Edgar Allen Poe's, The Tell-Tale Heart

The Story of the Tell-Take Heart is about a man who lived with another much older man. The man had gone insane after many years of living with this much older man. The man had never done anything to him, but yet he was very annoyed by him, to the point of insanity, to the point of murder. Over the course of weeks, the man had contemplated a way of a perfect murder. This murder was going to be executed so perfectly that nobody would ever accuse him of killing him, or even better, nobody would even know he wad dead. He liked the old man though, and before never had any thoughts of doing any harm to him. He wasn’t even too sure why he wanted to kill him, his gold was of no appeal, and never insulted or tried to hurt him, the only thing that irritated him was his Eye, he had the eye of a vulture. Over the course of days, the man would practice his technique for sneaking into the old man’s room. Mastering the way of entering in complete silence, one night he came in the room and was ready to kill. Slowly he crept into the room with the lone intention of death, death to the old man. The man killed the old man that night, he put a pillow over his face and smothered him to death. The man then severed the arms, legs, and head of the old man. He then picked up three boards from the floor, and placed the body into the floor, after he replaced the boards on the floor so perfectly that no human eye could ever tell the difference. A few minutes later a few police officers had showed up, and said that a neighbor had heard a yell and there was suspiccion of foul play. The man let the officers in and search the house, and had mentioned the old man was off in the country and that his treasures were safe. But the man began to hear a noise, a noise he realized that was the beating of the old man’s heart. The noise drove him to tell the officers that he killed the old man and told them to remove the floorboards in which he hid the body.

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