the High Regent
and Regulations
and Blood Nightz Code of Tremere
Knightz Warriors
and Apprentices